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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Yogi Tolord
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Yogi Tolord Thu Jan 16, 2020 12:39 pm

Drills then Events!

here are few events that are problematic:


check it out, bad acting and bad details.
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Alpha Thu Jan 30, 2020 10:50 pm

This is hilarious, audition tape to be a crisis actor skit:


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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Dark Knight Aurora Shooting

Post by Jeb33Bush Mon Feb 24, 2020 4:35 am

Really good doc on Aurora James Holmes shooting:



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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Oliver_Bestfall Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:47 pm

It is refreshing to reflect after just over two years, that whatever happens, David Hogg was able to clearly show a perfectly flat horizon while totally hogging the camera.


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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Oliver_Bestfall Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:07 pm

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 David-10

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by nowhereelsetogo Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:20 pm

It's almost like they set that brown board thing up behind him on purpose. It perfectly lines up.

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Fri May 01, 2020 7:25 am

Canada expected to announce ban on assault-style weapons following a deadly shooting in Nova Scotia
9 of the 22 victims of the Nova Scotia rampage died in fires set by the gunman, investigators say
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Downlo57

16 crime scenes, 12 hours between april 18 (6+6+6= 18) and 19, 22 people supposedly killed, 13 were shot and nine died in house fires, animals also being called, lone gunman who posed as a police officer and drove a replica police cruiser was shot and killed in confrontation.

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 98627e10
waco and oklahoma city bombing also happened on april 19

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Downlo58
"Investigators said the gunman had several semi-automatic handguns and at least two semi-automatic rifles, one of which witnesses described as a military-style assault weapon." Why do all these supposed shooters always have more than 1 rifle? why not buy more ammo instead of more rifles when you're only able to shoot 1 rifle at a time? Because the jews first want to disarm people that own more than 1 rifle or handgun.

"RCMP said it will speak to more than 400 witnesses as it tries to determine the motive." how do they know the exact number of witnesses they WILL speak to?

and here we have a very obvious mannequin...
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 9ac4d610

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 A3847610
Here we have supposed incompetence from the cops failing to alert the public, this shooting could be real except for the mannequin cop, the cop car, uniform, and killing of pets and animals sound like a cop or ex military could have done this

Gabriel Wortman The Nova Scotia Shooter Helps Cancer Survivor?
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by susie Sat Jun 20, 2020 11:22 pm


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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:53 pm

Woman shot multiple times while trying to steal Nazi flag from Oklahoma man’s yard

Everyone knows the difference between gunshots and fireworks, jews always say the gunfire for the fake shootings sounded like something else
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 6e544810
"Nobody wants to look at them as the problem" who is this them? Is this person referring to the loud thieving party goers or "nazis" because everyone brainwashed by the jews wants every problem to be the "nazis"
So he knows the jews control the system so he immediately asks for a lawyer that's part of the jewish problem...

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 22d64e10
"Deputies decided to get a search warrant for his home." So basically if the cops would have done the shooting it would have been okay, apparently people can just trespass and steal your property and you have to just let them do it unless you have a badge, then you can do whatever you want.

"The neighbor also said Feaster had a full black outfit that he would wear in public with a red swastika armband." By god how evil! When the politicians go in the woods and dress up in black hooded robes and worship an owl statue that's not the problem, a guy wearing a black outfit with an armband with a symbol most people have been brainwashed to hate is the real problem! We don't even need a trial just take him out back and shoot him...
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Bec1e510
about 14 guns? so you're not sure or they didn't teach you how to count in police academy. They always say these fake shooters have lots of guns because those are the people they want to disarm first.
"Nobody really knows him,” the neighbor said. “He keeps to himself.”
“It’s never really been a problem. His flags got stolen a couple times when he first put them out but nothing ever came of it. This is the first time it’s ever come to violence,” the neighbor said. “He’s been out mowing neighbors yards and just smiling and waving at everyone.”
This is the stereotypical version of what communist liberals want us to think of when anyone disagrees with jews, they may as well have just written: "he was a lone wolf, he kept to himself and seemed like a normal friendly guy until the bottle broke and he just started blasting"
The cops LOVE arresting people so surely the thief was arrested as well right? Nope, not in fake news fantasy land, where the evil "nazi" is arrested and the thief gets away scot free just like the jews robbing everyone through their usury
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Sat Jul 04, 2020 5:54 pm

Shooting at Alabama mall leaves an 8-year-old dead, 3 others injured

happened at 3:15 = 9 "We even tried to convince him to become a lawyer," Why does this even need to be mentioned? Because lawyers are part of the conspiracy, and so is this fictional 8 year old...
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 C5c7cc11

"It was so surreal. It doesn't even feel real right now." Really means "this is a false flag"
end the article by mentioning another fake shooting that took place at the SAME mall

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 9bb0f410

Royta Giles Jr the 8 year old supposedly killed in the shooting
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 28aa6310

Emantic Bradford, Jr the 21 year old killed at the same mall in a fake shooting in 2018
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 D3405510

Look at how their names both end in Jr. and both their names involve 666, ask yourself what are the chances of this happening?
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by susie Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:51 pm

Death sentence overturned for Boston Marathon bomber
Guess this one unravelled in the appeal.

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by markwilson Sat Aug 29, 2020 9:06 pm

For consideration. How does the arm go from what we see just after the shot, to the recovery seen only a day or two later when the second pic was posted with him standing by his good buddy):

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Elbow11

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Elbow_10

Before bestgore stamped it, the video showing the wound was readily available shortly after the event.

Does anybody else see this as anomalous?

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by markwilson Sat Aug 29, 2020 11:13 pm

Other possible anomalies:

1) Compared to the elbow injury, the head injury appears to be neither the entry, or exit wound of a 7.62 round (when compared to what the same round did to the other guy's elbow). That night of the incident, as I was playing the videos, it seemed to me that the head-wound guy didn't act like a 7.62 round passed through his head, nor did I think his eyes even looked vacant—personal observation, it appeared to me the guy looked like he was still fully at home.

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Screen70

I've seen a higher-resolution picture of the one above. The injury hardly looks fatal at first blush.

Curiously, trying to find stills of the wound before it was covered are hard to come by. The above screen pic taken from https://www.bitchute.com/video/tpHewIaPJlMb/

I'm not saying he didn't have a mortal head wound, but where is the horrific damage similar with what is seen of the elbow injury? It seems safe to say that the little wound on the right side of his head is not the death knell hit of a 7.62 round splattering his head. [edit: it appears the rounds from the Rittenhouse rifle may have been .223 (5.56x45mm), and not the 7.62 round, see https://tinyurl.com/y7r5hh9l]

And if you look at the linked video, the black tee-shirt proves the scratch is the sole point of focus for the first responders; the little scratch on the right side of the head that doesn't even appear to be profusely bleeding!

2) Of the two that died, we have no footage that I'm aware of, showing grievous injuries to either of them. The one walked a few steps and laid down in the street (shot in the chest we're told). Where is a single phone recording of efforts to assess the injuries to the man (for example, see the phones hovering over head-shot guy)? Everybody and his brother now records this stuff. Where is the cell phone footage trained on the fellow shot in the chest as they rendered aid, and looked for injuries before the police got there? It seems there should have been a gaping hole(s) in back/chest, blood everywhere; people peeling clothing back to get at the bloody mess. Has none of that footage survived?

Rather, it seems the story neatly ended with the head-shot victim having his little scratch covered by a tee-shirt, and with no visible evidence whatsoever, at least not revealed thus far, that the other guy suffered a splatter-fest 7.62 injury to the chest.

3) Something else I'd like to point out; the guy at the car lot (black tee-shirt with bold white lettering on the back) who first gets to the head-shot victim—if you follow him closely throughout the footage—looks pretty busy things other than the injured man (i.e. it seems to me he is awfully slow to jump up and take off his shirt. But why, with the little scratch seen on the right side of the man's head, didn't the man use the tee-shirt already wrapped around the guy's head to stop the bleeding? As posited above, it is implausible the only injury seen, is either an entry or exit wound of a 7.62 round when compared to the elbow.

4) Why no video/pics from vigilant people on the scene exposing the horrific hole (entry and, assuming, exit) that was created when entering into the one man's chest? Nobody filmed it? Nobody thought it worthy of showing what the mean "vigilante" did to a "peaceful" protester, the result of a 7.62 round piercing his chest, exiting the back? Strange.

Just thinking out-loud.

Last edited by markwilson on Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:11 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : correct caliber of ammunition)

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:00 am

I haven't looked into this much but from what i've seen this "KYLE RITTENHOUSE" character is running away from "protesters" chasing him threatening to beat him and try to take his gun away, for some reason kyle rittenhouse has a long barreled rifle.

I understand these looting, rioting, "protesters" aren't that smart, but how dumb do you have to be to chase, threaten, and attack an armed man?

This is obviously fake as this KYLE RITTENHOUSE character is somehow being charged with murder  

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Cnn_mo10
it's peaceful protests when stuff is burning in the background, threatening, chasing, and attacking an armed man and playing victim when they get shot.
So fake and so obvious
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Fri Mar 12, 2021 8:05 pm

Sarah Everard doesn't exist

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 C9beab10
gematria calculator
gematria: an alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters. A single word can yield multiple values depending on the cipher used.

She is supposedly a girl that was kidnapped, the problem is, she is supposedly 33, went missing on march 3, and march is the third month of the year. So two 33's, and then run her name in a gematria calculator and you get every number the freemasons and jews use as code to let the people in on the conspiracy know something is fake or a false flag.
Before i even knew who this girl was all i heard was how all men are evil kidnapping rapists from the media with articles like:
Sarah Everard missing: Why a curfew for men isn't a bad idea
To stop women like Sarah Everard going missing, the conversation must start with men
Sarah Everard's Disappearance Proves Why It’s Not On Women To Protect Themselves
Sarah Everard case prompts discussion about sexes’ attitudes to personal safety

In summary, this girl doesn't exist, anyone claiming to be family or friends of this girl is a lying actor, and get a gun so you don't have to live in fear.
Russian Blue Cat
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:21 am

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 328d9c10

What a coincidence that we hear about supposed racism and attacks against asians for the last few weeks and then someone shoots up asian spas
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 38e4ce10

weird how the day of the shootings this hashtag on twitter was made to trend hours before the shooting
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 9c13be10

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Downlo70

must be a Cohen✡cidence Wink
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:12 am

Fake shooting in Boulder Colorado
Youtube will likely take down the video soon


d.tube Fake Shooting in Boulder Colorado

brighteon Fake Shooting in Boulder Colorado
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:09 pm

Biden calls on Congress to pass assault weapons ban after Boulder shooting

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 474bfb10
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:19 am

Colorado Shooters name: Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa = 666 using gematria

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 5c300810

'It was just terror': Survivors recount rampage in the aisles at Boulder, Colorado supermarket
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 C1baaf10
They always have a witness to these fake shootings say the gunshots sounded like something else, go back and look at my posts in this thread and you'll see i always point out how they do this. Gunshots are distinctive, even people who haven't heard a gunshot going off in real life would know the difference between a gunshot and something else loud.
We have video and audio basically all around the store because a journalist that was conveniently there even before the cops showed up and live streamed the false flag, we hear no screaming as alleged witness "Kip Dixon" claims
Another alleged witness claims "We were all running, single file, finding our way through the maze. ... I had my hand on somebody else's back, and somebody had their hand on my back, so nobody was tripping or falling." This contradicts what another witness claims which is a stampede happened to get out of the store
We have video of behind the store and there wasn't any snow to climb over

An actor. A sports fan. An officer responding to the scene. These are the 10 victims of the Boulder, Colorado, shooting
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Downlo71
They claim that 4 of the 10 supposed victims all somehow worked with or knew someone in the media, or entertainment industry, what a Cohencidence
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:26 am

Third fake shooting in less than a month, get guns before you can't.

At least 1 dead after multiple people shot in Bryan, Texas

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 The_go10

Another witness to these fake shootings that claim the gunshots sounded like something else, gunshots are distinctive.

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 80bc9c10

Fake Shooters name = 666 using gematria
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Fri Apr 16, 2021 7:04 pm

Gunman kills 8 at Indianapolis FedEx facility before shooting himself

Article written by jew, "police respond just after 11" more 11 numerology, mentioning other fake shootings and giving BS stats saying "2020 was the deadliest year for US gun violence"
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 23c5ea10

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 F9f5bf10
"Biden wants action from Congress" this supposedly happened just a few hours ago and he already wants more legalese fake laws on guns, almost like all of this is fake and pre planned...
beLIEve: hold (something) as an opinion; think or suppose. Why are the cops giving out opinions? Why are the cops giving out information on active police investigations? Because this shooting isn't real

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 22222211

Jew trying to use other fake shootings to get people to think mass shootings are a REAL problem.
"Six people, including a pregnant woman and her fetus, were killed in late January" notice how it's not a unborn baby, it's a dehumanizing "fetus" was it counted among the dead for that fake shooting, or was it counted as another "abortion"

According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day, so our government allows the killing of babies, but mass shootings are the real problem? More people kill themselves with guns than kill others, where's the outrage and laws to stop suicide? Well actually doctors in california can now kill terminally ill adults that want to commit suicide, they call it "Death With Dignity"
They poison us through animal products, pharmaceuticals, and common street drugs than doctors offer a solution when people get ill: killing them.
But mass shootings are the REAL problem... lol!
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Mon May 10, 2021 8:34 am

Times Square FAKE Shooting

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 1752fb11

Fake shooters name is muhammad, they did the same thing with the "DC sniper" blame it on a dark skinned guy named muhammad.
DC sniper was fake as well, no one died.

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 B5f8b510

Women supposedly shot claims the bullet has to be left in her leg...
"How many kids have to be shot before we take this seriously?" 38,000 people die every year from car accidents, how many kids have to be run over before we take this seriously?
1 trillion animals are killed every year for no real reason, anyone and everyone can see and prove this, can you and I prove these shootings are real?
No such thing as "illegal guns" are the guns the police use to intimidate, threaten, and kill "illegal" people with guns determining that other people can't have guns is nothing but a power grab
These are three different parts of the article i cut and pasted together to save room just so you know

Colorado birthday party Fake shooting

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 8619bc10

Gunshots don't sound like a thunderstorm, the jews do this almost every time, have a supposed witness claim the shooting sounded like something else, look at my previous posts in this thread and you'll see the pattern.
Mentioning other fake shootings when a new fake shooting happens is something the jews do all the time, see my earlier posts in this thread.
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by nowhereelsetogo Mon May 10, 2021 5:39 pm

Is it possible that they're always saying it sounded like something else to try and make people a bit scared of any loud noises outside in case it could be gunfire?

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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Tue May 11, 2021 12:25 am

nowhereelsetogo wrote:Is it possible that they're always saying it sounded like something else to try and make people a bit scared of any loud noises outside in case it could be gunfire?

That could be one reason, i think the main reason they say the shootings sounded like something else as a way of mocking the goyim by putting out ridiculous stories that we have to automatically beLIEve or else be ridiculed by hive minded people. Similar to the holocaust with the ridiculous claims jews make like human skin being used to make lampshades, human hair being collected and used for pillow and mattress stuffing.
They want people fearful and depressed so people are easier to control and manipulate
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Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 Empty Re: Fake Shootings and Other False Flags

Post by Russian Blue Cat Wed Sep 22, 2021 3:38 am

Gas station clerk in Germany killed by man who felt ‘cornered’ by mask rules

4+9= 13 notice how their trying to equate anyone against vaccine mandates with this fake shooting...

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 97ec4911

hour and a half later = 1 hour 30 mins = 13 (zero omitted)
Why would this guy leave for over an hour and come back just to shoot some random gas station clerk? The guy could ask someone willing to wear a mask to go into the store and buy whatever he needs. It doesn't make sense because this a completely fake shooting, fake story, and no one was killed.
Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 40b0af10

Trying to equate this fake shooting with everyone against totalitarian mandates to demonize people wanting freedom, take guns away, and restrict freedom of speech even more.

Fake Shootings and Other False Flags - Page 15 98a3f410

The shooting happened on September 18. 6+6+6 = 18
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