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War in Ukraine

James Shaw
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War in Ukraine Empty War in Ukraine

Post by Sienokupeta Wed Mar 02, 2022 1:57 am

What the f is going on??


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Shmack_1 Wed Mar 02, 2022 5:13 am

Sienokupeta wrote:What the f is going on??

A scripted soap opera by the people farmers to suck the people into world war 3 with Russia/China/nth Korea against the "Allies" resulting in a massive shit fight with the outcome a one world government so this can never happen again...
Just my speculation..


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Slowbutsure Wed Mar 02, 2022 2:18 pm

Can i ask what in the video? I cant view it from my country it say.


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Wertikal2 Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:59 am

Use a vpn and connect to an American vpn and you will be able to see it.
It is Putin who answers some questions asked by a sky news reporter.

I downloaded it for you, but there is no subtitles in the downloaded video.

link to above video


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Russian Blue Cat Thu Mar 03, 2022 10:08 am

Wars allow for increased taxation (legalized theft) increased military spending, increased military personnel and possibly forced conscription into the military. They allow for a "us vs them" mentality.
They allow censorship under the guise of "enemy disinformation/propaganda"

War in Ukraine 523d3311

Now that everyone has been brainwashed into thinking invisible danger in the air exists, and only the government can detect it, it allows for brainwashed normies that are in the military to turn on their own countrymen under the guise of health and safety. "Rights need to be taken away to stop the invisible cooties danger and especially if you're not 'quarantining' against cooties or you're promoting dangerous disinfo about cooties" is what the brainwashed are forced into thinking.
The military already was kicking people out for not masking and "vaccinating" furthermore when you're in the military your income and housing is coming directly from government, so if you don't obey and do what big daddy government says you'll be kicked out and homeless.

War in Ukraine 50539610

War in Ukraine 0a59db10

((((((Volodymyr Zelenskyy)))))) is a jewish actor, and Putin is a communist dictator (communism = judaism)

War is rich old men sending poor young brainwashed people that think violence is cool/necessary because of tv, movies, videogames, etc to kill other poor young brainwashed people holding a different colored flag.
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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Slowbutsure Thu Mar 03, 2022 12:36 pm

Wertikal2 wrote:Use a vpn and connect to an American vpn and you will be able to see it.
It is Putin who answers some questions asked by a sky news reporter.

I downloaded it for you, but there is no subtitles in the downloaded video.

link to above video

Tack. So in sweden we are not even allowed to listen to putin speaking..... but our government is making sure we get involved. Great. Cool.


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Sienokupeta Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:28 am


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by travma Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:52 am

War in Ukraine 2015-012
Ukrainian diplomat Volodymyr Yelchenko


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by James Shaw Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:08 pm

Yet another silly distraction for the masses to involve themselves in. They WANT the people at odds with each other bickering and fighting over absolute bullshit. On one side, you have the people who have fallen for the propaganda from MSM and are perpetuating Ukraine as the victims of the big bad Russians. Then, on the other side, you have the so called `woke truthers` who believe they know it all and that a Putin is now some sort of saviour of humanity because he is "going against the narrative". Of course in reality, there is no one coming to save us and I suspect everything that is happening right now is all by design. As far as Im concerned this is just another ploy to keep peoples focus away from the real truth about from the fundamental question of where we are, who we are and what life is all about.

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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Sienokupeta Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:16 am


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Flatbomb Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:35 am


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Agenda2030 Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:46 am

Russia was given parts of Ukraine by the central bank of the central banks, IBS for collaborating on covid.

The west imposed self inflicting sanctions to ramp up fuel cost as a way to usher in the green agenda.

The ruble is at its highest during the last 10 years, a sanctioned economy dont behave like that, if they wanted to tumble the russian economy, it would be done at central bank level and you would have a venezuela situation.

Just as the scamdemic narrative crumbled, before those guilty of crimes against humanity were to be hanged by lamp-posts, suddenly war and economic difficulty for all the people in the west, the supposed "sanctioners"... now instead of revenge, you are struggling to keep your head afloat and feeding your family.

Putin was a young global leader of the world economic forum, putin attends world economic forum every year, along western puppets. Moscow 2030 is the exact copy of UN agenda 2030, everything is digitalized and QR coded with digital fiat system and the death of cash.

Dont fall into the narrative of Russia being the savor, Russia promotes space exploration, UFO's, life in space and moon landings, this is done from the top.

If people have watched game of thrones? the iron bank? yea, thats IBS = international bank of settlements = the central bank of the central banks... all the noise in between is just distractions...

this post dont claim that all governments work together against us, as each country have its own interest and looters, however, they all adhere to the same god, which is IBS, they can never go against this god, if they dont play game, they will vanish somehow.

Russian war was always in the plans, thats why these puppets did what they did with impunity.

I dont know whats in the plans forward as I just decipher what happens, after it happens, but i think its gonna be tough time, UN Agenda 2030 is a good roadmap, Moscow 2030, Amsterdam 2030 etc...

My plan is to get some land where I can grow my own food, close to a coast so I can escape by boat in case things turn sour.

Good luck soldiers!


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Xander Sat Jun 18, 2022 8:12 pm

I agree. I see so many people supporting Putin on our side not realising he is one of the cabal too completely in on the great reset. The factual narrative does favour Putin, but to think he is doing this for the good of the people of the Donbas is laughable. He took Crimea not because they wanted to rejoin Russia, but because it is an extremely important strategic region to have control of militarily. It's the same for the Donbas. He doesn't give a crap about the people, but he knows Russia can get access to vital resources by pretending to care and peeling those regions off the Ukraine. Even Kissinger, the Rothschild's gopher is good friends with Putin.


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War in Ukraine Empty Ukraine Truth

Post by susie Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:58 am

My Client, Henry Bryant Lanier Sr. has made a video concerning our project between the tri countries of Ukraine, USA and Russia  and our Import/export business.  I am the Director of Purchasing for Lanier Capital. and the USVetBank.us.  We have solid evidence against both the usa and ukraine for crimes, theft and slavery.  we are going to start exposing them by taking legal documents to every state of the union, as well as every country of the world, and prosecuting.  My client is an esquire as well as a doctor in 2 different fields.  He is the narrator:

Ukraine:Best Place For Family Economic Development Program from BMB&E TRI-NATIONAL TRUST on Vimeo.

He is also the beneficiary of the Lanier family trust which he liquidated to fund the USVETBANK.US as well as the import/export business.  the VetBank is a private fully funded financial institution offering all forms of currencies.  We offer a coin minting service.  I am having my family crest put on gold coins.  He is also the map expert that proves we dont live on a ball and has mapped out the moon as a mirror of earth.  He has plans on crossing the wall as well.  If you are interested in that let me know since he has the portfolio to do it.
Our mission is the end of poverty, debt, and usury.
AND REPLACE 5 D WORLDWIDE WITH THE NEW 1.2TERRABYTE!! He has done the research and he KNOWS 5 D will kill. This project is to SAVE THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD!!! cheers

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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by charliebrownau Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:40 am

Its White Russians
White Ukraine

Putin is Jewish
Top 4 people in Ukraine is Jewish

Politicians never fight on the Battleground
Bankers never fight on the battleground
Internationalists never fight on the Battleground

Mass Murder of ethnic nationalists
Money for war/military
Wealth redistribution
Supply chain problems
displacing tax cattle

War always destroys
Small business
grid system

It NEVER effects
Goverment buildings

Also its giving money to 'arm' citizens of another nation
while its 'illegal' for the people of this nation to defend itself

Ready to reject Internationalism, Equality and statism ?

Then it has to get worse


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by charliebrownau Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:41 am

I expect one of the goals of the 'war' is to mass murder whites in Ukraine
re distribute the euro Asian mutts
transfer blacks and Arabs to white nations as 'refuges'
and turn Ukraine into the next Israel

Part of
Great Reset
Belt Road
Russian Eurasian empire
Agenda 21


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by wtf1850s Sat Nov 12, 2022 7:25 pm

Ukraine is a proxy war, and it's fake as fuck. It's all green screen. Americans, along with the rest of Earth, are being robbed blind by the Phoenician parasites, but they are too fat and lazy to do anything about it. Every single fool who accepted the kill-shot is a Walking Dead extra; they conditioned those who were fans. Good riddance! You took a gamble and lost your life. To be honest, I'm sick of the stupidity and the loudness. I will enjoy the quiet contemplation of better days once the culling is complete. Then the living can cull those responsible and go exploring. Prove me wrong.

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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by charliebrownau Sat Nov 12, 2022 8:40 pm

The International Plandemic was a shit test
Most failed

Some of us discovered that
- Virus's dont exist
- Flu is the body cycle ejecting crap
- All Jabs , Pills and Potions are poison
- International Mainstream is narrative brainwashing


At this point assume everyone is
Unable to think logically


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by susie Fri Feb 03, 2023 9:07 pm


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War in Ukraine Empty Re: War in Ukraine

Post by Sponsored content

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