IFERS - Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy From Atlantis to Zion :: Reference Materials, eBooks, Articles, Videos, Maps
Flatlantis is an exploration into the history of Flat Earth, the mythology of Atlantis, and the mystery of Mount Meru, the alleged magnetic mountain ancient cultures worldwide believed existed at the North Pole. Beginning with a complete history of the geocentric flat Earth cosmology and subsequent gradual adoption of the heliocentric globe Earth model, Flatlantis then delves into ancient polar mythologies, early polar history/cartography, modern polar expeditions, and the myriad problems with claims made by Cook, Peary, Byrd, Scott, Amundsen, and other explorers. Finally, in a metaphysical twist, the book ends with research into Freemasonry, Christian esotericism, the Atlantean legend, Kundalini Yoga, ancient advanced civilizations and how they are all intimately connected to the North Pole.
As with all of my books, Flatlantis will eventually in the coming months be released free as a series of articles and videos available for everyone. If you're able to support me however, please help out by purchasing a copy or two for yourself and family/friends. Thank you!
EthericData2, notdownunder and Hauchfer like this post
Re: Flatlantis
I especially liked the artwork. I will be revisiting Flatlantis many times, and for anybody reading this post who is on the fence about buying this book, it's well worth the investment. I look forward to watching the videos and following the discussions around this topic moving forward. Thank you!
Something I would like to share:
Under international law, the North Pole and the region of the Arctic Ocean surrounding it, are not owned by any country. The five surrounding Arctic countries are limited to a territorial sea of 12 nautical miles (22 km; 14 mi) and an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles (370 km; 230 mi) adjacent to their coasts measured from declared baselines filed with the UN. The waters beyond the territorial seas 12 nautical miles (22 km; 14 mi) of the coastal states are considered the "high seas" (i.e. international waters). The waters and sea bottom that is not confirmed to be extended continental shelf beyond the exclusive economic zones are considered to be the "heritage of all mankind." Fisheries in these waters can only be limited by international treaty and exploration and exploitation of mineral resources on and below the seabed in these areas is administered by the UN International Seabed Authority.
When a person looks at the map and the scale that is provided in the wiki, supposing the scale is somewhat accurate, there are still over 200 nautical miles between the edge of the closest territorial claims and the supposed "geographic" North Pole. This means that even though there isn't any land depicted on modern maps, according to the "laws of the sea", it is possible for intergovernmental organizations to restrict and hide land in the "high seas".
Learning about these laws makes the idea of other "phantom islands" not seen on maps very intriguing and plausible.
My question is, would you ever consider taking an expedition to the North Pole?
I have my theories as to what's there, and I would, even if it was a one-way ticket, but I wanted to get your take on it.
Last edited by EthericData2 on Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Flatlantis
EthericData2, notdownunder, Ifersgold and 17.23 like this post
Re: Flatlantis
Nowadays and for the past five centuries, since the introduction of the heliocentric globe deception, all world maps and explorers have depicted and described the North Pole and surrounding region as being nothing but an arbitrary point in a semi-frozen tundra. Previous to this however, depictions and descriptions of the North Pole and surrounding regions in world maps and ancient explorers' accounts were very different. Firstly, before the 16th century, the North Pole was never once shown or thought to be just some random, ambiguous point amidst a low salinity Arctic Ocean as it is now. Instead, the North Pole was universally described and depicted, from diverse cultures all across the Earth, as being a gigantic magnetic mountain situated directly below Polaris. The prevailing belief was that compass needles the world over were actually pointing to a huge "loadstone mountain" made of magnetite at the Pole.
The following video/article "Ancient Polar Mythologies" is taken from my new book Flatlantis available here:
Alpha likes this post
Re: Flatlantis
The ancient world's mythologies regarding a magnetic mountain, four directional rivers, and other more fantastical features at the North Pole are shockingly consistent, but what did the earliest known explorers, historians and cartographers have to say about the subject?
The following presentation "Early Polar Maps and Exploration" was taken from a chapter in my new book "Flatlantis" available now from Lulu and Amazon:
EthericData2, Zzzap, notdownunder and 17.23 like this post
Re: Flatlantis
At the turn of the 17th century, shortly after Queen Elizabeth's advisor John Dee was corresponding with Gerardus Mercator regarding the Polar magnetic mountain, Queen Elizabeth's personal physician and knighted President of the College of Physicians, "Sir" William Gilbert, wrote his Opus "De Magnete," in which he argued against the prevailing belief of a polar magnetic mountain, claiming instead the Earth itself to be a great magnet. Coming in the wake of the Copernican revolution, Gilbert's new model in stark contrast to the long-held, now deemed "unscientific" notion that compass needles were attracted to a loadstone mountain at the Pole, proposed that the Copernican ball-Earth actually generated magnetism from a hypothetical molten metal core, which caused a constantly moving di-polar magnetic field over the globe.
To this day Gilbert's hypothesis remains pure speculation since no one in history has ever come close to penetrating or perceiving the supposed 3950 miles to the ball-Earth's core. In reality the deepest drilling operation in history, the Russian Kola Ultradeep, after decades of work and dozens of broken drills managed to penetrate only 8 miles down, so the entire ball-Earth model taught in schools showing detailed descriptions of a crust, outer-mantle, inner-mantle, outer-core and inner-core layers are all purely speculative as we have never even broken through beyond the crust. Furthermore, there is nowhere in nature that molten metal retains any significant magnetic properties once heated past the "Curie Point," let alone create some convoluted constantly moving di-polar field as Gilbert claimed then and proponents of the globe still maintain today.
Several decades after Gilbert's De Magnete made its impression on the world, another knighted president of the Royal Society, "Sir" Isaac Newton, would write the influential "Principia Mathematica," where he propsed the concept of "gravity" to account (among other things) for how people could exist without falling off the under-side of Copernicus' ball-Earth. Coincidentally (or perhaps conspiratorially) a couple centuries later, it would be yet another royally knighted man, "Sir" Ernest Shackleton of the Royal Navy, who would allegedly complete that upside-down journey under the globe becoming the first person to reach the so-called "Southern Magnetic Pole."
Back when the Earth was perceived as a level plane, there was only one Pole, the North Pole, directly below Polaris, which was both geographically and magnetically the centerpoint of Earth. Due to the hypothetical globe's hypothetical di-polar magnetic core, however, there suddenly became new frontiers to discover. Not only did Earth have a geographic North Pole in the Arctic, but now its geographic antipode, the South Pole, in the Antarctic. Since Gilbert's magnetic poles were caused by perpetually shifting molten metal, there now also came into existence, constantly moving Northern and Southern Magnetic Poles as well. And lastly, Earth's magnetic field was claimed asymmetrical, so that the constantly moving North/South magnetic poles were not even antipodal, meaning a straight line drawn from one to the other failed to pass through the geometric center of their globe. To account for this, two more theoretical poles known as the Geomagnetic North and Geomagnetic South Poles were also added into the convoluted mix.
With this, after centuries of failed expeditions to the Pole, the first decade of the 20th century would suddenly claim the discoveries of the Northern Magnetic Pole, the Southern Magnetic Pole, and shortly thereafter, both the Geographic and Geomagnetic North/South poles as well. This turn of the century rush to the Poles was not without its problems, however, and many explorer's supposed polar achievements during this era are now regarded even by mainstream historians as being riddled with fraud and falsehoods.
The following presentation "Modern Polar Discovery Frauds" was taken from a chapter in my new book "Flatlantis" available now from Lulu and Amazon:
EthericData2, Russian Blue Cat, notdownunder, Hauchfer and MarytheBerry like this post
Re: Flatlantis
Admin wrote:
Back when the Earth was perceived as a level plane, there was only one Pole, the North Pole, directly below Polaris, which was both geographically and magnetically the centerpoint of Earth. Due to the hypothetical globe's hypothetical di-polar magnetic core, however, there suddenly became new frontiers to discover. Not only did Earth have a geographic North Pole in the Arctic, but now its geographic antipode, the South Pole, in the Antarctic. Since Gilbert's magnetic poles were caused by perpetually shifting molten metal, there now also came into existence, constantly moving Northern and Southern Magnetic Poles as well. And lastly, Earth's magnetic field was claimed asymmetrical, so that the constantly moving North/South magnetic poles were not even antipodal, meaning a straight line drawn from one to the other failed to pass through the geometric center of their globe. To account for this, two more theoretical poles known as the Geomagnetic North and Geomagnetic South Poles were also added into the convoluted mix.
As a Flat Earther and also as someone who has MUCH experience orienteering (pre-GPS), what’s with the maps that provide the deviation between with which magnetic and “true” North differ? I understand you could but any ol’ arbitrary 3rd-party reference point on a map and call it “magnetic”, “true”, or “Bozo the Clown” and it would still work out. In other words I guess I’m asking- all this time my compas WAS actually pointing towards True North (or whatever counts for it)??
MarytheBerry- Posts : 10
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Re: Flatlantis
For observers standing at the Pole, the heavens would appear to have been created just for them. Their unique perspective places Polaris, the only motionless star in the sky, perfectly situated directly above them, with all the other visible stars rotating horizontal left to right paths 360 degrees around, all at an apparently equal distance away. The Sun and Moon also rotate horizontally around the polar observer, with the Sun rising and setting only once per year, creating 6 month days and 6 month nights!
For polar observers the Sun rises in the South, not the East, and circles horizontally around rising ever so slightly in the sky, about a quarter degree per day. This creates an extended morning twilight with its brilliant colors which instead of lasting for the usual 45 minutes, lasts around 45 days! Every year at the spring equinox, after a long winter night, dawn begins to break and the first traces of the Sun creep above the horizon. By summer solstice the Sun reaches its highest point in the polar sky, around 23.5 degrees, and begins its slow, almost imperceptible descent. At the autumnal equinox, the last traces of the Sun disappear beyond the horizon, and an extended evening twilight persists for a month and half, after which the polar observer will not see sunlight again until spring. Thanks to abundant starlight, regular aurora borealis activity, and two weeks of moonlight per month, the long polar nights are not pitch black, but actually quite well lit and beautiful.
In all, a year at the Pole sees approximately six months of continuous daylight, followed by a month and a half of evening twilight, then three months of relative darkness, ending in a month and half long spring dawn. The exact number of days for each portion of the polar year is disputed among various authorities, however, which raises the question again as to whether or not modern man truly has attained the Pole. If we have research bases and encampments built all over at and around the North Pole as claimed, why is there not a single video online or anywhere else showing a year-long continuous time-lapse of this world wonder!? To see Polaris unmoving directly 90 degrees overhead while all the other stars rotate horizontally around uninterrupted by sunlight for months at a time, then to watch the first rays of the longest, most beautiful dawn lighting the horizon and revolving 360 degrees around without setting for many more months, would be an absolute spectacle to behold, worthy of an Imax documentary, and a true wonder of the world, but somehow no such video exists.
The following presentation "Polar Astronomy and Anthropology" was taken from a chapter in my new book "Flatlantis" available now from Lulu and Amazon:
FELP, EthericData2, notdownunder and Ifersgold like this post
Re: Flatlantis
Every day in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, thousands of Muslims gather and walk westward circles around a tall black stone cube called the Kaaba. This Kaaba stone lies at the very center of Islam's most important Mosque, the Great Mosque of Mecca, and is the most sacred site in Islam, said to be the "Bayt Allah" (House of God), where all Muslims must turn to face before daily prayers. The most common epithet often used for Kaaba translates to "the center of the Earth," and in the 9th century, Islamic scholar al-Kisa'i argued that the true Kaaba was actually located directly beneath the North Pole Star. This would mean the true Kaaba is actually Mount Meru, and not the large black stone worshiped in Saudi Arabia. This would mean that every day thousands of Muslims walk westward circles around Kaaba, just like every night thousands of stars rotate westward circles around Mount Meru. This would mean that just like the ancient Chinese and Greeks would face north before commencing prayer, that Muslims too are meant to be facing the North Pole, rather than Saudi Arabia. Many legends of Mount Meru claim it to be a mountain composed of black magnetite stone (Mercator's "Rupes Nigra") surrounded by four directional rivers and islands, and this is again echoed symbolically by the black stone (4-sided) cube at Mecca. Why does this black cube in Mecca so perfectly mirror the ancient myths of Mount Meru? Could this manmade construction in Saudi Arabia be usurping the placement of the true "House of God" at the North Pole?
The following presentation "The Axis Mundi Navel of Earth" is taken from a chapter in my new book Flatlantis available now from Lulu and Amazon:
Bro, EthericData2, Russian Blue Cat and notdownunder like this post
Re: Flatlantis
Arguably the oldest polar mythology is that of Atlas, the King of Atlantis, who held the entire world upon his shoulders. Atlas had seven daughters, the Hesperides, who spent their days dancing around the Tree of Life. Also coiled around the tree, and guarding its golden apples of immortality lived the serpent, Ladon. The kingdom of Atlantis was shaped as concentric circles of land separated by concentric circles of water with the "Temple of Poseidon," residing in the very center, where sacred bulls roamed around freely, and sacrificial bulls blood was poured over the exterior of the temple.
The actual medical term for the topmost 33rd vertebrae of the spine which holds up the human skull is the "Atlas." So when it is said that Atlas metaphorically holds the world upon his shoulders, it is literally your head/mind which he holds up. Likewise, the "Temple of Posideon" exists between your "temples," on the sides of your head, and your skull, when viewed from above, perfectly resembles Atlantis or a "bulls-eye." Why would the center of a target be called a “bull’s-eye” anyway? The bulls-eye at the center is your third-eye, the pineal gland located at the geometric center-point of the human brain, and which "roams around freely" in a chamber of cerebro-spinal fluid. This is surrounded by the cerebral cortex, which itself is covered by a layer of constantly flowing/pumping (sacrificial bull's) blood, and enclosed by the skull cap: Three concentric circles of solid separated by two concentric circles of liquid.
The microcosmic Tree of Life is our cerebro-spinal system with its multitudinous branching nerve ganglia. The seven Hesperides who dance around and guard the Tree of Life are the seven Chakras, seven energy centers along the spinal column where key organs exist, namely, the cerebrum, the pineal gland, the throat, the heart, the navel, the sacrum, and the perineum. Lastly, the serpent Ladon coiled around the Tree of Life is the transformative Kundalini serpent energy which lies coiled at the base of the spine, trapped by our fused lower vertebrae.
The following presentation "The Atlantean Polar Pillar" is taken from a chapter in my new book Flatlantis available now from Lulu and Amazon:
Bro and EthericData2 like this post
Re: Flatlantis
What exactly is this Kundalini serpent energy that rises up our 33 vertebrae Tree of Life, and what are these supposed 7 Chakra wheels of light? What is all this symbology actually pointing towards?
When babies are born their entire spinal column is loose, flexible, and composed of independently operating vertebrae. By adolescense, however, the first 5 vertebrae begin fusing into a single unit known as the coccyx, and by early adulthood the next 4 vertebrae fully fuse into another single unit known as the sacrum. No longer able to move about freely and independently, various processes of the cerebro-spinal system become constricted and de-regulated such as the relaxation response, hormone production, and the flow of spinal fluid.
Ancient yogis also taught that the root of individuated consciousness, the divine essense within man, originates at our first chakra point, the perinium, nestled and stuck by the many fused vertebrae. This "kundalini" energy desires to travel upwards along the spine illuminating the seven chakra centers and resulting in a fully realized, individuated, enlightened being. Since the awakening of kundalini requires extensive initiation, including meditation, breathing practices, advanced stretching, a plant-based diet, chastity and other austerities, the majority of humanity remains unaware of this powerful, transformative energy to their own physical and spiritual detriment.
Kundalini energy desires to climb our trees of life but finds itself trapped by our fused lower vertebrae, so esotericists have long symbolized this with a serpent coiled around an egg 3 1/2 times. In order to uncoil the serpent from its nest-egg and allow kundalini to rise up the tree of life, the initiate must sincerely dedicate themselves to a variety of holistic healthful practices and self-discovery through ascestism and introspection which will begin the process of ascension.
As kundalini ascends, one by one, the seven main energy centers of the body become illuminated, meaning the physiological and psycho-spiritual processes associated with each chakra become optimized. These seven energy centers, all of which are located along the cerebro-spinal column, correspond directly to a major nerve ganglia, endocrine gland, or internal organ and have actually been measured electromagnetically to produce ten-fold stronger biofields than non-chakra points. They each have physiological manifestations related to their location in the physical body, but also extend into the energy body affecting us emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually as well.
The following presentation "Awakening Kundalini and the Chakras" is taken from a chapter in my new book Flatlantis available now from Lulu and Amazon:
Bro and EthericData2 like this post
Re: Flatlantis
In Christian esotericism there are the concepts of 7 levels of heaven, 7 levels of hell, 7 deadly sins and 7 heavenly virtues which directly correspond with the 7 yoga chakras. For kundalini to rise the yogi cleanses and opens his chakras through a process of not only physiological, but also psychological self-development composed of 7 steps, each belonging to a physical location in the body. For example, the first root chakra related to security and survival when closed corresponds to the deadly sin of greed but when opened corresponds to the heavenly virtue of generosity. The second sacral chakra related to sexuality and relationships when closed corresponds to the deadly sin of lust, but when opened corresponds to the heavenly virtue of chastity. Thus a selfless person who sincerely and diligently develops all 7 virtues helps open themselves up to kundalini awakening and is allowed access to the 7 heavens, whereas a selfish person who completely and unremorsefully indulges in all 7 vices conversely closes themselves off from kundalini and finds themselves in hell.
The concept of 7 heavens and 7 hells is nearly ubiquitous in the world's religions. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism all reference this idea, and color it with connotations of the afterlife. In the microcosm we create our own personal heavens and hells based on our development of virtues or indulgence in vices. In the macrocosm these life choices and character traits are then corresponded with afterlife worlds, 7 ascending levels of heaven or 7 descending levels of hell depending on each individual's karma. For example in the ancient Mesopotamian religion, Earth was presented as a flat disk covered by 7 domes, each one containing different celestial bodies. These corresponded to the macroscopic 7 heavens, whereas the 7 chakras within the individual corresponded to the microscopic 7 heavens.
These also mesh and correspond quite well with Maslow's hierarchy of needs which place upon a series of steps the various physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual necessities for a fully-developed fully-realized human-being. Just like the yoga chakra system and the esoteric Christian system, Maslow's hierarchy begins with base physiological needs like food and water at the bottom, then safety needs like being secure from danger. Near the heart chakra we find belonging needs like being loved and accepted, along with esteem needs like being recognized and respected. As we reach the higher chakras, we find cognitive needs like knowledge and exploration, as well as aesthetic needs like order and beauty. Then, once all the lower physical, emotional, and psychological needs have been met, finally the crown chakra of self-actualization, the spiritual work of finding self-fulfillment and realizing one's true potential can begin.
Just as the rising kundalini relates to the 7 virtues and 7 heavens, gnostic mystics like Samael Aun Weor and George Gurdjieff wrote of the "kundabuffer," and its relation to the 7 vices and 7 hells. Weor posited that just as virtuous practice causes the ascending serpent of kundalini to travel upwards from the apex of the sacrum, the negative indulgence in vices contrarily causes the descending kundabuffer serpent to travel downwards into the coccyx, the "tail of Satan." In his book "The Elimination of Satan's Tail" and many others, he details the parallels between Christianity and Yoga and describes the karmic self-development necessary to become a fully-realized and enlightened human-being.
The following presentation "Enlightenment Revelations" is taken from a chapter in my new book Flatlantis available now from Lulu and Amazon:
Lightning_Peasant and EthericData2 like this post
Re: Flatlantis
302294-ai- Posts : 13
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Re: Flatlantis
Flatlantis is an exploration into the history of Flat Earth, the mythology of Atlantis, and the mystery of Mount Meru, the alleged magnetic mountain ancient cultures worldwide believed existed at the North Pole. Beginning with a complete history of the geocentric flat Earth cosmology and subsequent gradual adoption of the heliocentric globe Earth model, Flatlantis then delves into ancient polar mythologies, early polar history/cartography, modern polar expeditions, and the myriad problems with claims made by Cook, Peary, Byrd, Scott, Amundsen, and other explorers. Finally, in a metaphysical twist, the book ends with research into Freemasonry, Christian esotericism, the Atlantean legend, Kundalini Yoga, ancient advanced civilizations and how they are all intimately connected to the North Pole.
If you can, please help support my work by purchasing and giving out copies of Flatlantis and my other books to anyone you know who is willing to read them. All 7 of my books are available direct from the publisher Lulu here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay
EthericData2, Russian Blue Cat, notdownunder, Carl, tycho_brahe and Agenda2030 like this post
Re: Flatlantis
Last edited by Admin on Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:24 am; edited 1 time in total
notdownunder likes this post
Re: Flatlantis
The Noah flood myth from the Bible was also attributed to Zisudra and Atrahasis in Sumerian / Mesopotamian culture. In Aztec mythology only Coxcoxtli and his wife Xochiquetzal were forewarned of the flood by God and survived by building a huge boat. They wandered for 104 years before landing in “Antlan.” The Mechoacanesecs of Central America say Tezpi built a large boat, loaded it with animals, grains, seeds, and escaped the flood with his wife and children. The Maya say “the great mother and great father” survived and repopulated the world after the flood. The Chickasaw native Americans say only one family and two animals of every kind were saved from the flood. The same basic story is found in almost 600 cultures around the world, but the claims are quite difficult to swallow. Is the flood just a story, a myth with metaphorical meaning, or a literal account of worldwide flooding?
The following presentation "Lost Legends of Atlantis" was taken from a chapter in my book "The Atlantean Conspiracy" available here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay
EthericData2 and notdownunder like this post
Re: Flatlantis
Flatlantis is an exploration into the history of Flat Earth, the mythology of Atlantis, and the mystery of Mount Meru, the alleged magnetic mountain ancient cultures worldwide believed existed at the North Pole. Beginning with a complete history of the geocentric flat Earth cosmology and subsequent gradual adoption of the heliocentric globe Earth model, Flatlantis then delves into ancient polar mythologies, early polar history/cartography, modern polar expeditions, and the myriad problems with claims made by Cook, Peary, Byrd, Scott, Amundsen, and other explorers. Finally, in a metaphysical twist, the book ends with research into Freemasonry, Christian esotericism, the Atlantean legend, Kundalini Yoga, ancient advanced civilizations and how they are all intimately connected to the North Pole.
Chapter 1: The History of Flat Earth (0:00:05)
Chapter 2: Ancient Polar Mythologies (1:36:35)
Chapter 3: Early Polar Maps and Exploration (2:04:07)
Chapter 4: Modern Polar Discovery Frauds (2:34:18)
Chapter 5: Polar Astronomy and Anthropology (3:18:24)
Chapter 6: The Axis Mundi Navel of Earth (3:43:14)
Chapter 7: The Atlantean Polar Pillar (4:12:18)
Chapter 8: Awakening Kundalini and the Chakras (4:47:28)
Chapter 9: Enlightenment Revelations (5:10:06)
If you can, please help support my work by purchasing and giving out copies of Flatlantis and my other books to anyone you know who is willing to read them. All 8 of my books are available direct from the publisher Lulu here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay
EthericData2 and notdownunder like this post
IFERS - Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy From Atlantis to Zion :: Reference Materials, eBooks, Articles, Videos, Maps