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Nathan Thompson Exposed

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Nathan Thompson Exposed Empty Nathan Thompson Exposed

Post by Admin Sat Feb 29, 2020 3:21 am

Nathan Thompson is part of the FEIC/Behind the Curve/Hot Potato controlled opposition crew, promotes top shill Mark Sargent, has been caught/recorded harassing many people in the FE community (especially women) and now children:

He is constantly doing Masonic signs, wearing their symbolism, and wearing his stupid globe helmet at Flat Earth functions (see at 8:45 here)

He starred in the flat Earth hit-piece mockumentary "Behind the Curve" knowingly produced by 3 globers, and then banned me from his facebook group for posting my thoughts on it:  https://ifers.123.st/t298-behind-the-curve-controlled-opposition-documentary  

He has also used the FE community to spread his "legal shield" multi-level marketing scheme he's part of:

If anyone else has had personal experience or can share some links/articles I've missed, please let us know below what you think of Nathan Thompson.

Last edited by Admin on Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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Nathan Thompson Exposed Empty Re: Nathan Thompson Exposed

Post by Ant Sat Feb 29, 2020 8:33 am

Yup I subbed to him in YouTube
I am new to FE
After that kid vid he did I was out
Do not wish to see that content


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Nathan Thompson Exposed Empty Re: Nathan Thompson Exposed

Post by nowhereelsetogo Sat Feb 29, 2020 6:48 pm

Thanks Eric. I watched about 2 minutes of that and was mostly struck by his insulting, condescending and aggressive presentation... I couldn't watch any more but all day I've felt I should watch the rest to refute in my own mind what the idiot is ranting about, but now I don't have to.

I always try to get all sides of whatever I'm studying at the time but people like that are painfully obviously paid to do it they're not worth even considering.

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Nathan Thompson Exposed Empty Re: Nathan Thompson Exposed

Post by Admin Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:58 am

The first link won't open for me, but apparently Mr. Thompson has just been arrested for child harassment for his little stunt with the kids:  




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Nathan Thompson Exposed Empty Re: Nathan Thompson Exposed

Post by Guest Tue Mar 03, 2020 5:36 am

These are some vicious and dirty shill maneuvers. Using the familiar 'guilt by association' tactic to make flat earthers look bad. Subsequently to be combined with the 'honor by association fallacy' for the one, two punch. Like having some retired astronaut save someone or something. Pfff...

Nathan Thompson Exposed 70870396_1392251274274454_7650225872535814144_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_sid=1480c5&_nc_ohc=hcuIKmkSvp0AX9IFUVm&_nc_ht=scontent.fbkk12-1

Well I hope at least it turns more people off from selling their souls and taking these flat earth shill rat jobs.


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Nathan Thompson Exposed Empty Re: Nathan Thompson Exposed

Post by Alpha Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:29 am

His aggressive antics at one of the conferences shows his true nature. Del took him apart on one of his live streams not too long ago. He has too much ego and thinks him and his associates should be the focus over the truth.


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Nathan Thompson Exposed Empty Re: Nathan Thompson Exposed

Post by Hauchfer Sun Aug 16, 2020 8:26 pm

I had followed him for a year on fb, partly because he was so eccentric (entertaining) and the fact that he would promote veganism along with FE.
After watching him for a while though it was clear that he wasn't a real flat earther. It was as if he was there to mock flat earth and flat earthers in general. The fact that he was always trying to pitch his legal shield or 'brain training' also made me suspect.

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