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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by Slingshot Sun Apr 15, 2018 6:44 am

Any silver (or gold) stackers here? Not sure if this has been mentioned before, I didn't see it yet on the other threads.

About to go on a rant here, the purpose being to shed light on gold/silver for people who may be curious or don't know much about the topic. After flat earth, the mother of all conspiracies, I believe gold/silver to be one of the BIG truth topics next in line for a mass-scale awakening to bring us out of this Jew debt-and-death paradigm we find ourselves in. After all, if they control the money, they control everything!

We all know the "Federal" Reserve (and every other Jew-controlled central bank in every country of the world) has been robbing us of our wealth for at least the last 100 years, through getting us to use inherently worthless paper fiat currencies that are backed by nothing but hot air. So, what are you doing about it? I, personally, believe in acquiring and hoarding precious metals, the true/original form of money for the last 5000 yrs of human history. They aren't stored in my house nor are they stored in a (Jew-run) bank so that they can be stolen from me at some point, but I've got them in a place of safe-keeping, for use later if/when the USD is further devalued or completely collapses. Inflation is not some innocent natural phenomenon that occurs over time just because the population grows or more people enter the work force or consume goods. Inflation is ONLY ever a direct and intended result of deliberately printing (for free) billions and trillions of fiat paper dollars (aka IOUs, promissory notes of debt) that are not backed by held reserves of physical gold and silver bars, or other commodities.

I'm in America so I'm gonna speak from an American perspective here, but the following applies to every country on earth except Iran and N Korea because those are the only two left that don't yet have Jew-controlled central banks. Originally, American money was gold and silver, and as per the Constitution, these precious metals were to be deemed the ONLY lawful monies to be used in payments of debts. Period. And they were, for a time, the only monies used. The US government and We The People held, traded, and exchanged with gold and silver, and Thomas Jefferson famously paid Napolean in gold/silver (a LOT of it) for the Louisiana Purchase. The founders knew well that allowing a government a monopoly on creating paper "money" (especially one run by foreign interests) brings about the downfall of that nation through debt. And as Jews are bound to do, inevitably the Rothschilds and other international banking interests sought to get their fingers into the American money system. Alexander Hamilton (a shill for the bankers) was in favor of this while Jefferson and his contemporaries were vehemently against it. Ultimately, the Hamiltonian mindset won, and without getting too long-winded here about the history that followed, several charters were granted over the coming decades that allowed the formation of state and federal banks which would print more money than they had represented in their gold/silver vaults. The first of the charters, which ended in 1811, was set to be renewed but Congress wisely disallowed it (thanks mostly to the input from Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson), to which Nathan Rothschild presumably said "Either the application for the renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war." Congress didn't renew the charter or care about his threat. One year later, The War of 1812 was started, the goal being to impoverish the U.S. so that they'd need to seek the aid of an international bank. Sure enough, by 1816 a new charter was granted for the formation of the Second Bank of the United States.

By the time Jackson became president, he made it his primary goal to crush the banks and clear all debts, and that he did. While I don't agree with everything Jackson did (namely the Trail of Tears, and other inhumane things he did to peaceful people) the man DID root out the central bankers just like he said he would, and by the end of his presidency the United States was 100% debt-free, which would be the last time in American history that we were financially FREE. For this there were not one but TWO assassination attempts on him, both of which failed. Time went on and the U.S. got back into debt, other banks came and went and more wars were fought, but the next main significant event, bank-wise, takes place in the early 1900s.

So fast-forward to the 1910s. There were talks of creating a Federal Reserve Bank, which didn't quite get off the ground at first due to certain outspoken individuals opposing it, like the wealthy John Jacob Astor (who, adjusted for inflation, was today's equivalent of a multi-billionaire in his day). John Jacob Astor was one of the biggest opponents of a Federal Reserve during this time, until he ended up onboard the doomed Titanic to sink into the north Atlantic in 1912. Wonder if there's a connection there to be made? That's a conspiracy thread for a whole other time. Anyway, by 1913, president Woodrow Wilson was in talks with the bankers to create this Federal Reserve, but it was still uncertain if Congress would be swayed. So during the Christmas holiday, while no one from Congress was around, Wilson met with the bankers on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. Technically, the place was not founded/established until 1947, so in 1913 it may have still been considered "international waters" and perhaps this was why they chose to meet there, for legality reasons, though I'm not sure and could be wrong on that. Anyhow, it was there that the new decree was signed and the American people had been effectively sold out of their birthright forever. It's no coincidence that the income tax came about almost instantly after the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank.

At first, though the Fed was now printing paper money, it was mostly still representative of their physical gold and silver holdings, so inflation didn't occur rapidly. The old dollar bills used to say on them "One Dollar Redeemable in Silver Payable to the Bearer on Demand" and my grandmother gave me some of these old fiat dollar bills from the 1930s, which I still have. Interesting little pieces of history to look at. Today our dollars say no such thing, they just say "Federal Reserve Note: This Note is Legal Tender For All Debts Public and Private"...okay, so what are modern dollars backed by? NOTHING! That's because they removed precious metals from their correlation with the USD. In 1933 Franklin D Roosevelt authorized the removal of gold (but not silver) from its use as a legal tender, and attempted an indirect confiscation of all gold, not through force, but by paying U.S. citizens in fiat dollars if they turned in their gold. Few people trusted this, and most Americans wisely hung onto their gold. Immediately after the confiscation, gold's price went from $21/oz up to $35/oz almost overnight, effectively ROBBING the citizens who had turned in their gold. Silver was still used as money during this time, and the U.S. mints still minted dimes and quarters with 90% silver content in them up until 1965 when they removed silver altogether and started minting our coins out of copper and nickel which they still do to this day. Later in 1971, amid talks of France wanting to redeem their USDs and get their gold back from our reserves, pres Nixon conveniently allowed the creation of the Petrodollar, at which time any remaining ties the USD had to gold/silver were finally severed for good, and replaced with ties to oil. Thus began the era of oil wars and wars to spread so-called "democracy" (and Jew banks) to every country remaining that didn't yet have a Jew central bank. This is still going on to this day, and their plan is almost complete. Installations of "democracy" and Jew-run central banks around the world was the real reason for the U.S.'s wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the brutal overthrow of Ghaddafi's regime in Libya (he had said NO to the Jews and was hoarding gold/silver and wanted to keep his nation debt-free). To my knowledge, the only countries still on the map without fully Jew controlled banks are Iran and N Korea. I think it's a fair prediction to say that both of these countries are next on the list to be brutalized by U.S. troops following the orders of their greedy corporate masters, but we'll see what happens.

Every time a fiat (paper, cheap non-precious metal, or other worthless material) currency is adopted for use to pay all debts, the nation who adopted it doesn't take long to fall into economic chaos. It happens 100% of the time, going back to ancient Rome and medieval China, and up to the modern day. Fiat money is the Jews' favorite way to control the world! It is usury, it is treason, it is financially crippling to a nation, and of course these are things they're well aware of. Remember, they consider all non-Jews to be goyim that are here for no other purpose than to serve them, so naturally they feel it's okay to steal our wealth!

How is this stealing our wealth, you might ask? The USD today has lost nearly all of its purchasing power as compared to decades past, and is long past due for its inevitable collapse. There was a hint of this in the 2008 real estate meltdown, but the feds avoided a full collapse and bought themselves a few more years by implementing "Quantitative Easing". This won't stave off the coming collapse forever, but will simply buy us a few more years, or maybe they'll think of another method to extend this period longer which wouldn't surprise me. But regardless what they do, all the while the USD is rapidly devaluing. Silver and Gold on the other hand, hold their own store of wealth for eons (not taking into account the price manipulation which is occurring right now from artificial suppression of gold/silver due to the futures contracts and GLD/SLV stocks, but that's a whole other topic/conspiracy in itself). Take for example, the purchasing of comparative goods/services in two different time periods, and notice the purchasing power discrepancy between the USD and Silver. In 1950, the price of Silver was about $1.00/oz, the price of a gallon of gas was $0.18, the price of a loaf of bread was $0.12, and the price of a cup of coffee was $0.05. So, say in 1950, you wanted to go to the gas station and get 10 gals of gas, a loaf of bread, and a cup of coffee. In 1950s USDs you'd be out right around 2 bucks, or converted into silver, roughly 2 oz of silver. In 2018, a gallon of gas (where I'm at anyway) is around $2.70, and a loaf of bread is near $3.00, and a cup of coffee $2.00 (or more if you like Starbucks lol). In 2018, the average spot price for Silver is around $16.50/oz. So in 2018 if you want to go to the gas station and purchase these same goods/services, you'd be out roughly $32.00 in USDs, or converted into silver, roughly 2 oz of silver. Same amount of silver needed to buy these goods/services nearly 70 YEARS apart from each other! But if we look at the price in USDs and not in silver, we see the price in USDs goes WAY WAY up during that course of time. Which therefore pumps the price (in USDs) of silver up too, so that the silver price is now $16.50/oz where it used to be $1.00/oz. This is where some people tend to say "See? Silver is subject to inflation just like everything else, the price of silver rose!" But this is a misunderstanding. The key is to not gauge the silver price based on USDs, but based on the amount of goods and services it buys you. When looked at from that perspective it is easily seen that it is the USD that is drastically devaluing, where silver is actually remaining the same!

We can also use a more modern example, if 1950 is too long ago to be considered relevant. Let's say a 40-yr-old in 1998 had $100,000 and wanted to set it aside for his retirement. But he was smart enough to convert his fiat USDs into silver and store it at his own discretion, instead of leaving it in cash form stored in some rotten Jew bank. At a silver price of about $7.50/oz in 1998, he would have been able to purchase about 13,333 oz of silver, and then lock it up in his OWN safe place and basically forget about it for a couple decades, at peace knowing that his wealth wouldn't be robbed. Then in 2018 he opens that safe and collects his silver and, if he wants to, converts it all back into USDs. But now the spot price for silver is $16.50, so multiply that by his 13,333 oz of silver, and he now has $220,000! Contrary to what it looks like, he has not actually doubled his purchasing power. He has doubled his supply of fiat USDs from 1998, but what has ALSO occurred during that 20 years is that the price of everything (again, in USDs) has nearly doubled as well. So what he has ACTUALLY done, is not create any wealth but simply RETAINED his wealth that he already had, by BEATING inflation! Whereas if he'd just kept all his money in USDs in 1998 and not bought any silver, then going back to it now, he'd have LOST money. Yes, he might have gained a very tiny fraction due to interest from the bank, but it wouldn't matter because he'd still only have a bit over $100k, while prices for everything else in the meantime have doubled. In this way, he has literally been ROBBED of half of his wealth/purchasing power in less than 20 years. This is exactly how the Jews systematically rape the Gentiles of their generational wealth so that they have very little to pass down to their posterity, and always seem to get poorer despite working harder.

One look at the historical gold/silver charts makes the reality known that gold/silver even to this very day are STILL safe reliable bets that can be counted on to preserve personal/generational wealth. There is a bit of volatility and manipulation going on and I'm not saying there isn't, but even still, the general trend of silver/gold is upward. Because the dollar's trend is almost always downward, and these two currencies oppose one another. I know of no better way to stick it to the Jews/bankers than to withdraw from their system of debt and death, and to instead be into precious metals, the true form of money for all of human civilization going on 5000+ years. With Silver/gold you instantly become the Enemy to the bankers. You demonstrate that you do not trust them, that you know they are liars and thieves, that you do not wish to participate in their war-mongering and spreading of debt-and-death paradigm, that you seek to be the steward of your OWN money, and that you are the banker of your OWN private bank and shall not be robbed by them.

In closing, some fun facts:
-JP Morgan Chase Bank as of this moment, has the largest silver hoard in known world history. Ever. They have an estimated 130 MILLION ounces and counting. They only started their hoard recently. In 2011 they had exactly ZERO ounces of silver. Now they have 130 million ounces.
-Both China and Russia have been going nuts for gold and silver in recent years, hoarding as much as they can get their hands on and even encouraging their citizens to acquire gold/silver. Possible indicator of the creation of a new currency on the horizon? They know the US Dollar is set for collapse? Something to think about.
-Silver has many industrial uses that will keep it EXTREMELY relevant for decades to come, not only as a form of money, but as a commodity because it is essential in almost all forms of technology that we use today from computers to smartphones to solar panels to mirrors to basic household appliances, silver is used in small increments EVERYWHERE
-Due to the above reason, Silver is also being thrown away at unprecedented levels, never to be recovered again. Unlike Gold, which is typically only stored and not used, Silver is in a great many more products that use it in small amounts. When these products are consumed, they get thrown out with the rest of the trash and end up in landfills. There are millions of ounces of unaccounted for Silver strewn about all the landfills of the earth, but no one is gonna go around sifting through trash all day just to recover a few ounces of silver per day from various products they find throughout the landfill. In this way, we can consider the silver residing in landfills to effectively be lost forever, or at least lost for a few centuries. Thus making the precious metal far rarer now than the "experts" give it credit for.
-Due to price manipulation, Silver (and gold, but especially silver) are, comparative to historical ratios, a STEAL right now and can very easily be purchased in at least SOME quantity by most people on earth, should they so choose.

To wrap this up, let me make it clear I am not a "silver pumper" nor do I work for a gold/silver bullion company, nor do I or anyone in my family have any affiliations with gold/silver bullion companies, mining companies, or gold/silver stocks. I strictly acquire physical gold/silver because I believe it to be TRUE money, and one of the potential pathways towards ending the Jews' monopoly on the money supply (I realize this will take many decades). I have taken time out of my day to write all of this solely because I see great value in this forum and in the spreading of flat earth truth, along with all the other conspiracies and truth topics which are withheld from us by the elite. Unlike fiat currency (or cryptocurrency, which is just another speculative bubble based on an electronic form of fiat), gold and silver are ELEMENTS on the periodic table. They are natural and can only come from this beautiful flat earth that we live on, man cannot reproduce them in a laboratory or make copies of them. There is a finite supply of gold and silver in the world and they are timeless elements, once consumed they can be melted back down again to remove impurities and be minted all over again into new coins and bars. The same cannot be said of worthless paper fiat money that has no intrinsic value other than the value placed on it by men, and recognized as valid by the rest of us who take it on pure faith. Of course, I realize that in this modern world, we do need to have some fiat money to get by (you can't pay your rent or your phone bill in gold/silver) so cash does have its purposes for now, unfortunately. But the goal should be to want to preserve what extra wealth we can in the form of gold/silver instead of cash, until such a time as this current paradigm collapses or a new currency is created that is backed by gold/silver or something else that has intrinsic/industrial value. We can't just let ourselves be happily robbed through the backdoor (which is what USD inflation really is) while this satanic Jew-centric, money-grubbing, war-mongering, lying elite reap all the benefits of our ignorance on their money system.

Recognizing precious metals is just one more step among the many steps that need to be taken to realize our freer, wealthier, more independent life that we all want. Peace.

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by starfox42 Sun Apr 15, 2018 7:21 am

That's a whole lot of words just to say; money is for greedy jews.

Why do you need currency when you can just grow your own food, etc...

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by Zer0R Sun Apr 15, 2018 7:36 am

Barter is a much more stable currency.

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by starfox42 Sun Apr 15, 2018 8:38 am

Zer0R wrote:Barter is a much more stable currency.


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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by Slingshot Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:06 am

starfox42 I'm all for growing food too, but we can't pretend money doesn't have a use. We all use US Dollars or Euros or whatever other form of fiat currency. I'm saying stop using the fiat, not stop using money altogether. Although stopping using money altogether would be interesting as long as it was applied right, but that only happens in fantasy-land and will never happen in the real world. So if we can't realistically avoid using some form of money, why not at least make it honest money? There's nothing wrong with honest money. But fiat currency isn't honest money, it is pure fraud against all peoples by their governments. If you can't see the point I'm making then there's not much else I could say... I guess keep using your fiat money and getting robbed slowly through time? Because that's better than converting it into gold/silver to avoid being robbed? And start growing your own food using, of course, your fiat money to go to the store and buy the farming equipment and seeds you'll need.

Zer0R Gold/silver is related to barter. Gold and silver were some of the first things bartered, along with food/water, land, and livestock. If there was something you didn't need that someone else wanted but they didn't have anything you wanted, you'd give them the item you had and they'd give you gold/silver, and then you'd use that in a future barter situation, because everyone always recognized gold/silver as good "placeholders" for other things of value, so you never had to worry about it not being accepted. And with this, the concept of money was created.

There are people who say "but gold and silver don't have any intrinsic value either, they're only valuable because people say they're valuable, and it's taken on faith just like fiat paper money is." This isn't true at all. Gold and silver are timeless stores of value because 1) they are finite in supply. 2) they represent the value in labor and man-hours that went into extracting them from the earth. 3) they are natural, rare, solid elements that cannot be reproduced by man. 4) they are aesthetically beautiful to the eye. 5) they are durable and can stand the test of time, resisting rust or corrosion, and are able to be carried around taking up a relatively small space while storing a lot of value in that space. None of those 5 points can be made for fiat currency, except maybe the 5th one.

As for why we don't use something else for barter/money, why does it have to be gold/silver, why can't it be some other commodity? Because nothing else really serves the purpose gold/silver does. Even in barter you sometimes need a "placeholder" item just in case you want to trade for something but you don't have the item that the person you're trading with wants. This "placeholder" item has to have intrinsic value and be something that everyone unanimously recognizes as having value, and it has to also store this value in a relatively small space so it can be practically transported, and it has to have durable properties in order to withstand being traded through so many different hands and lasting for decades or centuries. If any one of these 3 properties are not satisfied, the item cannot be a reliable placeholder. Gold/silver satisfy all 3 of these properties.

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by Slingshot Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:33 am

Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth The-federal-reserve-aprivatelyownedarothschild-centralbankingcartel-chargingitaxpayersinterest-40n-money-they-printout-4756920
Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth F09a8b12b150c2a484e49c34a3b0ec8f--fiat-money-promissory-note
Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth JewishFederalReserveDefaultMoneyMeme
Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth 11-what-if-the-bank-runs-out-of-money-some-8034293
Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth 8030f445f03910be3fe9898c9250736a--fiat-money-silver-coins
Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth The-fed-thinks-this-is-funny

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by SoldierMan Sat Apr 27, 2019 3:18 am

When you have stocked up on water, food and guns, then whatever money that you have left (that you can afford to let sit for a while, as it's wealth preservation, not quick profits) buy silver and gold. Silver will be the big winner though when things finally go south.

But first buy water, food and guns. Sink a borehole if you can, but make sure you can manually pump the water and not only using electricity.


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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by Schpankme Sat Apr 27, 2019 3:42 am

Coins have a Face Value, anytime you need to purchase with these coins that is exactly what the value will be -- MAYBE -- since in an Emergency people will need Trade Goods:  Medications, Food, Water, Alcohol, Gun Powder, Ammo, Repairs, etc.

Prepper - But Mister my Gold is worth 3,000 dollars an once!  

ME - Really, how much is that tire worth to get you where you're going; let's say that 50 pound bag of rice?

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by SoldierMan Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:02 am

Schpankme wrote:Coins have a Face Value, anytime you need to purchase with these coins that is exactly what the value will be -- MAYBE -- since in an Emergency people will need Trade Goods:  Medications, Food, Water, Alcohol, Gun Powder, Ammo, Repairs, etc.

Prepper - But Mister my Gold is worth 3,000 dollars an once!  

ME - Really, how much is that tire worth to get you where you're going; let's say that 50 pound bag of rice?

Point is if you have bought all the food and water you need, what are you going to do with the rest of your money?
Buying silver and gold will ensure your money keeps it's value.


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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by Schpankme Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:29 am

SoldierMan wrote:
if you have bought all the food and water you need
Buy silver and gold

Remember people, once your family has enough Supplies, and the means to grow food and gather fresh water, so that they can last for however long it takes;
you are now free to spend money on other commodities.

Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Eat-go10

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by BradZ Sun Aug 25, 2019 4:28 am

Check out the YouTube channel TheGreatestTruthNeverTold if you have not already. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-7vnmA1Zf1cRyqs9aR77ag He has been a large help exposing the elite for their ponzi schemes to rob the public of their freedom.


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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by Slingshot Sat Sep 25, 2021 11:29 pm

BradZ - Yep, I watch that channel from time to time.
Schpankme - Agreed, that's why I don't bother with coins that have face values or are issued by governments, I stick to bars only. I'm only interested in the physical element itself (silver).
SoldierMan - Completely agree with stocking up on some food, water, and guns/ammo as well. I like all semiauto rifles (specifically AR-15, AR-10, FN FAL, and HK91), pistols, revolvers, shotguns.

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by its_Goyim Mon Sep 27, 2021 1:25 am

BradZ wrote:Check out the YouTube channel TheGreatestTruthNeverTold if you have not already. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-7vnmA1Zf1cRyqs9aR77ag He has been a large help exposing the elite for their ponzi schemes to rob the public of their freedom.



also check both of these out. I was gonna put Hellstorm but renegade radio (broadcasting) ruined that.

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by Slingshot Mon Sep 27, 2021 6:42 pm

its_Goyim Thanks for those links. I didn't watch the first one because it's 11 hours long lol. I watched the second one...that's incredible. I never knew they were pushing their "6 million suffering" bullshit for the whole TWENTY-FIVE YEARS leading up to WWII, and a whole 18 years before Hitler even got into power. Not that any of that surprises me at all, we know how they are, they push their lies for decades and centuries. But it's still weird to see the "6 million" figure mentioned in all those newspapers going back to the 1910s.

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by its_Goyim Tue Sep 28, 2021 12:35 am

Slingshot wrote:its_Goyim Thanks for those links. I didn't watch the first one because it's 11 hours long lol. I watched the second one...that's incredible. I never knew they were pushing their "6 million suffering" bullshit for the whole TWENTY-FIVE YEARS leading up to WWII, and a whole 18 years before Hitler even got into power. Not that any of that surprises me at all, we know how they are, they push their lies for decades and centuries. But it's still weird to see the "6 million" figure mentioned in all those newspapers going back to the 1910s.

Yea the 6 million lies is a great for doubters, and Europa took me 4 days to finish it but, POWERFUL. I think Eric's Hitler Vs the Jew World order is a great breakdown of all those documentaries.

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by its_Goyim Tue Sep 28, 2021 4:25 am


Last edited by its_Goyim on Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by its_Goyim Tue Sep 28, 2021 4:27 am


Put the youtube video up instead ironically odysee is hyper censoring shit now as is bitchute...the two corral so called free speech channels who are just loggin IP's for the 3letter agencies..

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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

Post by Koubenakombi Sun Oct 29, 2023 1:44 pm

Current economy is between a heart attack with rising interest rates (unemployment) and a stroke with lowering rates (hyper-inflation)... either way it is going to die. Greed killed it and our controllers also want to collapse it (so they can erase the debt with a click at the expense of our assets/properties... for the greater good).

Understand that we have been financing this corrupt system through fiat currency. Every time we accept a paper or digital bill/coin based on that fiat currency, we reassure its fictional value. And the guy with the printing machine, prints more and pay thugs to destroy our society and mug our families. Stop valuing what has no value. Let it break. Get out of the system. Trade. Barter. Use precious metals. Get away from these paper bills with no real value, but the power to oppress us in daily basis.

With The Great Taking (https://thegreattaking.com) precious metals (PM) will be confiscate again: starting with gold (that's why vaults are around... not for paper currency, but for our gold).

No matter how seductive they make the exchange (another fiat currency?!), don't deliver your PM. Hide it. If you can't move/use it, bury and leave it for the next generation.

PMs are direct competitors of CBDCs...that will be delivered regularly (if you obey) to your tracking devic... I mean cell phone.

All said, time to stop advertising PMs stashes. Looking at difficult times ahead, friends and family will tell on you to collect rewards for pointing out dissidents in the crowd (we have seen that in the scamdemic... just imagine how far they would go having not eaten for 2-3 days...) in a hunger games society, people are weaponized against each other instead of being able to organize against the ones who created the problem.

Crypto won't save anybody.

After reading The Great Taking, politics, finance, proxy-wars will be seen by what they are: distraction. They are coming for your assets and properties. Be prepared.


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Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth Empty Re: Precious Metals - Silver/Gold Alternatives To Jew Fiat Currency - Protecting Our Wealth

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