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Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism

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Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 Empty Re: Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism

Post by Real World Tue Feb 26, 2019 10:42 pm

Schpankme wrote:

"Beresheet" Spacecraft (theory), whose name in Hebrew means “In the Beginning/Genesis” (faith).    Basketball

11 April 2019
"Beresheet Spacecraft lands on the Moon"

Apollo 11
"One giant leap"

11 July 1979
"Skylab reentered Earth's atmosphere and disintegrated"

11 August 1993,
"Olympus-1 was hit by meteor"

11 October 2006
"Cassini Spacecraft films EYE on Saturn"

11 January 2007
"A Chinese weather satellite was destroyed by a kinetic kill vehicle test."

11 February 2009
"The first major space crash between an American and a Russian satellite"

11 November 2013
"Goce satellite crashes down to earth in an uncontrolled re-entry."

One more to add to cosmic story agenda:

11 October 2018
"As a result of the sensor's failure, there was a spectacular accident involving Soyuz rocket."
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Post by Schpankme Sun Jun 16, 2019 2:37 pm

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu
born in Tel Aviv, Israel, 1949

In 1963, his father accepted an academic post in the United States and moved his family to Pennsylvania. The young Netanyahu attended Cheltenham High School, located in the then J e wish suburbs of Philadelphia.  In an abrupt turn of events, just days before his high school graduation ceremony, Netanyahu returned to Israel to serve in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces).

Netanyahu would go back and forth between the US and Israel for some years after.  His political career started to take off around 1982. A family friend of the Netanyahus, Moshe Arens, was named the Israeli ambassador to the United States; and just like that, Benjamin Netanyahu went from furniture company to foreign affairs.  He was asked to be Arens’ deputy at the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C.;  Netanyahu’s American accent set him apart and made him an ideal voice of the Israeli government on American television. Bibi eventually went on to become Israel prime minister.

Noted: Netanyahu role as "Finance Minister" (2003 - 2005) during the world wide economic crisis.  Netanyahu reduced individual tax rates from 64% to 44% and the corporate tax rate from 36% to 18%.  A host of state assets worth billions of dollars were privatized, including banks, oil refineries, the EL AL national airline, and Zim Integrated Shipping Services. The retirement ages for both men and women were raised   Basketball

In February 2019, Israel’s Attorney General announced his intention to indict Netanyahu on bribery and fraud charges, lucky for Bibi, he won re-election despite the three separate corruption cases against him, making this his fifth term as the Israeli prime minister.

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Post by Realearth Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:40 pm


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Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 Empty Re: Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism

Post by Admin Sun Oct 20, 2019 6:46 am


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Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 Empty Re: Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism

Post by Libertarian Tue Dec 24, 2019 1:33 pm

I've criticized many of Donald Trump's decisions after he became president, but at least I though he was one of the last heads of state that supported free speech. This hope was buried on 12/11/2019 when he signed the "Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism". Let's take a look at some of the points in this order.
My Administration is committed to combating the rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic incidents in the United States and around the world.
What is considered "anti-Semitism"?
the non-legally binding working definition of anti Semitism adopted on May 26, 2016, by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which states, “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews...
What else does the IHRA define as "anti-Semitism"? Lets have a look at some of their own examples:
the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).
Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
Back to Trumps Executive Order. Within the next 120 days state thugs shall find more institutions for which those "anti-semitic" rules should apply:
Within 120 days of the date of this order, the head of each agency charged with enforcing Title VI shall submit a report to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, identifying additional nondiscrimination authorities within its enforcement authority with respect to which the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism could be considered.
As always, the state exempts itself from the rules it imposes on its tax paying slaves:
Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i)   the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof;...
To sum this up, from now on U.S. citizens will not go to jail, like citizens of other countries, for saying the following, but the U.S. administration will do its best to suppress it:

  • Hollywood / the press / banks are mainly run by Jews
  • The Holocaust did not happen the way it's written in school history books
  • Israel's policies against Palestines are racist


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Post by its_Goyim Sun Oct 03, 2021 2:52 am


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Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 Empty Re: Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism

Post by stjohnofthe88keys Thu Dec 23, 2021 5:49 am

Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 Misdir10


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Post by susie Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:23 am

The Jews invented heliocentrism to subvert the goyim from God. If you look into the Zohar and Jewish Kabbalah, you will find the globe cosmology. Strange this is the only text that is pre-copernicus that mentions a revolving Earth which is Jewish.

(Zohar, iii. 9b):

"In the book of Hamnuna the Elder we learn through some extended explanations that the earth turns upon itself in the form of a circle; that some are on top, the others below; that all creatures change in aspect, following the manner of each place, but keeping in the same position. But there are some countries on the earth which are lighted while others are in darkness; and there are countries in which there is constantly day or in which at least the night continues only some instants. . . . These secrets were made known to the men of the secret science, but not to the geographers"

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Post by susie Fri Jun 17, 2022 7:33 am


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Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 Empty Re: Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism

Post by comradelevelplane Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:04 am



(This video has been perma-banned from both of my YouTube accounts.  I cannot even upload and share this video privately on YouTube without it being blocked worldwide.)

When you wake up to flat Earth truth and realize the world has been completely brainwashed and lied to for hundreds of years about our true cosmology, the next most important question to investigate is WHO is responsible for so expertly deceiving the world? Almost no one else in the flat Earth community has dared tackle this important topic of blame, yet this should be the MOST talked about issue, as incorrectly placing responsibility or ignoring the culprits will only allow their control to continue. No surprise to those of us educated on such matters, the same people ultimately behind the globe lie are the same people who currently control 96% of the world's governments, banking, media and entertainment industry.

(The controlled opposition is constantly gate-keeping and trying to hide this most important chain of connections that shows who is ultimately responsible for this 500 year flat Earth deception.)

Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 15349710

Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 17199210

‘Admiralty and the Sea of Jewish Law’
Steven F. Friedell;
*professor of law Rutgers University (Camden) and Board of the Journal of maritime law and commerce

“Although maritime trade is mentioned in the Bible, (see, e.g., 1 kings 10:22; Isaiah 23:1-18; Ezekiel 27:1-36; Jonah 1:1-16; and Proverbs 31:14.), the earliest references to maritime legal matters in Jewish sources are in the Mishnah (Hebrew for “learning” or “study”)

“The Mishnah became the basis of study for Palestinian and Babylonian academies between 200 a.d. and 400 a.d.; at which point The Jerusalem Talmud was completed; and The Babylonian Talmud some one hundred years later and along with The Jerusalem Talmud becoming the foundation for the Gemara (Aramaic for “learning” or “tradition”)”

'The Talmud - A Gateway To The Common Law'
Charles Auerbach

“The Halakha deals with the laws of the Jewish people from which Jewish jurisprudence was derived. It embraces laws of purity, chastity, property, contracts, negligence, damages, domestic relations, crimes, evidence- in short, the gamut of basic jurisprudence.”

“In appraising the legacy of the ancients to Western culture, surprisingly few mention the impact of Jewish jurisprudence upon our system of laws, most writers attributing our legal legacy to Rome almost entirely. Yet, long before the promulgation of the Justinian Institutes, the Jewish people had developed a very effective system of jurisprudence. More significant perhaps is the foundation upon which this network of law rests. The basic motif of Jewish jurisprudence is the moral law and the leitmotif of the moral law is "Zedek," which connotes both righteousness and justice. (Zedek U'mishpot)”

The Jewish word Torah implies a concept more spiritual and less trenchant than the austere Latin word "Lex," for it connotes more than laws regarding rights and wrongs between man and man. It includes duties and obligations not only of man to man, but of man to God.

Charles then goes on to write this statement;

“I contend that much of this moral and spiritual aspect of Jewish law has found expression in our common law through the influence of the Church as well as through Mosaic and Talmudic law proper. It would be presumptuous to give the impression that in an effort as brief as this, a thesis can be developed by which may be established a clearly defined reliance of our common law upon Talmudic jurisprudence.”

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Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 Empty Re: Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism

Post by nowhereelsetogo Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:35 pm

Absolutely brilliant interview with Noah ye-vil Hari, a WEF bumboy who lost his virginity to Klaus (likes the beach) Schwab no less. Puke.


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Post by comradelevelplane Thu Mar 23, 2023 1:33 am

Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 Arthur10

Arthur Edward Waite and Tarot cards go hand in hand. In 1891 he joined the hermetic order of the golden dawn. As a christian mystic and author as well as occultist; as well as published author writing about divination, esotericism, freemasonry and occultism. As well as Kabbalah and practical magic. Joined freemasonry in 1901 at lodge 2430 in England and became knights templar, 32nd degree.

Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 A_new_10

The Occult Sciences - A Compendium of Transcendental Doctrine and Experiment: Embracing an Account of Magical Practices; of Secret Sciences in Connection ... Spiritualism, Mesmerism and Theosophy

Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 The_oc10

Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

Globalism = Freemasonry = Judaism - Page 2 Rider-10

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Post by Guillemoten Wed Mar 29, 2023 4:25 pm

nowhereelsetogo wrote:Absolutely brilliant interview with Noah ye-vil Hari, a WEF bumboy who lost his virginity to Klaus (likes the beach) Schwab no less. Puke.


This video looks very edited with AI.....the movement of the mouth, some vocabulary, some cuts of head movement.....


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