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Upside Down "Rainbow"

Wondering Man
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Upside Down "Rainbow" Empty Upside Down "Rainbow"

Post by Wondering Man Mon May 22, 2017 11:59 pm

Upside Down "Rainbow" Tumblr_oqdj2oAw141untl9po1_1280
Upside Down "Rainbow" Tumblr_oqdj2oAw141untl9po2_1280

These were taken at about 7.30am in North England today, 22nd May 2017.

Looked for a thread to put these in but it's not really a cloudscape, and I don't really know anything about it. Just that it made me think about the dome that could be above us. I'm really hoping someone here can explain this or add some knowlege. I know before I knew about out flat earth I wouldn't have given these pics a second thought!

(Mods help me out if it's in the wrong place, please pm me if you delete this, let me know where/how it should have been posted, thanks!)

Wondering Man

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Upside Down "Rainbow" Empty Re: Upside Down "Rainbow"

Post by csp Tue May 23, 2017 1:42 am

Very interesting shots, which direction was the sun rising in relative position to the "rainbow" ?

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Upside Down "Rainbow" Empty Re: Upside Down "Rainbow"

Post by Nibbs Hackworth Tue May 23, 2017 4:13 am

Hello, new member and "flatty" here. I am so glad to have found this site!

I came across something just today that also pointed out an "upside-down rainbow." It's related to the geo-engineering efforts where they spray "chemtrails" composed of toxic metal nano-particles. The video is by Truthstream Media, video titled "It's Finally Admitted: 'We're Living in a Test Already"

Upside-down rainbow appears at 2:16 in the video:

Now, I didn't consider the dome as being part of the equation but that would make sense.
Nibbs Hackworth
Nibbs Hackworth

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Upside Down "Rainbow" Empty Re: Upside Down "Rainbow"

Post by Wondering Man Thu May 25, 2017 1:28 am

csp wrote:Very interesting shots, which direction was the sun rising in relative position to the "rainbow" ?

The sun was pretty much directly behind the house in the pics. North East-ish. And relative to the upside down "no-rain"bow, the curve of the bow is towards the sun.

Wondering Man

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Upside Down "Rainbow" Empty Re: Upside Down "Rainbow"

Post by ConsciousTruth Wed Aug 29, 2018 4:55 pm

It looks like a halo that often appears around the sun. But if your still g the sun is below it then it’s pretty weird!


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Upside Down "Rainbow" Empty Upside Down

Post by zeek_44 Sat Oct 06, 2018 10:27 pm

Hello. I have been a member here for about a month, and flat Earth believer since Apr. '18.
Something came to mind today while running.
When i was a kid, starting at age 5, my dad bought a cottage 50 mi. from home town. Being 64 now, all during my life out there, while standing on the shore on a starry night, i see my old familiar Big Dipper, right up there, positioned northwest in the sky (live at the junction of the 3 biggest Grt. Lakes).
About 10 yrs ago i took a trip to Dominican Republic. Now, i haven't checked exactly, but it has to be 3,000 miles pretty-much due south from me. One clear night, in Dom. Rep. i looked up in the sky seeing my old familiar "friend" northeast in the sky......upside down! I thought at the time "well, we're spinning, so probably any position is possible". I never thought about that again till today. It hit me first, that....."of course, the Big Dipper is not so far away, and going 3,000 miles to a different position means i may have traveled the "long" part of the triangle (ie. sextant stuff). Later (just a while ago), i thought " hey, wait a second. It should still be rightside-up, even if i do travel so far to re-view it. Then i realized something else: If the Big Dipper appears upside-down, 3000 miles due south of me, then somehow this star formation must be parallel with our Earth plane. We think of the Big Dipper as a "drawing" in the sky, and so assume it is perpendicular to our plane. But this is the only way i can explain that upside-down formation. It has to be parallel (ie. laying down) in the sky.
Anyway, i have just provided a real-life example of what waking up to Flat Earth can do for your mind. Shake of the globular cobwebs and start to think again.


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Upside Down "Rainbow" Empty Re: Upside Down "Rainbow"

Post by Schpankme Sun Oct 07, 2018 12:07 am

zeek_44 wrote:
at the junction of the 3 Great Lakes
  while standing on the shore
the Big Dipper
  positioned northwest in the sky
     right side-up

Dominican Republic
  3,000 miles south
the Big Dipper
  appears upside-down
     this star formation must be parallel with our Earth plane

This is correct; facing South the Big Dipper constellation is said to be orientated right-side up, facing North the same constellation will be orientated up-side down.  The reason behind this orientation comes from the Holy Roman Empire being located very close to the "45N Parallel" as you are at the junction of the Three Great Lakes.  This information was compiled by the Jesuits who educated the people to this newly named science called Astronomy, starting in the 1500's.

Astrology, Astro Theology, means to Study Stars
Astronomy, means to Name Stars (Jesuit Invention, since they cannot be in the Business of Astrology)

Anyone stating that they moved from Astrology to Astronomy, in the 16th Century, were influenced by the Jesuits.


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