All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Eyes Wide Shut
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All Governments are Owned by Banks!
I found a video that could be helpful in understanding why the United States and many other countries are buried in massive debt. It's a (long) lecture from 1991(?) that goes over the history of the banking cartels, where they came from, and who they are owned by. It uses "Christian History" as a reference (because the guy is a Christian) but it also gives an overview of Christianity's history as well, and its different branches.
I didn't see another thread that went into this topic specifically, but if this post should be in another thread or category, please let me know.
It is interesting that even though the person giving the lecture is a christian, he understood that the path to understanding "god" (or whatever the kids are calling it these days!) is from within, and not through giant religious or government institutions (AKA external forces of control).
You can find more information about "who is responsible" in other threads. This thread should be more for "how do they do it" and/or "why".
As always, you can throw away the information that isn't true or isn't useful and pick out the things that are useful to know.
I didn't see another thread that went into this topic specifically, but if this post should be in another thread or category, please let me know.
It is interesting that even though the person giving the lecture is a christian, he understood that the path to understanding "god" (or whatever the kids are calling it these days!) is from within, and not through giant religious or government institutions (AKA external forces of control).
You can find more information about "who is responsible" in other threads. This thread should be more for "how do they do it" and/or "why".
As always, you can throw away the information that isn't true or isn't useful and pick out the things that are useful to know.
Last edited by Shattered on Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shattered- Posts : 20
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Zeitgeist: Addendum is another great documentary about money, banking, and the lengths these bankers will go to for the control of the money supply. All three Zeitgeist movies are definitely worth a watch a some point, but I think this one is the most relevant to this thread.
Shattered- Posts : 20
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Shattered wrote:
the person giving the lecture is Christian
the path to understanding "god" is from within
god (or whatever the kids are calling it these days)
You claim to be 20 years old, yet you state, "whatever the kids are calling [god] these days".
What do you call god?
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Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
God is, from what I understand, a fantasy that people use to explain what they don't know or can't control. But I wouldn't know since I'm not a psychologist and I'm not familiar with what causes people to believe certain things. If I was, everyone I know would understand that the earth is flat by now!Schpankme wrote:Shattered wrote:
the person giving the lecture is Christian
the path to understanding "god" is from within
god (or whatever the kids are calling it these days)
You claim to be 20 years old, yet you state, "whatever the kids are calling [god] these days".
What do you call god?
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Shattered- Posts : 20
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Shattered wrote:
God is a fantasy that people use to explain what they don't know or can't control
From within the corporation known as the UNITED STATES, the Citizen, Resident, Person is indoctrinated from birth to worship two man-made constructs called Heaven and Space (Fiction). The Freemasons incorporate both constructs into one. E.g. Godspeed!
Creator: Big Bang
Abode: Space (Gravity Theory)
Indoctrination: Educational System (Copyright)
Creator: God
Abode: Heaven (Holy Spirit)
Indoctrination: Bible (Copyright)
Last edited by Schpankme on Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:39 am; edited 1 time in total
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
David Rockefeller Died yesterday. Google search it is all over the news. sorry if this is wrong place to comment can move it if you need.
Eyes Wide Shut- Posts : 2
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Schpankme wrote:Shattered wrote:
God is a fantasy that people use to explain what they don't know or can't control
From within the corporation known as the UNITED STATES, the Citizen, Resident, Person is indoctrinated from birth to worship two man-made constructs called Heaven and Space (Fiction). The Freemasons incorporate both constructs into one. E.g. Godspeed!
Creator: Big Bang
Abode: Space (Gravity Theory)
Indoctrination: Educational System (Copyright)
Creator: God
Abode: Heaven (Holy Spirit)
Indoctrination: Bible (Copyright)
Yep, and both of these belief systems also have penalties for not believing them.
If you don't believe in Christianity/Islam/whatever, you will be tortured forever by the same god that supposedly loves you. A good number of people have already realized this is nonsense, which is why the elites are trying to "phase out" this type of belief system as a method of control.
If you don't believe in Big Bang, Climate Change, Evolution, or whatever the government is selling at this current moment you're suddenly a ______ "denier". In other words, the only way that they know how to insult your intelligence (more) is by claiming that you are "denying the facts" and that the matter has already been scientifically resolved. It's a clever twist on the logical fallacy known as "appeal to authority", which has been used for literally thousands of years. But instead of pointing to an individual or group, the authority is "we" or every scientist, ever.
Example: "We know this because the data supports it."
The religion that most people believe in should really be called "state-ism", or the belief in authority. The bigger the government, the more important and "official" it seems, and the safer people feel.
The penalty of believing in state-ism is that your idea of a peaceful, orderly society is someone else telling you what to do.
In the mind of a state-ist, anything else would result in chaos and violence. Even the word anarchy means "a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority" according to google...
But the only way a government can enforce its laws is through violence. Most people (I would bet 99% or more) do not instinctively want to kill or hurt each other. If you don't think this is the case, ask yourself: "would I suddenly feel the urge to go on a killing spree if my local police station closed tomorrow?" Of course not! A threat of violence based upon whether or not someone breaks sometimes arbitrary and obscure rules is not going to change how people behave.
So if government isn't there to stop people from killing each other, or breaking rules, what purpose does it really serve?
- Building roads? (because obviously, clearing debris or pouring concrete or asphalt in a straight line can only be done by government workers, nobody would have the incentive to do this on their own)
- Protecting the environment? (because we all know how well they have done that so far...)
- Protecting us from foreign invasion? (because the 1% or less of the population that actually wants to kill each other without indoctrination is a threat to us and not the other way around)
- Protecting us from resource consolidation? (because a large enough group of people, let's say 1 million people, could be greedy enough and stupid enough to fight against THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE)
- Protecting us from ourselves? (because neither you, or I, or anyone else can look out for each other or ourselves without complete strangers telling us what is or is not safe to do or consume)
- Protecting us from getting our "stuff" stolen? (because in a society where everyone has access everything and can get more of it at any time, stealing is common and necessary)
- Preventing or alleviating fires, floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters? (because the group of people attracted to fighting fires and responding to natural disasters... would just give up)
- Solving complex medical or engineering problems? (because politicians do those things, not scientists and engineers, and only a government could incentivize that kind of work!)
Government serves no purpose.
- This section is bad, so you should probably skip over it...:
- "But what if a known mass murderer/rapist/whatever is trying to get into my house, what do I do? I can't call the police because they don't exist!"
- Do what the police were going to do when they showed up (with guns if you're living in the USA) after u called them:
- Spoiler:
- defend yourself with a... gun?
- Bonus: you knew your neighbors, they too had guns, and they responded to the gunfire/your phone call faster than any police officer ever could.
- OR: you tell the intruder to buzz off because you have a gun, and they do.
- "But what if a known mass murderer/rapist/whatever is trying to get into my house, what do I do? I can't call the police because they don't exist!"
If there is no state, there is no system of trade that can be enforced through violence, the threat of violence, or any other malicious way like currency control (the end result of which is violence, forcefully taking away someone's home or resources for not having enough money). And since nobody would be holding their resources hostage anymore, does that mean everyone would naturally share and take care of each other? It would be odd if someone said, "I'll trade you my peanut butter and my jelly for your bread." Wouldn't it be better if both parties had access to both and made some yummy Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches together?
Just an idea.
"But without authority, there would be anarchy!"
Nothing would be more beneficial to the human race. Even our controlled-opposition-friend Alex Jones knows it:
I would add more text to this post and revise it forever if I could, but I can't stay awake forever. Hopefully this is not too confusing so far.
Shattered- Posts : 20
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Great info. One thing I did not see, is that the governments borrow from the banks with interest. Further propping up the banks on the backs of taxpayers. In Canada, we have the Bank of Canada, yet our government chooses to use Royal Bank and charge us interest. This is also how I think the 2008 crash happened. The USA didn't have the funds to pay the bank, so it took it out on the citizens. This isn't something that is per say proven, more of theory. With the Bailouts they just freely handout, with promises that it is needed to keep the economy going, they are just digging a deeper hole for the next crash. Many have speculated that the USA economy crashed back in the 80s and has been propped up since then.
In the end, registered citizens are nothing but possessions to their government. They stamp you, birth registration, like cattle and show you where to graze. Once old enough, you are put to work and the taxation begins. But the day you were born, you were already a commodity.
Does anyone have any information on how the Amish are treated tax wise and land ownership etc..They exist within the country but seem to be bothered much. Are they living truly free?
In the end, registered citizens are nothing but possessions to their government. They stamp you, birth registration, like cattle and show you where to graze. Once old enough, you are put to work and the taxation begins. But the day you were born, you were already a commodity.
Does anyone have any information on how the Amish are treated tax wise and land ownership etc..They exist within the country but seem to be bothered much. Are they living truly free?
RickFE- Posts : 71
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
If I have a kid do I need to get them a birth certificate, sin number?
I've read in some places that so long as you don't have a birth certificate/sin number, you can live freely in any country. Meaning many of the laws that apply to you and I won't apply to that individual. Sounds like a bunch of bullocks to me but would love an answer from someone that has a bit more knowledge/ experience.
I've read in some places that so long as you don't have a birth certificate/sin number, you can live freely in any country. Meaning many of the laws that apply to you and I won't apply to that individual. Sounds like a bunch of bullocks to me but would love an answer from someone that has a bit more knowledge/ experience.
Ifersknight- Posts : 20
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
RickFE wrote:Great info. One thing I did not see, is that the governments borrow from the banks with interest. Further propping up the banks on the backs of taxpayers. In Canada, we have the Bank of Canada, yet our government chooses to use Royal Bank and charge us interest. This is also how I think the 2008 crash happened. The USA didn't have the funds to pay the bank, so it took it out on the citizens. This isn't something that is per say proven, more of theory. With the Bailouts they just freely handout, with promises that it is needed to keep the economy going, they are just digging a deeper hole for the next crash. Many have speculated that the USA economy crashed back in the 80s and has been propped up since then.
In the end, registered citizens are nothing but possessions to their government. They stamp you, birth registration, like cattle and show you where to graze. Once old enough, you are put to work and the taxation begins. But the day you were born, you were already a commodity.
Does anyone have any information on how the Amish are treated tax wise and land ownership etc..They exist within the country but seem to be bothered much. Are they living truly free?
I'm having trouble quoting every post at once but I read all of them and appreciate everyone's input. To answer your question, nobody is free under our current system. We are all prisoners of our own minds and the ideas of the society we live in. But even if the Amish had 0% taxes including their land "rights", I doubt evading a global criminal cabal (AKA the government and corporate interests) or becoming friends with them is a solution to this problem. After all, they will simply find some other person or group to pick on, just like any school bully. Ignoring a problem will not fix it.
On top of that, the Amish are prisoners of their traditions and culture. Should any Amish choose to leave their traditions behind, they would have to leave behind the approval of their families and friends among other things and it would most likely have a negative psychological impact. If they're lucky, they will end up on a website like this discussing the reasons why their society (or group, or commonly held belief) didn't work for them and trying to figure out a solution to a dysfunctional system. If they're unlucky, they could discover the joys of group mentality the hard way, just like the video you posted in the memes thread. Definitely worth a watch:
Sadly, the same can be said about any other religion or culture such as Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, Capitalism, Communism, whatever. The problem is some people want to see all cultures, good or bad, replaced by a corporate consumer culture. They want to replace all the old gods and deities with the new one; authority itself coupled with endless material and virtual distractions. What they should be replacing old superstitions with is the understanding that only the truth (the facts) can help solve problems and improve their lives. Our opinions (many of which are derived from tradition and our society) have ZERO impact on how reality works and how to impact it positively. If believing in an invisible man in the clouds watching your every move positively impacted humanity, I would encourage everyone to do so. If a few people hoarding the world's resources and destroying it for personal gain positively affected humanity, I would support that too. And if believing the world was a ball had some positive effect on people, I would never mention any of this to anyone. But lies, and opinions based on lies, never lead to positive outcomes.
If you haven't figured it out yet, dictatorships of any kind will never save humanity from itself. Especially dictatorships on who gets to decide the truth. And what are dictatorships, if not prisons that we create in our own minds? And who do you think gave you the blueprints for your prison cell? It wasn't someone who wanted you to think for yourself. People that think for themselves inevitably think about other people. That's "bad for business" as "they" say!
P.S. I need to stop typing miniature essays every time I post something. I'll do my best and look for more pictures next time instead.
Shattered- Posts : 20
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Inferknite wrote:If I have a kid do I need to get them a birth certificate, sin number?
I've read in some places that so long as you don't have a birth certificate/sin number, you can live freely in any country. Meaning many of the laws that apply to you and I won't apply to that individual. Sounds like a bunch of bullocks to me but would love an answer from someone that has a bit more knowledge/ experience.
I watched a part of a video about this recently (didn't save the link, sorry) but a piece of paper or lack thereof will not stop a global criminal cabal from getting what they want or throwing you in jail. But you already knew that. There is no way out from this system but the truth. The more people know the truth, the sooner people will be free from their shackles (or in this case, shekels ).
Shattered- Posts : 20
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
I made a picture that summarizes what I've been trying to say. I probably should have started with the picture instead of writing a manifesto. Lol...
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Larken Rose is a genius. Or, he could just be someone who stumbled upon the truth, like I did. But either way, the world is better off with him in it. Just like all of you!
Shattered- Posts : 20
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Ex-Illuminati Dutch Banker - In English Audio - Ronald Bernard
Realearth- Posts : 322
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
I hadn't noticed something was added here, very informative. Thank you. I always wondered why Washington D.C. was its own separate government. Now I know it's just a branch of the "true" government. I was feeling a bit unsettled while I was there a few years ago, thanks to all the strange monuments and structures. These Zionists are truly hiding in plain sight. Also, I am sure many of you know the feeling of coming across a "sleepwalking" group of people, especially if you have ever visited a large city. Washington D.C was no exception, and that was before I knew anything about the flat earth, or the banks, or the rest of it.
On some days, I wish I was still asleep. Then I remember being a content slave is never good enough for them. They have to poison us, lie to us, and steal everything from us, before they will be happy. And even then, they are still not satisfied. Now they want to reduce the population and race-mix those who remain so that the ruling class and the slave class become their own distinct races. These parasites have to be stopped!
On some days, I wish I was still asleep. Then I remember being a content slave is never good enough for them. They have to poison us, lie to us, and steal everything from us, before they will be happy. And even then, they are still not satisfied. Now they want to reduce the population and race-mix those who remain so that the ruling class and the slave class become their own distinct races. These parasites have to be stopped!
Shattered- Posts : 20
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
1.The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was incorporated in London in 1783. The United States of America is a territory of Great Britain. The Colonists did not win the Revolutionary War. The British troops did not leave until 1796. Republican v. Sweets, 1 Dallas 43; Treaty, 8 Stat. 116; The Society for Propagating the Gospel & c .v. New Haven, 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Paris (Peace), 8 Stat. 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Confederation, October 20, 1774.
2. King George III of England financed both sides of the Revolutionary War.
Treaty of Versailles, July 15, 1782; Treaty of Paris (Peace), 8 Stat. 80.
3. The IRS is not a U.S. Government agency. It is a Debt Collection Agency of the International Monetary fund (IMF).
Diversified Metal Products v. IRS, et. al.,CV-93-405E-EJE, U. S. D. C. I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 596, Bankruptcy Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.
4. The IMF is an agency of the United Nations (UN).
Black’s Law, 6th Ed. pg. 816.
5. The U.S. has not had a Treasury since 1921.
41 Stat. Ch. 214 pg. 654.
6. New York City is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as the United Nations
Rudolph Giuliani stated on C-Span that “New York City is the capitol of the world” and he is correct. 20 CFR Ch. 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2).
7. No judicial courts, nor judges, have existed in America since 1789. Executive Administrators, not judges, enforce Statues and Codes. FRC v. GE, 281 US 464, Keller v. PE, 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178. See also the 11th Amendment. This was the abolishment of all inferior courts to hear cases of law or equity (this means that all courts below the “one supreme courts”, not the U. S. Supreme Court.
8. You cannot use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it.
Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah, 14 Georgia 438, 520. (Use instead the Bill of Rights)
9. You own no property. slaves cannot own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think you own. You are listed as a Tenant. Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress, 1st. Session
10. We are slaves and own nothing, not even who we think are our children.
Tilman v. Roberts, 108 so. 62: Van Koten v. Koten, 154 N. E. 146; Senate document 43 and 73rd Congress 1st, Session, Wynehammer v. People, 13 N. R. REP 378, 481.
11. Great Britain is owned by the Vatican.
Treaty of Verona, 1213
12. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. (It is an presumption once again!) Elements of Ecclesiastical Law, Vol. 1, 53,54…/elements-of…/
13.We are Human Capital
See Executive Order 13037
14. We are enemies of the State.
Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 and 1933, October 6, 1917, under the Adr, Section 2, subdivision (c) Ch. 106
Enemy defined “other citizens of the United States…” March 9, 1933, Ch 106, Section 5, subdivision (b) of the Act of Oct. 6, 1917 (40 sta. L. 411) amended as follows : “…any person within the United States.” Se H. R. 149 Public law No.1
15.Your name when spelled in all capital letters is a corporation:
A Cestui Que Vie Trust. —Cannon law
16. “The People” do not include you and me since our names are all Capital Letter fictional names.
Barron v. Mayor of city coundil of Baltimore, 32 U. S. 243
17. A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Great Britain (and the Vatican)
IRS Publication 6209 IMF decoding manual
18. Everything in the “United States” is for sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water plants, prisons, airports, etc.
(Who bought Klamath Lake in California?) See Executive Order 12803
19. It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest Code breakers.
Sapp. v. Tallahassee, 348 SO.2d363; Reiff v. city of Philadelphia, 477 F. Supp. 1262; Lynch v. N. C. Dept. of Justice, 376 S. E. 2d 247
20. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all the other alphabet gangs were never a part of the United States Government, even though the “U. S. Government” held shares of stock in these various agencies.
U. S. v. Strang, 254 U. S. 491; Lewis v. U. S., 6880 F.2d 1239.
1.The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was incorporated in London in 1783. The United States of America is a territory of Great Britain. The Colonists did not win the Revolutionary War. The British troops did not leave until 1796. Republican v. Sweets, 1 Dallas 43; Treaty, 8 Stat. 116; The Society for Propagating the Gospel & c .v. New Haven, 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Paris (Peace), 8 Stat. 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Confederation, October 20, 1774.
2. King George III of England financed both sides of the Revolutionary War.
Treaty of Versailles, July 15, 1782; Treaty of Paris (Peace), 8 Stat. 80.
3. The IRS is not a U.S. Government agency. It is a Debt Collection Agency of the International Monetary fund (IMF).
Diversified Metal Products v. IRS, et. al.,CV-93-405E-EJE, U. S. D. C. I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 596, Bankruptcy Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.
4. The IMF is an agency of the United Nations (UN).
Black’s Law, 6th Ed. pg. 816.
5. The U.S. has not had a Treasury since 1921.
41 Stat. Ch. 214 pg. 654.
6. New York City is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as the United Nations
Rudolph Giuliani stated on C-Span that “New York City is the capitol of the world” and he is correct. 20 CFR Ch. 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2).
7. No judicial courts, nor judges, have existed in America since 1789. Executive Administrators, not judges, enforce Statues and Codes. FRC v. GE, 281 US 464, Keller v. PE, 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178. See also the 11th Amendment. This was the abolishment of all inferior courts to hear cases of law or equity (this means that all courts below the “one supreme courts”, not the U. S. Supreme Court.
8. You cannot use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it.
Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah, 14 Georgia 438, 520. (Use instead the Bill of Rights)
9. You own no property. slaves cannot own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think you own. You are listed as a Tenant. Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress, 1st. Session
10. We are slaves and own nothing, not even who we think are our children.
Tilman v. Roberts, 108 so. 62: Van Koten v. Koten, 154 N. E. 146; Senate document 43 and 73rd Congress 1st, Session, Wynehammer v. People, 13 N. R. REP 378, 481.
11. Great Britain is owned by the Vatican.
Treaty of Verona, 1213
12. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. (It is an presumption once again!) Elements of Ecclesiastical Law, Vol. 1, 53,54…/elements-of…/
13.We are Human Capital
See Executive Order 13037
14. We are enemies of the State.
Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 and 1933, October 6, 1917, under the Adr, Section 2, subdivision (c) Ch. 106
Enemy defined “other citizens of the United States…” March 9, 1933, Ch 106, Section 5, subdivision (b) of the Act of Oct. 6, 1917 (40 sta. L. 411) amended as follows : “…any person within the United States.” Se H. R. 149 Public law No.1
15.Your name when spelled in all capital letters is a corporation:
A Cestui Que Vie Trust. —Cannon law
16. “The People” do not include you and me since our names are all Capital Letter fictional names.
Barron v. Mayor of city coundil of Baltimore, 32 U. S. 243
17. A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Great Britain (and the Vatican)
IRS Publication 6209 IMF decoding manual
18. Everything in the “United States” is for sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water plants, prisons, airports, etc.
(Who bought Klamath Lake in California?) See Executive Order 12803
19. It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest Code breakers.
Sapp. v. Tallahassee, 348 SO.2d363; Reiff v. city of Philadelphia, 477 F. Supp. 1262; Lynch v. N. C. Dept. of Justice, 376 S. E. 2d 247
20. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all the other alphabet gangs were never a part of the United States Government, even though the “U. S. Government” held shares of stock in these various agencies.
U. S. v. Strang, 254 U. S. 491; Lewis v. U. S., 6880 F.2d 1239.
Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Spot on. I haven't looked into the US bits much before (very interesting), I'm in UK.
We have common law vs statute (maritime) law, enforced by police 'constables' or 'officers' depending on what they're doing - most of them do not know the difference themselves). we too are all slaves on another branch of the plantation, i even have my certificates to prove it!
When I sit and ponder I realise how childish, cowardly and spiteful these agents of the parasites are. Their ONLY recourse is violence in many forms.
But then again, as i settle I think about Plato's cave and the wonderful, complicated and detailed shadows and distractions and how Completely sh*t they are. Give me the blood and gravel on my knees and under my broken fingernails crawling out any day. I believe it to be worth it.
We have common law vs statute (maritime) law, enforced by police 'constables' or 'officers' depending on what they're doing - most of them do not know the difference themselves). we too are all slaves on another branch of the plantation, i even have my certificates to prove it!
When I sit and ponder I realise how childish, cowardly and spiteful these agents of the parasites are. Their ONLY recourse is violence in many forms.
But then again, as i settle I think about Plato's cave and the wonderful, complicated and detailed shadows and distractions and how Completely sh*t they are. Give me the blood and gravel on my knees and under my broken fingernails crawling out any day. I believe it to be worth it.
Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Not being sure where else to share this, I thought it might be appropriate here. If All Governments are Owned by Banks, why has France gone from what it used to be, to what it is now? Does the owner care? Or maybe the owner is on his yacht; or maybe he decided to visit his palatial estate in the Bahamas? Are the banks actively participating in the destruction of France? Who controls the banks?
Is the same thing as seen in this video picking up speed in America? Portland? Los Angeles? Who owns the bank? Who controls America?
Los Angeles;
Is the same thing as seen in this video picking up speed in America? Portland? Los Angeles? Who owns the bank? Who controls America?
Los Angeles;
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
markwilson wrote:If All Governments are Owned by Banks, why has France gone from what it used to be, to what it is now? Does the owner care?
I don't think 'they' care so much about what happens to European cities and their citizens. Most of downtown Paris is now a place you would want to avoid (own experience), and I don't think that's by accident.
What I don't understand though is why the maker of this video added footage of the fake terrorist attacks like the Bataclan, Nice and Charlie Hebdo (from 1:23). This makes me skeptical about (some) the other footage as well.
Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Does the video serve to document what France used to be, as versus what it is now? It did for me.
And are those false flag psychological warfare operations referenced in the video, a part of what France is, now?
Would those of us actually able to rightly reason, without agenda clouding our judgment, all agree that the "Bataclan, Nice and Charlie Hebdo" psyops, are part of the now? And would we conclude that the video does indeed delineate between what France was, then (sans state-run psyops), versus what France is now, with those psyops?
This really isn't hard to understand.
Agents in place, activated.
[edit] Thought I'd better memorialize the challenge here, just in case it may undergo edit.
"What I don't understand though is why the maker of this video added footage of the fake terrorist attacks like the Bataclan, Nice and Charlie Hebdo (from 1:23). This makes me skeptical about (some) the other footage as well."
And are those false flag psychological warfare operations referenced in the video, a part of what France is, now?
Would those of us actually able to rightly reason, without agenda clouding our judgment, all agree that the "Bataclan, Nice and Charlie Hebdo" psyops, are part of the now? And would we conclude that the video does indeed delineate between what France was, then (sans state-run psyops), versus what France is now, with those psyops?
This really isn't hard to understand.
Agents in place, activated.
[edit] Thought I'd better memorialize the challenge here, just in case it may undergo edit.
"What I don't understand though is why the maker of this video added footage of the fake terrorist attacks like the Bataclan, Nice and Charlie Hebdo (from 1:23). This makes me skeptical about (some) the other footage as well."
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Join date : 2017-03-31
Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
susie wrote:WHO OWNS U.S.?
3. The IRS is not a U.S. Government agency. It is a Debt Collection Agency of the International Monetary fund (IMF).
Excellent post, Susie. Many years ago I had a confrontation with two of the agents of the debt collection agency (IRS), who go about extorting money from Americans under pain of imprisonment, even though the Constitution addresses taxation stipulating only two taxes the Feds may lawfully levi (under the "supreme" law of the land) against the people of the States; i.e., a "direct tax," and an "indirect tax."
1) The direct tax must be "apportioned." (the 16th Amendment did not change this requirement, see Bill Benson, for example, The Law That Never Was)
2) The indirect tax must be uniform (sin taxes, alcohol, tobacco, firearms; i.e., one must be involved in the activity before the tax can be levied against him. And it must be of a uniform rate throughout the States on those goods; in other words, the tax can be totally avoided by the People simply choosing to not purchase those items)
The 1040 Form collects neither. It is fraud perpetrated upon the people. An "amendment" (16th Amendment) revoking the previous requirement in the Constitution, must have the original language excised from the document, lest there be a glaring conflict between the original, and the revoked language. That did not happen, because the 16th Amendment didn't change a thing except to deceive the people that the feds now, under mere color of law, had a power they didn't previously have.
Anyway, for about the first 10 minutes, or so, I tried to get them to simply tell me if they were Federal agents and had taken the oath of office of a Federal agent, to uphold and defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic. They refused, and would not budge. I recorded that exchange.
I used to have a facsimile copy of the last lawful direct tax levied (apportioned to the States based on the last census taken), and it listed down to the dollar (if not the penny, I'm not going to look for it now), how much each State owed, pursuant to the last census taken. There was no "federal" collection agency. Each State collected, and was given an incentive to forward the collected tax to the feds by a certain date to receive a discount on the tax, thereby passing that savings on to we the People.
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
markwilson wrote:
Does the video serve to document what France used to be, as versus what it is now? It did for me.
And are those false flag psychological warfare operations referenced in the video, a part of what France is, now?
Agents in place, activated.
I see your point, but in that case the video is combining reality with staged events, which is at the very least confusing.
And Mark, please stop with your accusation of me (or others) being an 'agent' of some sort. It's a ridiculous statement to make, based on the few comments I made. I'm not here out to get you, but I'm questioning some of the subjects you bring up. That's all.
Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
Let's review:
1) I share archival footage showing what France used to be like in the 60's/70's, compared to what it is now.
2) Being an agent of disinformation, you prattle:
"What I don't understand though is why the maker of this video added footage of the fake terrorist attacks like the Bataclan, Nice and Charlie Hebdo (from 1:23). This makes me skeptical about (some) the other footage as well."
3) I correctly point out that those three psyops you specified (thinking you had the goods on me), are indeed a part of the NOW.
4) The video shows France, then, and, now.
5) Your comment failed in its intent.
1) I share archival footage showing what France used to be like in the 60's/70's, compared to what it is now.
2) Being an agent of disinformation, you prattle:
"What I don't understand though is why the maker of this video added footage of the fake terrorist attacks like the Bataclan, Nice and Charlie Hebdo (from 1:23). This makes me skeptical about (some) the other footage as well."
3) I correctly point out that those three psyops you specified (thinking you had the goods on me), are indeed a part of the NOW.
4) The video shows France, then, and, now.
5) Your comment failed in its intent.
markwilson- Posts : 583
Points : 3725
Reputation : 409
Join date : 2017-03-31
Re: All Governments are Owned by Banks!
markwilson wrote:
2) Being an agent of disinformation, you prattle:
We are done I think. Good luck with your believes and fears.
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