Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
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IFERS - Exposing the 'Global' Conspiracy From Atlantis to Zion :: Heliocentricity, Geocentricity, Cosmology and Cosmogeny
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Scientific experiments that prove our geocentric, stationary model.
Airy's Failure
Sagnac's Experiment
Airy's Failure
Sagnac's Experiment
Torus_Ouroboros- Posts : 34
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Join the Global Religion...
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It's time to unveil the ONE ABSOLUTE WORLD RELIGION.
For all religions lead... To
the Globe.
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mitch- Posts : 130
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Globalist leaders forging a new world from above, as the blind people below obediently knell before a stack of books that has been fed to them:
The Stained Glass Window From The Fabian Society: Freedom Force International.
This is the stained-glass window from the Beatrice Webb House in Surrey, England, former headquarters of the Fabian Society. It was designed by George Bernard Shaw and depicts Sidney Webb and Shaw striking the Earth with hammers to "REMOULD IT NEARER TO THE HEART'S DESIRE," a line from Omar Khayyam. Note the wolf in sheep's clothing in the Fabian crest above the globe. The window is now on display at the London School of Economics (LSE), which was founded by Sydney and Beatrice Webb.
"The window was subsequently stolen from the house in 1978," says LSE's archivist, Sue Donnelly. "It surfaced in Phoenix, Arizona, soon after, but then disappeared again until it suddenly resurfaced at a sale at Sotheby's in July 2005."
The window was purchased by the Webb Memorial Trust and now is on loan to the LSE where it is displayed in the schools Shaw Library. In April of 2006, the window was officially unvieled by a ceremony attended by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who is a member of the Fabian Society. [1]
The Fabians originally were an elite group of intellectuals who formed a semi-secret society for the purpose of bringing socialism to the world. Whereas Communists wanted to establish socialism quickly through violence and revolution, the Fabians preferred to do it slowly through propaganda and legislation. The word socialism was not to be used. Instead, they would speak of benefits for the people such as welfare, medical care, higher wages, and better working conditions.
In this way, they planned to accomplish their objective without bloodshed and even without serious opposition. They scorned the Communists, not because they disliked their goals, but because they disagreed with their methods. To emphasize the importance of gradualism, they adopted the turtle as the symbol of their movement. The three most prominent leaders in the early days were Sidney and Beatrice Webb and George Bernard Shaw. A stained-glass window from the Beatrice Webb House in Surrey, England is especially enlightening. Across the top appears the last line from Omar Khayyam:
Dear love, couldst thou and I with fate conspire
To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
Would we not shatter it to bits, and then
Remould it nearer to the heart's desire!
Beneath the line Remould it nearer to the heart's desire, the mural depicts Shaw and Webb striking the earth with hammers. Across the bottom, the masses kneel in worship of a stack of books advocating the theories of socialism. Thumbing his nose at the docile masses is H.G. Wells who, after quitting the Fabians, denounced them as "the new machiavellians." The most revealing component, however, is the Fabian crest which appears between Shaw and Webb. It is a wolf in sheep's clothing!
mitch- Posts : 130
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Here is a much higher resolution picture of the window:
Notice the Red Shield (Rothschilds?) with the text:
Pray Devoutly
Hammer Stoutly
Also check the names of the books
So much embedded information in that window
Notice the Red Shield (Rothschilds?) with the text:
Pray Devoutly
Hammer Stoutly
Also check the names of the books
So much embedded information in that window
FL@T-E@RTH- Posts : 216
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Firstly in the top right is a letter addressed to the secretary of the Fabian Society
4 Clements Inn, Strand WC
Note the Secretary is operating bellows (above the shield) which is producing fire behind the hammer man on the left, this denotes the FS stoking the fire to form change, they are transforming society from a once religious model to their Socialist model.
"Remould it nearer to the hearts desire"
The two hammer men are the Fabian Society affecting change on the World.
Underneath this we have the (at the time) religious populace, all being converted to the Fabian Society's manipulation through the books they are praying too:
Plays I pleasant
Plays II unpleasant
Plays for Puritans
Man & sufferman
Getting married
Common sense of (intelligible?)
Minority report on the poor law
Industrial democracy
History of tradeunionism
English local government
Fabian tracts and essays!
The Fabian tracts can be read here:
This window is showing how the Fabian Society are going to remould society from one of Religion to Socialism via the Fabian Society in a compartmentalized manner using law, government, words (education).
I AM NOT A RELIGIOUS PERSON. (schpankme lol)
I am merely deconstructing that window to show how the Fabian Society took people who were religious and directed them away to worship the ideas they employed.
To control a population that worships an omnipotent God requires them to get that populace to worship them.
This is why the Fabian Society are on the top in that window with the religious populace knelt below them worshiping the books and texts unaware they are actually worshiping the Fabian Society by proxy.
It's no different to how the Roman Catholic church used the bible to get the masses to worship God, when the masses were actually worshiping the Church by proxy.
4 Clements Inn, Strand WC
Note the Secretary is operating bellows (above the shield) which is producing fire behind the hammer man on the left, this denotes the FS stoking the fire to form change, they are transforming society from a once religious model to their Socialist model.
"Remould it nearer to the hearts desire"
The two hammer men are the Fabian Society affecting change on the World.
Underneath this we have the (at the time) religious populace, all being converted to the Fabian Society's manipulation through the books they are praying too:
Plays I pleasant
Plays II unpleasant
Plays for Puritans
Man & sufferman
Getting married
Common sense of (intelligible?)
Minority report on the poor law
Industrial democracy
History of tradeunionism
English local government
Fabian tracts and essays!
The Fabian tracts can be read here:
This window is showing how the Fabian Society are going to remould society from one of Religion to Socialism via the Fabian Society in a compartmentalized manner using law, government, words (education).
I AM NOT A RELIGIOUS PERSON. (schpankme lol)
I am merely deconstructing that window to show how the Fabian Society took people who were religious and directed them away to worship the ideas they employed.
To control a population that worships an omnipotent God requires them to get that populace to worship them.
This is why the Fabian Society are on the top in that window with the religious populace knelt below them worshiping the books and texts unaware they are actually worshiping the Fabian Society by proxy.
It's no different to how the Roman Catholic church used the bible to get the masses to worship God, when the masses were actually worshiping the Church by proxy.
FL@T-E@RTH- Posts : 216
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
FL@T-E@RTH wrote:
the Fabian Society
the Fabian Society stoking the fire to form change
the Fabian Society affecting change on the World.
the Fabian Society's manipulation through the books they are praying too
Fabian tracts and essays!
the Fabian Society are going to remould society from one of Religion to Socialism
I AM NOT A RELIGIOUS PERSON. (schpankme lol)
the Fabian Society took people who were religious and directed them away to worship the ideas they employed.
the Fabian Society are on the top in that window with the religious populace knelt below them worshiping the books and texts
When you say "the Fabian Society" you mean "Bolshevism", Marxism, the "Workers Party (Unions)"; in Germany they were called NAZI during the time of Hitler; they are now and have always been the Sect called JEW, who sponsor the select of their membership into the roles of government, banking, media, academia, and industry.
Religion has always been sponsored at the State and Academic level, there are but two (2) Religions and they are the faith based Theist and the theory based Atheist, with each being subcultural.
Our history and science has been manipulated into fictional stories over the last 500 years, it began with the Old World Order who demanded tithing and obedience from the illiterate through faith based religion and war. It has accumulated into the New World Order who tax the labor of the indoctrinated who pay for science theory and war; this is the reality propagated across the face of the Earth:
Evolution - Theory Based Science - SPACE (Big Bang) ATOM, remove Electron create Explosion
Creation - Faith Based Science - HEAVEN (Holy Spirit) ADAM, remove Rib create Women
Both opposite sides of the same Coin.
Both controlled and pitted against one another in Hegelian Dialect.
Both worship the same Master those who write the books and educate the children.
Last edited by Schpankme on Wed Dec 05, 2018 2:20 am; edited 1 time in total
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
1543 - Jesuits invent Heliocentricism, publish book tilted, "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres", in Nuremberg, the Holy Roman Empire.
1560 - Jesuits begin converting China to Heliocentricism.
1572 - Jesuits recommend reforming the calendar based on Heliocentricism.
1582 - Jesuits reform the calendar using Heliocentricism (Gregorian calendar).
1601 - Telescope invented
1611 - Jesuits claim the lights they see in the night sky are spinning, orbiting, "Heavenly Spheres".
1651 - Jesuits map the Moon (Selenography) inventing impact craters, lava flows, highlands, mountain ranges, and defining other fictional features for us.
As shown, the Holy Roman Empire instituted Heliocentricism as a business decision in an attempt to destroy Protestantism. As the next centuries ticked by these science fiction stories began entering the major Universities (all faith based); from this point on the people were taught to replace Faith with Theory (pretend).
There is only one question to answer: What year did Religion allow Science to take over the Space ENTERPRISE?
What we see before us is a fable created for academia and sold as a religion to the paying public.
1560 - Jesuits begin converting China to Heliocentricism.
1572 - Jesuits recommend reforming the calendar based on Heliocentricism.
1582 - Jesuits reform the calendar using Heliocentricism (Gregorian calendar).
1601 - Telescope invented
1611 - Jesuits claim the lights they see in the night sky are spinning, orbiting, "Heavenly Spheres".
1651 - Jesuits map the Moon (Selenography) inventing impact craters, lava flows, highlands, mountain ranges, and defining other fictional features for us.
As shown, the Holy Roman Empire instituted Heliocentricism as a business decision in an attempt to destroy Protestantism. As the next centuries ticked by these science fiction stories began entering the major Universities (all faith based); from this point on the people were taught to replace Faith with Theory (pretend).
There is only one question to answer: What year did Religion allow Science to take over the Space ENTERPRISE?
What we see before us is a fable created for academia and sold as a religion to the paying public.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Was ancient Egypt the last time there was a 'real' astronomy without hypotheses? Even Tycho Brahe admitted that both his geo and Copernicus' helio models were mathematical hypotheses. French Philosopher Peter Ramus visited Brahe in Augsburg in 1571 and attempted to convince him to 'restore' astronomy to an empirical only discipline. See A. Blair, 1990. 'Tycho Brahe's Critique of Copernicus'
AGAUL- Posts : 3
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
AGAUL wrote:
ancient Egypt
astronomy without hypotheses
restore astronomy
to an empirical only discipline
based on, observable, measurable, demonstrable, repeatable evidence rather than theory.
Ancient Greek
aster, star
astro, stars
logy from logia, to study
onomy, science or the laws governing
The word "astronomy" looks to be another recent adaptation of the scribe, a means to distance the Vatican/Jesuit/Jews away from "astrology" or astrotheology, to study stars.
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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A Misunderstanding and Saving Face
I was relieved to find that a great thinker like Heidegger did in fact confront the essence of heliocentricism in his body of work. When you start thinking about cosmology and the nature of our basic understanding of earth it makes philosophy that does not address this issue seem temporarily worthless.
Heidegger writes of the problem of modern science based on theoretical-mathematical hypothesis taken as fact in his lecture/book What is a Thing? His point is that modern science's 'proofs' are not objective but tautological and circular only proving their own mathematical hypothesis and not based on pure observation. He describes the flaws in Newton's Laws. The Laws are perfectly acceptable based on their theoretical presuppositions and can be supported mathematically but they are not objectively true.
Newton's axiom begins with 'corpus omne', 'every body'. That means that the distinction
between earthly and celestial bodies has become obsolete...
How about this law? It speaks of a body, corpus quod a viribus impressis non cogitur, a
body which is left to itself. Where do we find it? There is no such body. There is also no
experiment which could ever bring such a body to direct perception. But modern
supposed to be based upon experience. Instead, it has such a law at its apex.
(Heidegger, What is This Thing?)
It is possible that the established order finds theoretical science useful in controlling the future of the political, the economic and the imaginary. There was an article recently about Bezos wanting to send 'trillions' of people into space. Soon, with the complete artificialization of reality, 'trillions' could theoretically walk on board the Bezos 'ship' and with their complete acceptance of artificial reality be transported to an artificial planet. The imaginary is only waiting for the technology to catch-up to the theory. The imaginary science demands and precludes the technology. The Flat Earth is dangerous to modern science because it gets at the crux of the fallibility of modern scientific fact and perceived authority, as Heidegger pointed out in 1935.
Heidegger writes of the problem of modern science based on theoretical-mathematical hypothesis taken as fact in his lecture/book What is a Thing? His point is that modern science's 'proofs' are not objective but tautological and circular only proving their own mathematical hypothesis and not based on pure observation. He describes the flaws in Newton's Laws. The Laws are perfectly acceptable based on their theoretical presuppositions and can be supported mathematically but they are not objectively true.
Newton's axiom begins with 'corpus omne', 'every body'. That means that the distinction
between earthly and celestial bodies has become obsolete...
How about this law? It speaks of a body, corpus quod a viribus impressis non cogitur, a
body which is left to itself. Where do we find it? There is no such body. There is also no
experiment which could ever bring such a body to direct perception. But modern
supposed to be based upon experience. Instead, it has such a law at its apex.
(Heidegger, What is This Thing?)
It is possible that the established order finds theoretical science useful in controlling the future of the political, the economic and the imaginary. There was an article recently about Bezos wanting to send 'trillions' of people into space. Soon, with the complete artificialization of reality, 'trillions' could theoretically walk on board the Bezos 'ship' and with their complete acceptance of artificial reality be transported to an artificial planet. The imaginary is only waiting for the technology to catch-up to the theory. The imaginary science demands and precludes the technology. The Flat Earth is dangerous to modern science because it gets at the crux of the fallibility of modern scientific fact and perceived authority, as Heidegger pointed out in 1935.
AGAUL- Posts : 3
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
AGAUL wrote:
Heidegger writes
the problem of modern science
based on theoretical presuppositions
are not objectively true
theoretical science
The imaginary science
precludes the technology
and perceived authority
The indoctrinated mind who accepts the Space Enterprise can only convey what they believe in "theoretical science" speak (pretend).
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Heidegger believes Descartes solidifies the Newtonian math based reality.
"Until Descartes every thing present-at-hand for itself was a 'subject'; but now the 'I' becomes the special subject, that with regard to which all the remaining things first determine themselves as such. Because - mathematically - they first receive their thingness only through the founding relation to the highest principle and its 'subject' (I), they are essentially such as stand as something else in relation to the 'subject', which lie over against it as objectum. The things themselves become 'objects'.
The word objectum now passes through a corresponding change of meaning. For up to then the word objectum denoted what was thrown up opposite one's mere imagining: 'I imagine a golden mountain'. This thus represented - an objectum in the language of the Middle Ages - is, according to the usage of language today, merely something 'subjective'; for a 'golden mountain' does not exist 'objectively' in the meaning of the changed linguistic use. This reversal of the meanings of the words subjectum and objectum is no mere affair of usage; it is a radical change of Dasein, i.e., the illumination (Lichtung) of the being of what is on the basis of the predominance of the mathematical. It is a stretch of the way of actual history necessarily hidden from the naked eye, a history which always concerns the openness of being - or nothing at all." (Heidegger, What is a Thing? trns. by W.B. Barton)
It is as if the world order can not turn back even if it wanted to. Turning back would mean an impossible correction to history and eventually a new science, new economy, new technology and a replaced role for mathematics, calculation and the self. It is as if world progress is prevented by a stubborn allegiance to a mathematical imaginary, the imaginary now stretched beyond the math, and which Heidegger shows begins its foundation at the time of the Newtonian revolution and completed with Descartes.
AGAUL- Posts : 3
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The lies are unraveling
When you take a big bang theory, lube it up with dark energy, rub in some neutrinos and tie it all together with knots of string theory, the ball of lies is the result. An understatement such as, "There's currently no consistent story that works for all our cosmological data," when uttered by Princeton University Astrophysicist Jo Dunkley, seems to be a confession that the lies are unraveling.
Note the phrasing in these excerpts:
"Recent studies show they may have overestimated ..."
"A surprising realization that is forcing them to rethink key parts ..."
"Instead of confirming ... they started getting a distinctly different result."
"If all the numbers are correct, then the problem must run deeper."
"If the idea of an expanding universe seems bizarre to you, welcome to the club."
This entire article is replete with doublespeak and outright delusional fanfare meant to declare that brilliant astrophysicists need billions of dollars of grant money and funding to consolidate the study of dark energy and neutrinos for the glory of the intelligentsia. At the very least, they need this opportunity to get their story straight.
Read through the article for yourself here ....
Note the phrasing in these excerpts:
"Recent studies show they may have overestimated ..."
"A surprising realization that is forcing them to rethink key parts ..."
"Instead of confirming ... they started getting a distinctly different result."
"If all the numbers are correct, then the problem must run deeper."
"If the idea of an expanding universe seems bizarre to you, welcome to the club."
This entire article is replete with doublespeak and outright delusional fanfare meant to declare that brilliant astrophysicists need billions of dollars of grant money and funding to consolidate the study of dark energy and neutrinos for the glory of the intelligentsia. At the very least, they need this opportunity to get their story straight.
Read through the article for yourself here ....
Oliver_Bestfall- Posts : 100
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Oliver_Bestfall wrote:
big bang theory
dark energy
string theory
- Heaven - requires faith based incantations to enter
- Space - requires theory based equations to enter
Schpankme- Posts : 1202
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
It doesn't need to be true when it smells like Science!
Oliver_Bestfall- Posts : 100
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Remember, the universe is 14 billion years old and the universe is 92 billion light-years wide. Take a moment to balance that equation.
Got it? Okay, good.
Next, here is a direct quote, talking about black holes, "... their existence is mind-bending, taking what people experience every day on Earth — light and time — and warping them in such a way that seems unreal" (AP, 2020).
Please step forward and accept your Nobel Prize with a straight face, and keep warping science in such a way that seems unreal.
Remember, the universe is 14 billion years old and the universe is 92 billion light-years wide. Take a moment to balance that equation.
Got it? Okay, good.
Next, here is a direct quote, talking about black holes, "... their existence is mind-bending, taking what people experience every day on Earth — light and time — and warping them in such a way that seems unreal" (AP, 2020).
Please step forward and accept your Nobel Prize with a straight face, and keep warping science in such a way that seems unreal.
Oliver_Bestfall- Posts : 100
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Moon Phases debunk heliocentric model
I found this video from the channel "my perspective" in which the author debunks the heliocentric model.
He proofs that in a heliocentric model full moon and venus can't be visible at the same time at night.
Last edited by Dan-cer on Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:04 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : layout improved)
Dan-cer- Posts : 39
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The two tropics
Hello .. I am brand new on here .. when I first heard of flat earth I began with many questions .. and one by one I had them answers to my satisfaction .. but a new question popped up and I have joined here in the hope of getting it answered ...
on a globe earth the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn would both be the same length ... but on a plane earth the Tropic of Capricorn would need to be longer ... can anyone help me with this ? or point me in the right direction to find answers
Pitdonkey- Posts : 3
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Pitdonkey wrote:
Hello .. I am brand new on here .. when I first heard of flat earth I began with many questions .. and one by one I had them answers to my satisfaction .. but a new question popped up and I have joined here in the hope of getting it answered ...
on a globe earth the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn would both be the same length ... but on a plane earth the Tropic of Capricorn would need to be longer ... can anyone help me with this ? or point me in the right direction to find answers
If the Earth were truly a globe, then every line of latitude South of the equator would have to measure a gradually smaller and smaller circumference the farther South traveled. In other words, the circumference at 10 degrees South latitude would comprise a smaller circle than at the equator, 20 degrees South latitude would comprise a circle smaller than 10, and so on. If, however, the Earth is an extended plane, then every line of latitude South of the equator should measure a gradually larger and larger circumference the farther South traveled. 10 degrees South latitude will comprise a larger circle than the equator, 20 degrees South latitude will comprise a circle larger than 10, and so on. Likewise, if the Earth were a globe, lines of longitude would bubble out at the equator while converging at both poles. Whereas if the Earth is an extended plane, lines of longitude should simply expand straight outwards from the North Pole. So which is actually the case?
“Upon the principle, as taught by Scripture and common observation, that the world is not a Planet, but consists of vast masses of land stretched out upon level seas, the North being the centre of the system, it is evident that the degrees of longitude will gradually increase in width the whole way from the North centre to the icy boundary of the great Southern Circumference. In consequence of the difference between the actual extent of longitudes and that allowed for them by the Nautical Authorities, which difference, at the latitude of the Cape of Good Hope, has been estimated to amount to a great number of miles, many Ship-masters have lost their reckoning, and many vessels have been wrecked. Ship-captains, who have been educated in the globular theory, know not how to account for their getting so much out of their course in Southern latitudes, and generally put it down to currents; but this reason is futile, for although currents may exist, they do not usually run in opposite directions, and vessels are frequently wrecked, whether sailing East or West.” -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (102)
During Captain James Clark Ross’s voyages around the Antarctic circumference, he often wrote in his journal perplexed at how they routinely found themselves out of accordance with their charts, stating that they found themselves an average of 12-16 miles outside their reckoning every day, some days as much as 29 miles. Lieutenant Charles Wilkes commanded a United States Navy exploration expedition to the Antarctic from August 18th, 1838 to June 10th, 1842, almost four years spent “exploring and surveying the Southern ocean.” In his journals Lieutenant Wilkes also mentioned being consistently east of his reckoning, sometimes over 20 miles in less than 18 hours.
“The commanders of these various expeditions were, of course, with their education and belief in the earth’s rotundity, unable to conceive of any other cause for the differences between log and chronometer results than the existence of currents. But one simple fact is entirely fatal to such an explanation, viz., that when the route taken is east or west the same results are experienced. The water of the southern region cannot be running in two opposite directions at the same time; and hence, although various local and variable currents have been noticed, they cannot be shown to be the cause of the discrepancies so generally observed in high southern latitudes between time and log results. The conclusion is one of necessity, forced upon us by the sum of the evidence collected that the degrees of longitude in any given southern latitude are larger than the degrees in any latitude nearer to the northern center; thus proving the already more than sufficiently demonstrated fact that the earth is a plane, having a northern center, in relation to which degrees of latitude are concentric, and from which degrees of longitude are diverging lines, continually increasing in their distance from each other as they are prolonged towards the great glacial southern circumference.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe!” (261)
“February 11th, 1822, at noon, in latitude 65.53. S. our chronometers gave 44 miles more westing than the log in three days. On 22nd of April (1822), in latitude 54.16. S. our longitude by chronometers was 46.49, and by D.R. (dead reckoning) 47° 11´: On 2nd May (1822), at noon, in latitude 53.46. S., our longitude by chronometers was 59° 27´, and by D.R. 61° 6´. October 14th, in latitude 58.6, longitude by chronometers 62° 46´, by account 65° 24´. In latitude 59.7. S., longitude by chronometers was 63° 28´, by account 66° 42´. In latitude 61.49. S., longitude by chronometers was 61° 53´, by account 66° 38´.” -Captain James Weddell, “Voyages Towards the South Pole”
“In the southern hemisphere, navigators to India have often fancied themselves east of the Cape when still west, and have been driven ashore on the African coast, which, according to their reckoning, lay behind them. This misfortune happened to a fine frigate, the Challenger, in 1845. How came Her Majesty’s Ship ‘Conqueror,’ to be lost? How have so many other noble vessels, perfectly sound, perfectly manned, perfectly navigated, been wrecked in calm weather, not only in dark night, or in a fog, but in broad daylight and sunshine – in the former case upon the coasts, in the latter, upon sunken rocks – from being ‘out of reckoning,’ under circumstances which until now, have baffled every satisfactory explanation.” -Rev. Thomas Milner, “Tour Through Creation”
The equatorial circumference of the supposed ball-Earth is said to be 24,900 statute or 21,600 nautical miles. A nautical mile is the distance, following the supposed curvature of the Earth, from one minute of latitude to the next. A statue mile is the straight line distance between the two, not taking into account Earth’s alleged curvature.
The “Australian Handbook, Almanack, Shippers’ and Importers’ Directory” states that the distance between Sydney and Nelson is 1400 nautical or 1633 statute miles. Allowing a more than sufficient 83 miles as the distance for rounding Cape Farewell and sailing up Tasman Bay to Nelson leaves 1550 statute miles as the straight-line distance from the meridian of Sydney to the meridian of Nelson. Their given difference in longitude is 22 degrees 2’14”. Therefore if 22 degrees 2’14” out of 360 is 1550 miles, the entirety measures 25,182 miles. This is larger than the Earth is said to be at the equator, and 4262 miles greater than it would be at Sydney’s southern latitude on a globe of said proportions! One 360th part of 25,182 gives 70 miles as the distance between each degree of longitude at Sydney’s 34 degree Southern latitude. On a globe 25,000 miles in equatorial circumference, however, degrees of longitude at 34 degrees latitude would be only 58 miles, a full 12 miles per degree less than reality. This perfectly explains why Ross and other navigators in the deep South experienced 12+ mile daily discrepancies between their reckoning and reality, the farther South traveled the farther the divide.
“From near Cape Horn, Chile to Port Philip in Melbourne, Australia the distance is 9,000 miles. These two places are 143 degrees of longitude from each other. Therefore the whole extent of the Earth’s circumference is a mere arithmetical question. If 143 degrees make 9,000 miles, what will be the distance made by the whole 360 degrees into which the surface is divided? The answer is, 22,657 miles; or, 8357 miles more than the theory of rotundity would permit. It must be borne in mind, however, that the above distances are nautical measure, which, reduced to statute miles, gives the actual distance round the Southern region at a given latitude as 26,433 statute miles; or nearly 1,500 miles more than the largest circumference ever assigned to the Earth at the equator.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Earth Not a Globe, 2nd Edition” (52)
Similar calculations made from the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa to Melbourne, Australia at an average latitude of 35.5 degrees South, have given an approximate figure of over 25,000 miles, which is again equal to or greater than the Earth’s supposed greatest circumference at the equator. Calculations from Sydney, Australia to Wellington, New Zealand at an average of 37.5 degrees South have given an approximate circumference of 25,500 miles, greater still! According to the ball-Earth theory, the circumference of the Earth at 37.5 degrees Southern latitude should be only 19,757 statute miles, almost six thousand miles less than such practical measurements.
“The above calculations are, as already stated, only proximate; but as liberal allowances have been made for irregularities of route, etc., they are sufficiently accurate to prove that the degrees of longitude, as we proceed south-wards, do not diminish, as they would upon a globe, but expand or increase, as they must if the earth is a plane; or, in other words, the farthest point, or greatest latitude south, must have the greatest circumference and degrees of longitude.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe!” (258)
“Parallels of latitude only – of all imaginary lines on the surface of the Earth – are circles, which increase, progressively, from the northern centre to the southern circumference. The mariner’s course in the direction of any one of these concentric circles is his longitude, the degrees of which INCREASE to such an extent beyond the equator (going southwards) that hundreds of vessels have been wrecked because of the false idea created by the untruthfulness of the charts and the globular theory together, causing the sailor to be continually getting out of his reckoning. With a map of the Earth in its true form all difficulty is done away with, and ships may be conducted anywhere with perfect safety. This, then, is a very important practical proof that the Earth is not a globe.” -William Carpenter, “100 Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe” (14)
Dan-cer likes this post
Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Hello and thanks for your long reply ... I agree completely with what you have said ... but I still wish to know how the discrepancies between the globe model and the geocentric models are accounted for by pilots and captains of boats and planes etc ( both private and commercial ) ......and how is it not common knowledge ... is there any info you or anyone else knows of that covers this ?
Pitdonkey- Posts : 3
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Pitdonkey wrote:Hello and thanks for your long reply ... I agree completely with what you have said ... but I still wish to know how the discrepancies between the globe model and the geocentric models are accounted for by pilots and captains of boats and planes etc ( both private and commercial ) ......and how is it not common knowledge ... is there any info you or anyone else knows of that covers this ?
This is a research forum not a question forum.
Perhaps you could research your Pilot and Captain questions and report what you find.
Realearth- Posts : 322
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Ok ...I respect that ... .. I’ll do my best ... I was just hoping that someone might know of /or has done the research that would help me find answers... That in its self is a form of research surely
Pitdonkey- Posts : 3
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Background radiation study confirms Geocentricity?
The axis of evil
IN their 2006 cosmology science article "On the large-angle anomalies of the microwave sky," Copi, Huterer, Schwarz, and Starkman reported that they had found anomalies in the background radiation : “In particular, we show that the planes of the quadrupole and the octopole are unexpectedly aligned. ... with the geometry and direction of motion of the solar system.”
See also Wikipedia : Axis_of_evil_(cosmology)
" ... But when you look at CMB map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun."
My guess is that the Freemasons that cooked up the idea of the background radiation or NASA that served up the data to the scientific community, inadvertently messed things up by using a random formula that was centered on on coordinate (0,0,0) from the instrument or to-be viewer position on the earth.
The name “axis of evil” was given to this theory because of its consequences to the prevailing narratives of the atheist scientific community in large and the Heliocentric model in particular. Since then, there have been several attempts at discrediting and disproving these findings.
IN their 2006 cosmology science article "On the large-angle anomalies of the microwave sky," Copi, Huterer, Schwarz, and Starkman reported that they had found anomalies in the background radiation : “In particular, we show that the planes of the quadrupole and the octopole are unexpectedly aligned. ... with the geometry and direction of motion of the solar system.”
See also Wikipedia : Axis_of_evil_(cosmology)
" ... But when you look at CMB map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun."
My guess is that the Freemasons that cooked up the idea of the background radiation or NASA that served up the data to the scientific community, inadvertently messed things up by using a random formula that was centered on on coordinate (0,0,0) from the instrument or to-be viewer position on the earth.
The name “axis of evil” was given to this theory because of its consequences to the prevailing narratives of the atheist scientific community in large and the Heliocentric model in particular. Since then, there have been several attempts at discrediting and disproving these findings.
Last edited by PacMan on Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:27 am; edited 9 times in total (Reason for editing : Unverified study as basis)
PacMan- Posts : 19
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Michelson-Morley Implications
Hi friends,
I'd like to discuss the result of the Michelson-Morley experiment. I have recently been reviewing the 5 main experiments which are frequently mentioned as proof of a flat and stationary earth; they are as follows:
Airy's Failure (homerun, wonderful experiment)
Sagnac Experiment (again, clear winner)
James Bradley Experiment (parallax shmerallax)
Michelson-Gale Experiment (more dubious but still useful)
Michelson-Morley Experiment (????)
The first 4 make perfect sense to me. They all seem to support a type of luminiferous ether which acts as a medium which light passes through, similar to how sound passes through air. The Michelson-Morley experiment gives a null result which seems to contradict the findings of the other 4. Of course it also proves the earth does not move, so it's not like it threatens geocentricity at all - it just seems to contradict the idea of the luminiferous ether.
You can find many explications of the experiment at various places online - they all claim it disproves the idea of the ether but do not seem to understand that it also clearly indicates that the earth does not move. Anyway if you are unfamiliar with the experiment, I'd suggest doing a quick search and familiarizing yourself with it. It's not very complicated but it helps to see diagrams and drawings.
Anyway I'd love to hear possible explanations regarding the existence or non-existence of the ether - what the experiment indicates and how to interpret the results. Thanks for reading
I'd like to discuss the result of the Michelson-Morley experiment. I have recently been reviewing the 5 main experiments which are frequently mentioned as proof of a flat and stationary earth; they are as follows:
Airy's Failure (homerun, wonderful experiment)
Sagnac Experiment (again, clear winner)
James Bradley Experiment (parallax shmerallax)
Michelson-Gale Experiment (more dubious but still useful)
Michelson-Morley Experiment (????)
The first 4 make perfect sense to me. They all seem to support a type of luminiferous ether which acts as a medium which light passes through, similar to how sound passes through air. The Michelson-Morley experiment gives a null result which seems to contradict the findings of the other 4. Of course it also proves the earth does not move, so it's not like it threatens geocentricity at all - it just seems to contradict the idea of the luminiferous ether.
You can find many explications of the experiment at various places online - they all claim it disproves the idea of the ether but do not seem to understand that it also clearly indicates that the earth does not move. Anyway if you are unfamiliar with the experiment, I'd suggest doing a quick search and familiarizing yourself with it. It's not very complicated but it helps to see diagrams and drawings.
Anyway I'd love to hear possible explanations regarding the existence or non-existence of the ether - what the experiment indicates and how to interpret the results. Thanks for reading
natavism- Posts : 1
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Re: Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!
Many scientific research sites try to portray the Michelson- Morley results as a failed proof of an ether. This is not true. The experiment from the ground up was not designed to prove an ether but to measure the effects of the earth’s supposed movement around the sun on the speed of light. That was their number 1 goal. It proved the earth was stationary. I believe the later MM experiments using more sensitive equipment prove earth does not move and the existence of an ether.
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