Spiritual Science
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Re: Spiritual Science
ellie wrote:https://alternativenewsvideos.com/david-nino-rodriguez-with-archaix-jason-breshears-our-entire-reality-is-a-simulation-and-the-holographic-universe/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=david-nino-rodriguez-with-archaix-jason-breshears-our-entire-reality-is-a-simulation-and-the-holographic-universe
What's that smell?
Not bullshit surely?
Re: Spiritual Science
I've just found this wonderful book on YouTube, it gives you the rules of the game of life, that being; how to live your life using divinity, spirituality, prayer and faith to achieve all the good God intends for you. It is a Christian perspective on Spiritual Science however it is clearly applicable for any person open to the spiritual realm.
Here is a digital book in archive.org: https://archive.org/details/gameoflifehowtop00shin/page/n2/mode/1up?view=theater
Here is a digital book in archive.org: https://archive.org/details/gameoflifehowtop00shin/page/n2/mode/1up?view=theater
pitagoras- Posts : 37
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Re: Spiritual Science
Simulation theory is Intelligent Design for retards (atheists)
Nym- Posts : 31
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Re: Spiritual Science
Author, Speaker and Filmmaker Sarah Hinze compiled dozens of uplifting and remarkable accounts of parents and families who have had the opportunity to meet the souls of their sons and daughters before they were born. These souls share that we are all eternal spirits who lived in a realm of light and beauty before coming to earth.
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Pre-Birth Experience, Life Before Incarnation & Why We Come to Earth
Pre-Birth Experience, Life Before Incarnation & Why We Come to Earth
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Re: Spiritual Science
Aaron Green shares about his relief to be outside his body after struggling with his breathing when he was a child. He wakes up from what seems like the dream of this reality to a greater reality. He asks a question that many of us have wanted to know, "What Am I?"
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Flat Earth vs Simulacrum
IMO Jason Breshear's has a position worth considering:
ellie- Posts : 24
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Re: Spiritual Science
I (Christian Sundberg) Remember PLANNING My LIFE and Going Under the VEIL!
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Re: Spiritual Science
Spiritual Science (Full Videobook):
For centuries the prevailing western worldview has been built upon the materialistic, mechanical model of Isaac Newton – a clockwork Universe composed of separate particles of matter interacting according to precise physical laws and existing within objective dimensions of space and time. This model has long succeeded in describing many facets of our multi-faceted reality, but increasingly since the revelations of Einstein and the paradigm-crushing implications of quantum physics, Newton’s world is quietly fading from view and being replaced by a more spiritual science.
If you can, please help support my work by purchasing and giving out copies of Spiritual Science and my other books to anyone you know who would be interested to read them. All 8 of my books are available direct from the publisher Lulu here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay
0:00:00 - Chapter 1. Quantum Physics
1:14:26 - Chapter 2. Consciousness
2:19:17 - Chapter 3. The Holographic Universe
2:55:20 - Chapter 4. The Morphic Field
3:16:08 - Chapter 5. The Human Energy Body
4:38:00 - Chapter 6. Psi Science
5:58:16 - Chapter 7. Out of Body Experiences
6:21:04 - Chapter 8. Near-Death Experiences
7:21:37 - Chapter 9. Entheogens
7:56:04 - Chapter 10. Ghosts
8:09:29 - Chapter 11. Reincarnation
8:42:49 - Chapter 12. God, Brahma, Tao, Void, Oneness, Infinite Consciousness
For centuries the prevailing western worldview has been built upon the materialistic, mechanical model of Isaac Newton – a clockwork Universe composed of separate particles of matter interacting according to precise physical laws and existing within objective dimensions of space and time. This model has long succeeded in describing many facets of our multi-faceted reality, but increasingly since the revelations of Einstein and the paradigm-crushing implications of quantum physics, Newton’s world is quietly fading from view and being replaced by a more spiritual science.
If you can, please help support my work by purchasing and giving out copies of Spiritual Science and my other books to anyone you know who would be interested to read them. All 8 of my books are available direct from the publisher Lulu here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay
0:00:00 - Chapter 1. Quantum Physics
1:14:26 - Chapter 2. Consciousness
2:19:17 - Chapter 3. The Holographic Universe
2:55:20 - Chapter 4. The Morphic Field
3:16:08 - Chapter 5. The Human Energy Body
4:38:00 - Chapter 6. Psi Science
5:58:16 - Chapter 7. Out of Body Experiences
6:21:04 - Chapter 8. Near-Death Experiences
7:21:37 - Chapter 9. Entheogens
7:56:04 - Chapter 10. Ghosts
8:09:29 - Chapter 11. Reincarnation
8:42:49 - Chapter 12. God, Brahma, Tao, Void, Oneness, Infinite Consciousness
CajunPie, EthericData2, Dan-cer, StillWakingUp and Forest4theTreez like this post
Gordon Phinn Out-of-Body traveler on Spirit Search and Rescue
Gordon is an extraordinary poet, scholar, writer, and story teller, and has just released a memoir covering the last ten years of his out-of-body adventures called "Moving Through Many Dimensions"
He is an experienced out-of-body traveler and  has had thirty years of experience helping people who have difficulty letting go of their connection to earth life using techniques developed by the late Bruce Moen (see https://afterlife-knowledge.com/)
He is an experienced out-of-body traveler and  has had thirty years of experience helping people who have difficulty letting go of their connection to earth life using techniques developed by the late Bruce Moen (see https://afterlife-knowledge.com/)
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Re: Spiritual Science
Join Dr. Craig Hogan, esteemed researcher and educator from AREI (Afterlife Research and Education Institute), as he delves into profound insights unveiling the true nature of existence in the afterlife.
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Re: Spiritual Science
Commenting Erics videobook I have to admit that I only viewed the last part of it because that interested me the most.
And I like very much how Eric elaborate on the topic.
Because we are living in a dream world - Maya - I'd like to put my view of Flat Earth into this context:
Discussions about the shape of the earth are part of the awakening process.
But the question of the shape of the earth is not really important for me. Although it may be important whether untrue stories are presented to us within the matrix . And if so, which ones.
For me it is a spiritual progress if we allow ourselves to contrast different earth models instead of uncritically believing the "science".
A consciousness that can see more than one possibility of the Earth's form is more easily able to recognize everything as an illusion and perhaps a hologram/computer modulation.
And then (only in this context) the earth shape is basically irrelevant.
Both, the true and the "untrue", lead us
to the divine truth or to the Source.
And I like very much how Eric elaborate on the topic.
Because we are living in a dream world - Maya - I'd like to put my view of Flat Earth into this context:
Discussions about the shape of the earth are part of the awakening process.
But the question of the shape of the earth is not really important for me. Although it may be important whether untrue stories are presented to us within the matrix . And if so, which ones.
For me it is a spiritual progress if we allow ourselves to contrast different earth models instead of uncritically believing the "science".
A consciousness that can see more than one possibility of the Earth's form is more easily able to recognize everything as an illusion and perhaps a hologram/computer modulation.
And then (only in this context) the earth shape is basically irrelevant.
Both, the true and the "untrue", lead us
to the divine truth or to the Source.
Dan-cer- Posts : 42
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Re: Spiritual Science
The Gnostic Creation Story:
Before the establishment of the Roman Orthodox church, dating back to the first century A.D., the Gnostics were a sect of Christians with a very different set of beliefs from what the new blossoming religion of Christianity would soon become. The Gnostics insisted they were in fact the original Christians and that the Roman church were imposters co-opting and changing their mythology. Many original founders like Marcion and Tatian were actually devout Gnostics who would later leave the Orthodoxy claiming the church was “setting up the fraud of historic Christianity.” Gnosticism continued to flourish alongside the Roman church until it was declared heresy and outlawed by Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D. Once the Orthodox Bible became canonized, all extra-biblical gnostic gospels were considered heretical and either hidden or destroyed on threat of death. By the turn of the next century, any remaining Gnostics still openly practicing were hunted down as heretics...
Before the establishment of the Roman Orthodox church, dating back to the first century A.D., the Gnostics were a sect of Christians with a very different set of beliefs from what the new blossoming religion of Christianity would soon become. The Gnostics insisted they were in fact the original Christians and that the Roman church were imposters co-opting and changing their mythology. Many original founders like Marcion and Tatian were actually devout Gnostics who would later leave the Orthodoxy claiming the church was “setting up the fraud of historic Christianity.” Gnosticism continued to flourish alongside the Roman church until it was declared heresy and outlawed by Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D. Once the Orthodox Bible became canonized, all extra-biblical gnostic gospels were considered heretical and either hidden or destroyed on threat of death. By the turn of the next century, any remaining Gnostics still openly practicing were hunted down as heretics...
Earthtoed likes this post
Re: Spiritual Science
The Cathar Consolamentum:
Similar to the early Christian Gnostics, there existed a sect in Southern France known as the Cathars who considered themselves the only true Christians of their era. The Roman Orthodox church vehemently disagreed with this, of course, so just like Gnosticism, Catharism was outlawed and they too were hunted down as heretics. In fact, the Cathars were the first Christian group targeted by the Catholic Crusades, and the very first Inquisition was specifically created to torture Cathars...
Similar to the early Christian Gnostics, there existed a sect in Southern France known as the Cathars who considered themselves the only true Christians of their era. The Roman Orthodox church vehemently disagreed with this, of course, so just like Gnosticism, Catharism was outlawed and they too were hunted down as heretics. In fact, the Cathars were the first Christian group targeted by the Catholic Crusades, and the very first Inquisition was specifically created to torture Cathars...
Earthtoed likes this post
Re: Spiritual Science
The Egyptian and Tibetan Books of the Dead:
The Egyptian and Tibetan Books of the Dead are two ancient and enlightening tomes revealing the complex afterlife beliefs of two fascinating religions...
The Egyptian and Tibetan Books of the Dead are two ancient and enlightening tomes revealing the complex afterlife beliefs of two fascinating religions...
EthericData2 likes this post
Re: Spiritual Science
Reincarnation or Reincarceration?
Whether it is the Christian judgement of one’s sins, the Books of the Dead weighing one’s heart on the scales, or the Hindu/Buddhist notion of karma determining one’s rebirth, the idea that our moral decisions in life are recorded, analyzed and scrutinized during the afterlife is nearly ubiquitous. On the surface, this may seem just and good that our actions are judged and reflected in our afterlife experience, and that evil people will eventually have to atone for their sins, but a deeper examination reveals that under the surface this system is really not fair or balanced at all.
Whether it is the Christian judgement of one’s sins, the Books of the Dead weighing one’s heart on the scales, or the Hindu/Buddhist notion of karma determining one’s rebirth, the idea that our moral decisions in life are recorded, analyzed and scrutinized during the afterlife is nearly ubiquitous. On the surface, this may seem just and good that our actions are judged and reflected in our afterlife experience, and that evil people will eventually have to atone for their sins, but a deeper examination reveals that under the surface this system is really not fair or balanced at all.
nsdcrew likes this post
Re: Spiritual Science
Love your work, thank you. Do you have any references for other people who talk about spirituality, the afterlife, flat Earth, and WW2 lies at the same time? It’s so hard to find :-p I know you take most of your knowledge from books like the Tibetan Book of the Dead and many others, but would you recommend someone who makes videos talking and melding all those topics like you do? Cheers
nsdcrew- Posts : 37
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Re: Spiritual Science
Thanks NSDCrew, that would certainly make it easier if there was someone like that, haha. I don't know of anyone else that combines all these truth topics, most people are more specific with their interests.
Earthtoed likes this post
Re: Spiritual Science
nsdcrew wrote:Love your work, thank you. Do you have any references for other people who talk about spirituality, the afterlife, flat Earth, and WW2 lies at the same time? It’s so hard to find :-p I know you take most of your knowledge from books like the Tibetan Book of the Dead and many others, but would you recommend someone who makes videos talking and melding all those topics like you do? Cheers
This is where the true truther arises in Eric - always seeking and sharing knowledge. It's okay to specialize in one subject, but no truth should make one uncomfortable.
Last edited by Earthtoed on Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Original was placed into the quote)
Earthtoed- Posts : 116
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Re: Spiritual Science
thx for those 2 answer (Eric & Heartoed) !
Yes it's ok to specialize, but to me it feel kinda weird to listen truther that stay in only one area without wanting to have a look to others.... for me they are not real truth seeker, because the TRUTH include the ALL truth ! But i don't know if i'm wrong but know for me it became a way to recognize what i call controlled oposition .... I Fucking don't get how a truther can be open to stuff like flat earth, but don't want to go into WW2 lies and the fact that what they tell us about Hitler is probably olso false, like the shape of the earth was false. What do you think guys ? DO you think like me that 95% of famous truthers are controled opposition maintained by the system ? I think compartementalisation is the ultimate technique the keep the real full truth away from people... even this smart guy https://www.bitchute.com/channel/c5Sx3JOz27f2 who talk about super interesting stuff but deny flat earth ...because of it i truth only to people on internet for mow, it's Eric and a french guy.
For the reason i just explain i don t manage to trust any of this guys :
Witsit get's it
Adam Green
Flat earth Dave
Rebert Sepehr
Sacha Stone
i even doupt in space buster since few month and te fact that he never want to talk about the Jewish zionnist probleme : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MKanl25dSUxl
I don't get how this guys dont wanna know the other lies ....
after that it feel a bit lonly as real truther lol .
What do you feel guys ?
Yes it's ok to specialize, but to me it feel kinda weird to listen truther that stay in only one area without wanting to have a look to others.... for me they are not real truth seeker, because the TRUTH include the ALL truth ! But i don't know if i'm wrong but know for me it became a way to recognize what i call controlled oposition .... I Fucking don't get how a truther can be open to stuff like flat earth, but don't want to go into WW2 lies and the fact that what they tell us about Hitler is probably olso false, like the shape of the earth was false. What do you think guys ? DO you think like me that 95% of famous truthers are controled opposition maintained by the system ? I think compartementalisation is the ultimate technique the keep the real full truth away from people... even this smart guy https://www.bitchute.com/channel/c5Sx3JOz27f2 who talk about super interesting stuff but deny flat earth ...because of it i truth only to people on internet for mow, it's Eric and a french guy.
For the reason i just explain i don t manage to trust any of this guys :
Witsit get's it
Adam Green
Flat earth Dave
Rebert Sepehr
Sacha Stone
i even doupt in space buster since few month and te fact that he never want to talk about the Jewish zionnist probleme : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MKanl25dSUxl
I don't get how this guys dont wanna know the other lies ....
after that it feel a bit lonly as real truther lol .
What do you feel guys ?
nsdcrew- Posts : 37
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Re: Spiritual Science
nsdcrew wrote:thx for those 2 answer (Eric & Heartoed) !
Yes it's ok to specialize, but to me it feel kinda weird to listen truther that stay in only one area without wanting to have a look to others.... for me they are not real truth seeker, because the TRUTH include the ALL truth ! But i don't know if i'm wrong but know for me it became a way to recognize what i call controlled oposition .... I Fucking don't get how a truther can be open to stuff like flat earth, but don't want to go into WW2 lies and the fact that what they tell us about Hitler is probably olso false, like the shape of the earth was false. What do you think guys ? DO you think like me that 95% of famous truthers are controled opposition maintained by the system ? I think compartementalisation is the ultimate technique the keep the real full truth away from people... even this smart guy https://www.bitchute.com/channel/c5Sx3JOz27f2 who talk about super interesting stuff but deny flat earth ...because of it i truth only to people on internet for mow, it's Eric and a french guy.
For the reason i just explain i don t manage to trust any of this guys :
Witsit get's it
Adam Green
Flat earth Dave
Rebert Sepehr
Sacha Stone
i even doupt in space buster since few month and te fact that he never want to talk about the Jewish zionnist probleme : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MKanl25dSUxl
I don't get how this guys dont wanna know the other lies ....
after that it feel a bit lonly as real truther lol .
What do you feel guys ?
Excellent observation and I agree to a certain extent. Mark Sargent and David Weiss were both sent to hijack the flat Earth movement. Otherwise, Eric would be a household name by now. The fact that Eric's work has been so hidden while these guys have substantial financial and Big Tech backing, along with the fact that they both clearly plagiarize Eric means two things. 1. Eric's work sparked the resurgence of flat-Earth to the extent that it cannot be stopped; hence, they can only attempt to control it. 2. Puppet flat-Earthers will continue to get Big Tech airtime.
Secondly, I agree that if you are claiming to be an advanced flat earther and you don't see organized Jewry and their willing collaborators as a problem, you are at least dishonest, and at worst paid opposition.
Last edited by Earthtoed on Sun Jun 30, 2024 2:08 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : A little bit more clarity after reading my answer.)
Earthtoed- Posts : 116
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Re: Spiritual Science
For me, the 2 biggest lies that make you question everything, which are the 2 most ridiculous, are the flat earth and WWII. And after 10 years of research and 5 years of being a total conspiracist, I still know only 2 fucking people able to speak about these 2 topics at the same time. It kind of makes me frustrated :-p
Why the fuck doesn’t Witsit talk about those kinds of truths? https://odysee.com/@VidarOdensson:7/URSULA-HAVERBECK-INTERVIEW-(2015):a
We can't say he is stuck on the flat earth because he made shows about the Jesuits, Babylon, Christianity, but he never talked about one of the main truths to fully understand the world we live in now and who (at least partially) controls it... the fucking HoloHoax! It's almost necessary to understand who controls the printing of money by national and international banks... why they wanted to destroy Germany and any country that wanted to print its own money.
But one question remains for me and maybe you have the answer... Did Hitler know that the earth is flat (I think yes... but he never said it)... so was he really honest in his intentions? It's an open question ;-)
Cheers guys
Why the fuck doesn’t Witsit talk about those kinds of truths? https://odysee.com/@VidarOdensson:7/URSULA-HAVERBECK-INTERVIEW-(2015):a
We can't say he is stuck on the flat earth because he made shows about the Jesuits, Babylon, Christianity, but he never talked about one of the main truths to fully understand the world we live in now and who (at least partially) controls it... the fucking HoloHoax! It's almost necessary to understand who controls the printing of money by national and international banks... why they wanted to destroy Germany and any country that wanted to print its own money.
But one question remains for me and maybe you have the answer... Did Hitler know that the earth is flat (I think yes... but he never said it)... so was he really honest in his intentions? It's an open question ;-)
Cheers guys
nsdcrew- Posts : 37
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Re: Spiritual Science
nsdcrew wrote:For me, the 2 biggest lies that make you question everything, which are the 2 most ridiculous, are the flat earth and WWII. And after 10 years of research and 5 years of being a total conspiracist, I still know only 2 fucking people able to speak about these 2 topics at the same time. It kind of makes me frustrated :-p
Why the fuck doesn’t Witsit talk about those kinds of truths? https://odysee.com/@VidarOdensson:7/URSULA-HAVERBECK-INTERVIEW-(2015):a
We can't say he is stuck on the flat earth because he made shows about the Jesuits, Babylon, Christianity, but he never talked about one of the main truths to fully understand the world we live in now and who (at least partially) controls it... the fucking HoloHoax! It's almost necessary to understand who controls the printing of money by national and international banks... why they wanted to destroy Germany and any country that wanted to print its own money.
But one question remains for me and maybe you have the answer... Did Hitler know that the earth is flat (I think yes... but he never said it)... so was he really honest in his intentions? It's an open question ;-)
Cheers guys
hey nsdcrew, great question & such
i’m under the impression that Hitler was an actor, & the majority of the ‘war’ was a scam & a reshuffling for world control — this seems pretty evident from the fallout
[i think Pearl Harbor faked the attacks, the battles were extremely isolated, the gas chambers were for delousing, Britain ‘attacked’ itself, etc.; Japan received industry/prestige & we were told to fear the bomb]
agreed totally FE is huge: it shows the farce so clearly it ruins/wrecks the entire house of cards — it shows that television, school, movies, music, etc. are pushing this agenda grossly — the ‘leaders’ are building upon the lie while enriching themselves, while the vast majority hardly sense a ruse [& go along w/ it]
the game nowadays is leveraging debt — it’s comical how effective it is w/ forced scarcity [fake money in limited supply? lol]
knowing the lengths people have gone to build these narratives [world wars, moon-landings, terrorism, pandemics, heliocentrism, etc. etc. etc.], i’m kind of concerned about what may be coming
lastly, basically watch for big-name flat-earthers to mix truth w/ distortion [lies] as a form of gateblocking
Re: Spiritual Science
[fake money in limited supply? lol]
knowing the lengths people have gone to build these narratives [world wars, moon-landings, terrorism, pandemics, heliocentrism, etc. etc. etc.], i’m kind of concerned about what may be coming
lastly, basically watch for big-name flat-earthers to mix truth w/ distortion [lies] as a form of gateblocking[/quote]
Fake money in limited supply?......That's a great quote!!
Yes, knowing the lengths they've gone gives us an idea of the enemy. Their "Weapon of mass destruction" is television. However, the power of television is passed its zenith and on a downward trajectory - would be hard to imagine they could rebuild their reputation too. Fake news is now a common phrase. Government education also fits the latter description. The last pandemic nonsense accelerated the rift between governments and the masses. They need our consent, otherwise they wouldn't ask for it!
Right again, the shills already have been mixing in flat-Earth with lies, and/or leaving out important pieces of the deception.
[fake money in limited supply? lol]
knowing the lengths people have gone to build these narratives [world wars, moon-landings, terrorism, pandemics, heliocentrism, etc. etc. etc.], i’m kind of concerned about what may be coming
lastly, basically watch for big-name flat-earthers to mix truth w/ distortion [lies] as a form of gateblocking[/quote]
Fake money in limited supply?......That's a great quote!!
Yes, knowing the lengths they've gone gives us an idea of the enemy. Their "Weapon of mass destruction" is television. However, the power of television is passed its zenith and on a downward trajectory - would be hard to imagine they could rebuild their reputation too. Fake news is now a common phrase. Government education also fits the latter description. The last pandemic nonsense accelerated the rift between governments and the masses. They need our consent, otherwise they wouldn't ask for it!
Right again, the shills already have been mixing in flat-Earth with lies, and/or leaving out important pieces of the deception.
Earthtoed- Posts : 116
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