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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by mitch Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:06 am

Another one I used to have respect in terms of Makow's prodigious dissemination of research on other matters. Makow's comment on this unhinged op-ed article is simply lazy, insulting, inane and weirdly echoes Max Igan's stance. This Caiside shill plays the JWO card failing to provide any discussion whatsoever and has the sheer temerity to conflate IFERS with known and meticulously exposed controlled opposition. The article overall is evidently weakly argued and provably false and which has roots in a similar strain of mainstream media articles published recently that reference Eric in a fallaciously argued manner.

Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy

Makow comment: I think they have made their point. A lot of so-called "Truthers" are mentally unstable. Pilots would have flown over the edge and under the disc long ago.

by Sean Caiside (henrymakow.com)

The Flat Earth fad is a "conspiracy theory" designed to distract, divide and discredit those who understand modern society has been enslaved by the Judeo Masonic (Satanic) conspiracy. It  creates cognitive dissonance, and make us question all our assumptions, especially those which are True.
"This flat earth stuff is to mess with your mind."
According to some,  the earth is in fact a flat disc and not a globe. This meme took off after Obama equated climate change deniers to members of the "Flat Earth Society." Within 12 months, YouTube was flooded with a mass of videos.
The assumptions of this Meme are:
1. The Earth is a Flat Disc.
2. Our globe-shaped world orbiting the sun is a myth.
3. The sun and moon are spherical, but much smaller than mainstream science states, and they rotate around a plane of the Earth, because they appear to do so.
4. Arctic Circle in the centre and Antarctica is a continent forming an ice rim of 150-foot-tall wall of ice, NASA and the military guard this wall to stop you climbing over it and falling off the end of the Earth.
5. Gravity is an illusion. When driving, it is not gravity that pins you to the road, but the rapid upward motion of a disc-shaped planet.
6. Space exploration and the moon landings are all faked.
7. The Sun is not 93 million miles away but is much smaller and only 4,000 miles above the Earth.
8. Horizon is always at eye level.  (See also- Ten Absurd Claims  of Flat Earth Conspiracy Theorists)

They fail to address:

1. What lies underneath the Earth and how the disc sits or what holds it up. [The earth sits on the back of giant tortoise
2. Cannot explain orbiting satellites or GPS. They rationalize that Satellites are a hoax and GPS only exists due to a network of radio transmitters.
3. How does the Sun circle the Earth for night and day. They say Sun travels via zero space and instantaneously appears on the other side of the disc. When facts and science contradict, they make up nonsensical explanations. First, gravity does not exist and then it does exist to bend the sun's rays. This is when they are explaining why you can't view the other end of the Earth. To debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat earth.

Conspiracy theorist Eric Dubay launched the International Flat Earth Research Society (IFERS) claiming all others were "controlled opposition". Dubay stands out for a documentary claiming Adolf was a peaceful, honourable individual unfairly tarnished by the Zionist media.
Flat Earthism is like a new religion with its dogmas  and many schisms. Three websites vying for flat earth supremacy differ from the trivial (who had the idea first) to the argumentative (Are the Jews to blame for suppressing flat-Earth truths?). Everybody is trying the define it; there is no unified theory.
Flat earther, Daniel Shenton states, "There is no unified flat Earth model but the most commonly accepted one is that it's more or less a disc, with a ring of something to hold in the water. The height and substance of that, no one is absolutely sure, but most people think it's mountains with snow and ice."
This is a "PsyOp" which requires large funding from intelligence agencies and governments and corporations. It has become a tool of reverse psychology e.g. if you are broad minded enough to know 911 was a false flag; and now just accept Flat Earth theories. When you engage with this Psyop, a paid shill replies from their "Flat Earth Manual" like some cyborg, there is a mass of paid bloggers on CIA pay roll to push this.
The meme is the ideal project for mind-control that could be devised by Tavistock institute & CIA. It is amazing how many clever, well-meaning and spiritually oriented individuals have been suckered in by this transparent pseudo-scientific sham.  
The psy op is designed to create cognitive dissonance. You've been lied to your whole life to believe in the Globe model.
What is the underlying agenda? Lumping Christians and Truthers in a divide and rule strategy; some will fall for this trick while others won't be easily deceived by this nonsense. This flat earth stuff is to mess with your mind.
Flat Earthers exchange one set of lies for another. My advice is to eschew cognitive dissonance and reside in truth.
First Comment from Ingmor:
About 1 year ago, conspiracy youtubers started getting flooded with flat earth video recommendations even though they had previously never watched a flat earth video in their life. Cass Sunstein, left, chief Obama administration propagandist describes this technique in his book "Nudge." The technique is to target groups whose opinion they want to shape and gently nudge in the certain directions with several techniques. These include infiltrators and internet forums or comments sections of articles as well as using connections with websites such as youtube to give people recommendations based on their data to push them where they need to go.

Up until now on youtube, this has been most notably used for pushing the reptillian story as well as other bizarre new age conspiracy angles to make people discredit themselves when talking about truth as well getting lost in labyrinths of insanity. It has also been used for other topics such as global warming, zionism, and alternative health (which Sunstein specifically mentions in his book). It is important that the nudging is gentle and incremental.
I have come across many people who just one year ago were speaking serious truths. Now all they want to talk about is the flat earth, something of no consequence compared to the murder of almost all of humanity.
These people have been NEUTRALIZED
Makow comment: I think they have made their point. A lot of so-called "Truthers" are mentally unstable. Pilots would have flown over the edge and under the disc long ago.
How We Know the Earth is Round


From JB, a flat earther:
How flat earth is similar to 9/11 truth.
1. Those that believe in the flat earth like to talk and think about it. People who don't believe in the flat earth, like those who don't believe 9/11 truth, don't talk or think about it. They don't see it as important.
2. To say the flat earth is a psy op, because everyone knows the earth is round, is like saying 9/11 truth is a psy op, because everyone knows the terrorist did it. No evidence or proof that the theory is wrong - its just a given.
3. Flat earthers talk about evidence - no curve can be detected, aside from NASA photos.  Akin to asking about evidence of the planes, aside from video. Those opposed generally just name call and slander.
Flat earthers talk about flight paths between southern continents. Round earthers ignore that, as opponents of 9/11 truth ignore building 7.
4. When pressed a common fall back position is "it doesn't matter the shape of the earth", as if the truth doesn't matter and is unknowable. Sounds just like "it doesn't matter what happened at 9/11". Its usually what people say when confronted with logic they don't like.
5. If it were a psy op, who's it on? Who's telling us not to believe the bible? Maybe NASA doesn't want the gravy train to end and so is trying to kill the flat earth movement. Money is on the round earth side, flat earthers just have the truth.
 Flat Earth Videos:
The Great Flood on the Flat Earth     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5iaBplT7QI
ISS Hoax - The International Space Station Does Not Exist!   https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5e-RnKAN9qY
FLAT EARTH CONSPIRACY EXPOSED! Rob Skiba Proves NASA Fakes Photos and Videos  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SWTdAxm3Opc
Amateur Footage of FLAT EARTH!!! 2016 No fake NASA CGI  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qAPXZgJjv7A
Perspective NOT Curvature Flat Earth   https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pjm_oeN5j1g

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Re: Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by regencybrougham Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:16 pm

Henry has another article up.

Illuminati Hand Seen in "Flat Earth" Conspiracy

February 12, 2016

Flat Earthers impersonate conspiracy researchers much the same way FBI and crisis actors impersonated patriot militia in Oregon. More disturbing, a few legitimate researchers like Anthony Migchels & Edward Hendrie seem to have succumbed.

See Below - 9-11 Truther and critic of the NWO, Edward Hendrie, has caught the Flat Earth virus with a daunting 500-page book The Greatest Lie on Earth: Proof that Our World is Not a Moving Globe.

by L.C. Vincent

"The Flat Earth Conspiracy Theory" is the latest rage in the conspiracy research community-- the ultimate insult to our intelligence and the ultimate Illuminati psy-op.

Flat Earth Theory serves to marginalize and denigrate legitimate conspiracy research by injecting this most pernicious and preposterous meme. The end result is that the average person rejects the entire field when they learn that some members of this community also embrace the primitive stupidity of The Flat Earth "theory."


1.) Flat Earthers claim that Earth is really a flat plane, a round disc, on which we all live, not a globe or sphere and the ends of the Earth's disc are surrounded by a wall of ice.

2.) There really is no such thing as outer space, as the planets, moons and stars are illusions or flat spinning discs created by aliens. The Earth really has no curvature; gravity does not exist, and our sky is covered by a glass dome. NASA was founded by Nazi scientists as a public relations cover for evil deeds; rockets can't reach space, and all NASA missions were public relations spectacles designed to further the conspiracy "they" started thousands of years ago to keep "us" in the dark about where we really live.

How do Flat Earther's explain our days and nights? According to them, the Sun (only a few thousand miles away, not 93 million) simply circles above a different area of the Earth's disc. But even this "simplistic" explanation fails to explain the obvious fallacy in their cartoon cosmology -- that even a star which circled a Flat Earth would still be visible from all parts of the disc.
How do Flat Earther's explain such predictable phenomena as lunar and solar eclipses? Simple.... Something they call "The Shadow Object" moves in front of the Earth or Moon, temporarily blocking out the sunlight! So if their own explanation unravels, based upon their own false assumptions, then they just make something up to cover the vacuity of their lunacy.

According to Flat Earther's, gravity does not exist either. What causes objects to fall down to the ground is what they call "Upward Acceleration", a result of the continuous thrust of our Flat Earth into an upward trajectory (by forces unknown.)

Based on this unique perspective, it follows that NASA and all space exploration is a complete fraud, since space does not truly exist (which makes one wonder where our Flat Earth is headed as it continues to accelerate from all that Upward Thrust!).


The flat earth YouTube, "Learning Curve" , reveals an Illuminati mind game of epic proportions.

Mixed in with the Flat Earth theory, "Learning Curve" sprinkles the following words, thoughts and phrases as part of their proof that the earth is flat: "mind control, brainwashing, core beliefs, programming, textbook, Tavistock Institute, Masons, Freemasons, NASA, Nazis, powerful Jews, the Federal Reserve, the mainstream media," etc., etc.
They also transform the word "globalist" from a mild pejorative (someone who seeks control thru world government) into an epithet. It now refers to someone who perceives the world as a globe rather than a flat disc!

The true agenda of the Illuminati is revealed after the narrator hypocritically expresses his dismay in being unable to disprove the "Flat Earth" theory. He bemoans that proving the theory is taking his time away from his "true" pre-occupation, his "normal" life of exposing chemtrails and secret societies!

By resurrecting the Flat Earth Theory as the truly penultimate example of ignorance and illusion, the Illuminati have crafted a meme which has the ability to persuade the average person that conspiracy theorists and researchers are part of a lunatic fringe.

This meme and this video reveals the hand of The Illuminati at their most twisted: to keep mankind in ignorance of their continued machinations while discrediting those who seek to make the world aware of their plans for war, pestilence, famine and enslavement. Can there be a better definition of Evil?

LCVincent is a renaissance man living in Arizona. He enjoys hearing from the lunatic fringe. lcvincent888@gmail.com

Related - Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy

This book reveals the mother of all conspiracies. It sets forth biblical proof and irrefutable evidence that will cause the scales to fall from your eyes and reveal that the world you thought existed is a myth. The most universally accepted scientific belief today is that the earth is a globe, spinning on its axis at a speed of approximately 1,000 miles per hour at the equator, while at the same time it is orbiting the sun at approximately 67,000 miles per hour. All of this is happening as the sun, in turn, is supposed to be hurtling though the Milky Way galaxy at approximately 500,000 miles per hour. The Milky Way galaxy itself, is alleged to be racing through space at a speed ranging from 300,000 to 1,340,000 miles per hour. What most people are not told is that the purported spinning, orbiting, and speeding through space has never been proven. In fact, every scientific experiment that has ever been performed to determine the motion of the earth has proven that the earth is stationary. Yet, textbooks ignore the scientific proof that contradicts the myth of a spinning and orbiting globe. Christian schools have been hoodwinked into teaching heliocentrism, despite the clear teaching in the bible that the earth is not a sphere and does not move. This book reveals the evil forces behind the heliocentric deception, and why scientists and the Christian churches have gone along with it.

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Re: Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by mitch Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:34 pm

"Flat Earth virus"... "the ultimate insult to our intelligence" Basketball

"...this meme and this video reveals the hand of The Illuminati at their most twisted: to keep mankind in ignorance of their continued machinations while discrediting those who seek to make the world aware of their plans for war, pestilence, famine and enslavement. Can there be a better definition of Evil?"

Any Makow acolytes out there prepared to debate in a reasoned manner?

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Re: Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by regencybrougham Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:25 am

A defense of flat earth

If the earth were a globe, none of the buildings, including the Sears Tower (now called the Willis Tower), would be visible from 57 miles away." Earth circumference is 25,000 miles.

I wrote Edward Hendrie, author of a new 500-page flat earth book:

We live in a climate of cognitive dissonance and I don't intend to entertain any more. What exactly are you claiming? That if we travel west or east at same latitude, we do not reach the same spot? That night and day are not caused by earth rotation?

Here is his reply:

"Part of the glory of God and his handiwork is the fact that the earth is stationary and the sun travels in a circuit over the earth. "

"If the earth were a globe, airliners would not be able to fly on a flat and level path. Any pilot will tell you that once a plane gets to its cruising altitude, the pilot "levels off" and flies in a straight and level path. Indeed, the pilot uses the horizon to ensure that the plane is flying level."
by Edward Hendrie

author of 9-11: Enemies Foreign and Domestic; Bloody Zion; Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great


This is the mother of all deceptions. Without heliocentricity, [sun-centeredness] evolution would never have gotten a foothold. Heliocentricity is nothing short of the concealment of God.

The attached picture depicts a general portrayal of the flat earth. North is the center of the plane and south is the outer rim of Antarctica. If you travel east or west at the same latitude you will eventually circumnavigate the earth and wind up at your starting point. Magellan circumnavigated the plane of the earth. Circumnavigation does not necessitate that the earth be a globe.

In Orwell's book, 1984, O'Brien told Winston Smith: "The second thing for you to realize is that power is power over human beings. Over the body -- but, above all, over the mind. Power over matter -- external reality, as you would call it -- is not important. Already our control over matter is absolute."

It was at that point that O'Brien explained: "We control matter because we control the mind."

The elite do not have the power to make the earth spin at approximately 1,000 miles per hour at the equator, while at the same time revolving around the sun at approximately 67,000 miles per hour. All they need to do is convince the population of the world that is what happens. That is what O'Brien meant when he stated that "we control matter because we control the mind."

By controlling the mind as to the basic nature of our world, they can control everything else we think and do. In Psalms 19:1 it states that the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork. Part of the glory of God and his handiwork is the fact that the earth is stationary and the sun travels in a circuit over the earth.

God's creation of heaven and earth is part and parcel of his creative powers each day when he forms each person in the womb. If people lose sight of God as creator of all things, then any sin, including abortion can be justified. It is important for people to understand the nature of God's creation, because it reveals his character. In Isaiah 44:24 God states that he alone stretched forth the heavens and spread abroad the earth. A ball is not spread out. You spread out things that are flat, like a flat bed spread. God spread out the earth and he stretched forth the heavens above the earth.

"Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself." (Isaiah 44:24)

Modern science has replaced God's abode of heaven with the myth of the empty vacuum of space, thus suggesting that there is no heaven and there is no God. If there is only an empty vacuum of space, that means that God cannot be above us walking in the circuit of heaven. "Thick clouds are a covering to him, that he seeth not; and he walketh in the circuit of heaven." (Job 22:14)

Night and day are not caused by the rotation of a spherical earth. Night and day are caused by the travel of the sun in circuit over the flat earth. The sun is much smaller than the earth, as depicted in the attached picture. It is close to and directly over the earth; it is not 93 million miles away.

Here is Hendrie's full rebuttal to the article by L.C. Vincent Friday.

Arthur Schopenauer famously said that "all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." The truth of the flat earth is now in the ridicule stage. Vincent characterizes belief in a flat, stationary earth as vacuous "lunacy," "primitive stupidity," and a "pernicious and preposterous meme." He is apparently one of the ridiculers.

I once believed in a spinning, globular earth, just as Vincent does now. However, I thoroughly studied the evidence. I invite him to do the same. The evidence drew me to the ineluctable conclusion that the earth is a not a moving globe.


My book presents irrefutable proof that the earth is flat and immovable. The answer to what causes objects to fall to the ground in the absence of gravity is density. People and objects are heavier than the air and therefore do not float off the ground. There are some gasses, of course, that are lighter than air, and they float off the ground. Everyone has seen helium balloons float up in the air. Everyone understands that helium balloons are not some sort of anti-gravity devices; they float up in the air, because helium is lighter than air. Why do people not understand that apples fall from trees to the ground, not because of gravity, but because apples are denser than air? They believe in the mystical force of gravity, not because it has been proven true, but because they have been brainwashed into believing in it. Gravity does not exist.

Isaac Newton's theory of gravity was conjured up out of necessity. A theory was needed to explain how things could stick to a spinning, spherical earth and not fly off due the centrifugal force from the spinning globe. Aren't you the least bit curious why the supposed force of gravity has never been measured or replicated in any way in any experiment? The gravitational theory requires that gravitational attraction to the earth by all persons and objects remains the same at all places on the earth. That means that the gravitational force at the North Pole is the same as the gravitational force at the equator. That poses a very real problem if the earth is spinning as alleged. That is because the centrifugal force decreases every mile toward the north pole, where the centrifugal force is ultimately reduced to zero, because the North Pole is the axis of the supposedly spinning earth.

On a globe, as you travel north or south of the equator the circumference parallel to the equator becomes less. Consequently, the speed of the earth's spin at those more northern and southern latitudes from the equator would be slower than its speed of spin at the equator. For example, at the 45 degree north latitude, the earth's spin should be approximately 700 miles per hour. One hundred feet from the North Pole, the earth's spin should be reduced to one quarter mile per hour (1,308 feet per hour).

As the speed of the spin is reduced, so also is the correlative centrifugal force. What is the amount of decrease of the centrifugal force between the equator to one hundred feet of the North Pole? There would be a 4,000 fold reduction (1,000 MPH vs. ¼ MPH) in centrifugal force from the equator to a point one hundred feet of the North Pole. That means, assuming (as is required by the theory of gravity) that the force of gravity remains constant over the entire surface of the earth, a 175 pound man at the equator would weigh 700,000 pounds if he traveled to within 100 feet of the North Pole. Assuming the earth is spinning, the decrease in the centrifugal force as one approaches the North Pole, means that a person would be crushed by the force of gravity, before he ever reached the North Pole. The spinning earth and the mystical force of gravity are thus proven to be preposterous fictions.

Vincent's argument that those adhering to the flat earth believe that "moons and stars are illusions or flat spinning discs created by aliens" is simply false. The only flat earther who would make such a claim would have to be a government shill planted to discredit evidence of the flat earth. Indeed, his statement is the first time I have ever heard such a claim.

The evidence of a flat earth is everywhere to be seen. For example, in the photograph the Chicago skyline can be seen clearly. The picture was taken by Joshua Nowicki as he stood at Grand Mere Park, Michigan, which is approximately 57 miles away, across lake Michigan from Chicago.

If the earth were a globe, none of the buildings, including the Sears Tower (now called the Willis Tower), would be visible. They would all be below the horizon. The top of the Sears Tower would be 194 feet below the horizon. The only thing that would be visible in the entire Chicago skyline would be the uppermost 85 feet of the antennae on the top of the Sears Tower. In fact, however, the entire Sears Tower and all of the other buildings along the shore in Chicago can be seen in the Nowicki photograph. That picture by Joshua Nowicki of the Chicago skyline proves that the earth is flat.

Arline Flying Off Into Space.jpg
If the earth were a globe, airliners would not be able to fly on a flat and level path. Any pilot will tell you that once a plane gets to its cruising altitude, the pilot "levels off" and flies in a straight and level path. Indeed, the pilot uses the horizon to ensure that the plane is flying level. When visibility is poor, the pilot will use the instruments and fly a level heading, using an artificial horizon. Either way, at all times the plane flies level, once the pilot reaches cruising altitude. If the earth were a globe, the pilot would have to constantly adjust the heading of the plane and dip its nose down to keep a constant altitude. However, the earth is in fact flat, so if a pilot dipped the nose of the plane down, to adjust for the supposed curvature of the earth, he would find that he is losing altitude. If the pilot kept on that downward trajectory, the plane would crash into the earth. The fact that no such downward adjustment is made by pilots for the supposed curvature of the earth is proof that the earth is flat. Indeed, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) assumes a flat earth when training pilots and air traffic controllers using their Target Generation Facility (TGF).

My book addresses evidence and presents a multiplicity of proofs that the earth is stationary and flat. My hope is that you decide to leave the tranquility of disinformation, and endeavor to study the evidence. An honest man who is shown to be wrong must either admit his error or cease to be honest. Are you an honest man?


Bible Flat Earthers Seems to Have Influenced Hendrie--


I've been following your posts about the FET with a keen eye and was wondering whether I should respond or not. I was actually hoping someone would, but they don't and when you claim 'Anthony Migchels has succumbed', then I MUST respond.

Flat Earth illuminati.jpg
(Predicted to discredit Conservatives in Illuminati card game in 1995)

I have not 'succumbed'. And I do agree FET is a psyop. However, it is also a very important phenomenon, which blows a whole lot of stuff we take for granted out of the water.

All good disinformation is 90% correct, and this is the case with the FET too. They have exposed a number facts of absolutely fundamental importance. I have investigated the issue thoroughly and have facilitated a lot of debate on Facebook on the issue. This was not easy: most people simply can't handle the idea of the Ball Earth being wrong, or they become FET fundamentalists over night. It's a very polarized debate. But it has been very instructive.

To give you an idea:

- They have exposed NASA as an utter hoax. It goes way beyond the hoaxed Moon landings. As it stands now, I highly doubt that they can launch anything into 'space'. Most likely (until other evidence becomes available) I'm assuming telecommunications is run through land based antennae, which gained a global reach in the early fifties, when the first presumed 'telecom satellites' were launched.

- We have NO picture of the Globe Earth. The famous Apollo picture is one of the few of which NASA itself claims it's a 'real' photograph. All other pics they feed us, they admit themselves are Computer Generated Images. And the famous Apollo picture has been PROVEN to be a fraud: there is footage available of the astronauts faking the pic by photographing the Earth from high altitude through a round window of the airplane (and not 'space ship').

- Because there is no NASA, there is also no real proof of Heliocentrism. Geocentrism is very much back at the center of Astronomy, for those who realize what the implications of the FET are. Copernicus, Newton, Galileo, they were all highly connected individuals, who could offer absolutely no proof for Heliocentrism, but who were promoted incessantly by the Hidden Hand.

- The key criticism of the FET towards the Globe Earth is really eminent in its simplicity: we simply cannot see curvature of the Earth.

There is footage of dozens of amateur weather balloons up there, and they all show a flat horizon from 30km height. Curvature plays no role whatsoever in architecture and engineering, which it definitely should.

The idea that the Eart is to big to make curvature noticeable in daily practice is nonsense. Curvature should be omnipresent. It should be easily provable, and it isn't.

So why claim the FET is a hoax?

Because their own positions aimed at positively proving the Flat Earth don't add up. They are right about the lack of curvature, but unfortunately their positions concerning the Sun's movement are incorrect. For instance: they claim the Sun simply disappears on the horizon because of the limits of our eyesight, but daily practice shows that the Sun disappears behind the horizon while its full size is visible. It's not becoming smaller as it sets, while the FET claims the Sun is simply moving away from us.

FET is also unable to explain many astronomical events. Furthermore, I agree the FET has been launched in an absolutely typical manner, trying to suggest a grassroots movement, but in actuality undoubtedly from higher up.

I also STRONGLY disagree with the FET's idea that the Globe Earth and Heliocentrism is the lie of lies. No, people don't get up in the morning because they were lied to about the shape of the Earth.

They get up to wage slave away, to pay off the Bank. The REAL basic lie of our existence, is that we are 'free', while we are total slaves to the Banking Cartel through its Usury.

Knowing the scientific facts concerning astronomy (for as far as they are known, if anything, the FET raises a whole lot of questions) does not alter the human condition, while printing some interest-free credit for normal people ends slavery and the New World Order.

And the FET distracts from this. So there it is: a balanced appraisal of the pros and cons of an important phenomenon!

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Re: Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by Guest Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:24 am

It's looking like the counter-offensive is to confuse and have people swaying in a perpetual state of uncertainty. Like a tennis match always staying at deuce.

This is going to decimate them. I smell victory.


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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Re: Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by regencybrougham Sun Feb 14, 2016 7:22 am

A comment to the article in my post above:
Ed said (February 13, 2016):

'll tell you why so many non-operatives fall for the FE nonsense. Eric Dubay uses a form of hypnotic induction that is discernible to the lay person by noting the measured cadence of his speech. Joel Osteen does the same thing. Not only is Eric able to put them under through a youtube video, but once he does he can program them to do his bidding, provided that it doesn't fall outside the range of their normal behavior."

Master Dubay, I am ready to do your bidding (just don't forget to give your orders in televangelist cadence).

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Re: Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by Admin Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:41 am

Lol, it's not the overwhelming evidence, 200 Proofs etc. that wins them over, it's the hypnotic cadence of my speech!

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Main stream manipulation

Post by susie Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:47 pm

There will be plenty more of these so called gurus tearing at the fabric of our flat reality. That's what they get paid to do. Buckle up for safety the road is about to go off the edge, so to speak. affraid

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Re: Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by mitch Sun Feb 14, 2016 6:58 pm

regencybrougham wrote:A comment to the article in my post above:
Ed said (February 13, 2016):

'll tell you why so many non-operatives fall for the FE nonsense. Eric Dubay uses a form of hypnotic induction that is discernible to the lay person by noting the measured cadence of his speech. Joel Osteen does the same thing. Not only is Eric able to put them under through a youtube video, but once he does he can program them to do his bidding, provided that it doesn't fall outside the range of their normal behavior."

Master Dubay, I am ready to do your bidding (just don't forget to give your orders in televangelist cadence).

What in the shitting crikey is a "non-operative" exactly? Why bother researching FET that is eruditely articulated on ifers when it's so much easier to equate FET with a suspect interpretation of neuro linguistic programming?

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Truth with a psy op attached

Post by lifeing Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:14 am

So its a psy op. That doesn't make the truth a psy op. It's the truth with a psy op tacked on to it.

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Re: Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by Admin Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:40 am

Yes, the Psy-Op is all the Mark Sargents, Patricia Steeres, Mr. Moots, and other fake flat Earth shills proliferating their verbal diarrhea devoid of flat Earth facts and purposely filled with a bunch of non-sense and lies, to infiltrate and co-opt the legitimate movement and make it look retarded to neophytes.

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Re: Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by Shill Crusher Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:18 am

I will respond in greater detail but Makow has outed himself as a jew shill or lobotomized by his brainwashing.

The flat earth is the integrity litmus test.

I had been in contact with him via email for years before even learning about the flat earth. I have had correspondence with him after he posted about the jew pedophile child pornographer Minister of Education Ben Levin and his deranged friend Premier Wynne. We have sent multiple emails back and forth.

After learning about the flat earth to the point of understanding it and successfully proving it to my family I contacted "Henry Makow" and wasted a lot of time trying to lay it out and walk him through it as you would a brainwashed person who knows nothing.

He never bothered to respond. Instead he started posting these pathetic hit pieces pretending "flat earthers believe the earth is constantly rising" etc Freemason disinfo Flat Earth Society BS.

There is a possibility he is just brain damaged from his brainwashing and believes he has everything figured out and is just knee jerk reacting like a moron.

That's not the point. The flat earth is the integrity litmus test. People who need to pretend they know what they're talking about when they don't have no integrity.

I sent him multiple emails, even explaining how the stupid shit he posted was the controlled opposition BS.

He has chosen to ignore them all like a dirty rat coward.

He has posted these hit pieces and posted comments from other retards circle jerking him pretending the earth is a globe but has not responded to me or posted my comments.

Another site "Northerntruthseeker" I contacted and he seems more likely to be genuine just braindead from his brainwashing. He posted my comments telling him about the flat earth the first time but responded that he was going to pretend I was wrong and he knew he was on a magic spinning ball like in NASAs fake pictures.

I repeatedly posted to him the proof he is wrong that he knows nothing about and doesn't want to know, to which he responded by not posting my comments and posting his own hit pieces trying to pretend NASA religion is real.

The flat earth is the integrity litmus test, shills, fakes and douchebags who cannot get over themselves and face and deal with the fact they don't know everything and are wrong can't deal with it and turn on any genuine person with a spine who tells them the truth, beause that's the coward's easy way out.

As for Makow he seems to be wanting to pretend that real flat earthers believe bullshit from the Freemason Flat Earth Society, and Eric telling truth about Hitler means no matter what Makow will never admit it. Incredibly he doesn't know or mention any of the proofs of the flat earth that dubay has brought to attention.

Makow pretends to tell the truth about jewry yet hates Eric Dubay for not being a stupid goyim.

And the fake coward who pretended to have integrity obviously considers his readers goyim seeing as I repeatedly emailed him and explained how he is completely wrong and addressed all the false ideas he claims to have and the pussy never even responded despite talking to him many times when it was not about the flat earth.

Shill Crusher

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Re: Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by mitch Fri Feb 26, 2016 1:23 am

I too received no reply from Makow or Northerntruthseeker which wasn't a surprise given the vast swath of truthers apparently content in dismissing FET as a psyop; not even bothering to carry out rudimentary investigation for themselves and simply ignoring evidence provided.

This recalls the frankly cowardly evasive "abuse syndrome" pertaining to the “nothing we can do about it" reaction to the evidence in "...avoiding acknowledging the 9/11 elephant in our living room...and work on other concerns for which we think there is a better chance of success...."

"Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?"

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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Re: Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by freejack Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:32 am

LOL. Makow thinks every good Jewish songwriter worships the devil. (Dylan, Cohen). Whatever. I don't have time for the crap he writes.


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Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy" Empty Re: Henry Makow Claims "Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy"

Post by swingarm Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:52 pm

I have to laugh at the term "truth community". There are so many conspiracies both legit and blatantly false. As  individual seekers it is up to each of us to do our due diligence as usual. Investigating flat earth will not take away from the mountain of valid counter evidence amassed by seekers of truth in say the  911 attacks.
Makow has done his own damage to the "community"  when he suggested women should wear dresses/skirts and not wear pants. (can't post links cause I'm a noob) see- "Female Gender Confusion is in the Jeans" by Henry Makow, Ph.D October 8, 2010 In general he like so many have his own blind spots. He is a Jew and  generally rejects the work of revisionists. see- "The Macabre Holocaust Numbers Game" April 15, 2006 By Henry Makow, Ph.D.


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