UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
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UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
This is a thread intended to allow for the general discussion of Aliens and UFO's, and whether they are actually just Angels and/or Demons.
lizardking- Posts : 1673
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by athanasius on 04/09/2015
Here's a post that I just made on 4chan's /x/ ("Paranormal") board.
I'm just going to reproduce it here because I don't want to type it up again. Note, these are really only impressions, sketches, ideas. They aren't developed, fleshed out, or researched.
Here's a post that I just made on 4chan's /x/ ("Paranormal") board.
I'm just going to reproduce it here because I don't want to type it up again. Note, these are really only impressions, sketches, ideas. They aren't developed, fleshed out, or researched.
"OK, so anyone paying attention knows that there's going to be an "alien invasion" in the near future. It could be this century or the next century, but the signs point to this century, and perhaps even the first half of this century (within the next 35 yrs).
One of the main purposes of this "alien invasion" will be the establishment of an official One World Government under the pretense that humanity is more likely to unite under a One World Government (or "Global Governance" or whatever they want to call it), and put an official end to national sovereignty in the process, if "humanity" is threatened by an "outside threat", an external enemy, the "aliens".
All of the alien propaganda going back to the 1920s and even before that has been leading up to this one great Mega-event that will be the greatest, most pivotal world event for thousands of years. It's been mentally-conditioning man to accept the existence of aliens, the likelihood of an alien invasion, and predictively programming him to know how to react when an alien invasion takes place.
Much of modern cosmology, in fact, has been leading up to this very event. The idea that the earth is a ball whirling around the sun and that there are millions of planets inhabited by living creatures was put into man's consciousness WAY before there was any conclusive "evidence" that such was the case. This idea (or set of related ideas) was being passed around the occult schools of the Renaissance; they met have got them from the ancient mystery schools of Egypt, Babylon, Pythagoras, etc. For all we know the earth is flat and modern cosmology is just part of an alchemical transformation of man's consciousness such that it is ready to accept the existence of "aliens". Indeed, modern society would have been impossible without the Copernican Revolution which transformed man's view of himself as a created soul to a bundle of matter than evolved out of dust by chance.
But here's the big question, /x/. What's the true nature of these aliens? Is this just all the dream of the ancient mystery schools / conspirators who have spread this materialist cosmology because they believe that they will more easily control man by spiritually crippling him in that way? Will the "alien invasion" be an entirely staged event through the use of holographic, HAARP, video/radio, etc., technologies, for the one sole purpose of ushering in an international order of the ages?
It could be. But I have a different theory. This plan has taken centuries to come to fruition. In order for this to be possible mystery schools had to be set up with rigid hierarchies that protected their "mysteries" or "secrets" with jealousy. There was a generational process of initiation and promotion through degrees of illumination, over centuries and centuries. My thinking is that this is not all the work of human hands. The "rulers of this world", the "gods", or "demons", or whatever you call them, are the ones that have put this plan in motion with the secret society hierarchs as their most obedient servants (or as their useful idiots, because it's the nature of secret societies to keep the lower initiates in a state of ignorance as to the society's true nature and aim).
We hear from the dogmatic materialists today that the reason why all societies (or almost all) have worshipped the serpent as a bringer of wisdom is because they looked at the natural serpent as a "symbol" of wisdom, and therefore the serpent was "symbolic". What is this isn't the case. What if instead of these various gods and spirits being "symbolic" and the wisdom of the ancient priesthoods coming from man himself, instead this wisdom was taught by higher spirits who often took the form of serpents? Indeed, people that take hallucinogenic often see serpent beings, and these drugs have always been associated with ancient occultism. There's a section in St. Augustine's City of God where he quotes the famous Hermes Trimegistus saying that the ancient idols were made by the priest infusing a demonic spirit into the statue through a magical incantation. What if these spirits, "the gods", are the ones that taught ancient peoples separated by centuries and many miles how to build temples that look suspiciously alike and to worship them in ceremonies suspiciously alike?
This is my theory concerning the "aliens". They are not aliens but the same spirits that the ancients worshipped as "the gods", "annanuki ", "spirits of the air", "fallen angels", whatever you want to call them. This alien invasion will not only single the return of a One World Government that has not been seen since the ancient time of the Tower of Babel, it will also see the return of official worship of these "gods". In ancient societies this worship was out in the open and often involved human sacrifice. This worship still occurs in secret today. However, their main aim is to be worshipped as gods again, out in the open, and by all humanity. HOWEVER, and this is the key - they can't present themselves as "the gods" or as "spirits" anymore. Why? Because ever since Jesus Christ came and Christianity has spread, the message has gone out LOUD AND CLEAR that the "gods" of the pagans are devils. So if these demons showed up on TV and said "we are the gods" or "we are the angels" people would not be fooled en masse. People would immediately look to the ancient Scriptures to see what they have to say about gods and angels and demons, etc. Therefore, the work of the LAST TWO THOUSAND YEARS, particularly of the last five hundred, has been the work of these demons to reintroduce themselves to humanity not as demons (spiritual entities), but as "extraterrestrial aliens" (material entities). They will not asked to be worshipped on the grounds that they are spirits of power, they will be asked to be worshipped on the grounds that they are a "more highly evolved species", and, most probably, that they "seeded life on our planet and oversaw our evolution, and thus are in some way our creators." Perhaps they will set up two or more alien species, where one species is represented as the threat that humanity must united against, and the other is represented as the "saviour aliens" that have been protecting us and overseeing our "evolution" over the eons."
lizardking- Posts : 1673
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by thinkforyourself on 04/10/2015
It is interesting and frightening to consider that these Demons may have been controlling the NWO, the secret societies and the ruling families for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
I completely agree that 'Aliens' are in reality simply masquerading Demons, designed to fool the public into believing in evolution, an ever expanding universe, etc. All of this is done to undermine the true God, by encouraging atheism and the belief that we are simply one of many billions of irrelevant species.Apr 9, 2015 13:26:28 GMT athanasius said:
Here's a post that I just made on 4chan's /x/ ("Paranormal") board.
I'm just going to reproduce it here because I don't want to type it up again. Note, these are really only impressions, sketches, ideas. They aren't developed, fleshed out, or researched.
Very well said, I completely agree. This is exactly the same as my theory in regards as to what is going to happen in the relatively near future.
It is interesting and frightening to consider that these Demons may have been controlling the NWO, the secret societies and the ruling families for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
lizardking- Posts : 1673
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by pilot on 04/10/2015
The Gnostic theory of alien intrusion holds that the beings referred to here are part of creation just like us, but were more of a spontaneous by-product, rather than a deliberate creation of the goddess Sophia. They are different from us in that they lack the ability to create, and can only mimic and distort what is real. So, the children of these "archons" in this reality do their very best to distort and hide the truth.
After being exposed to this idea, I started to seriously doubt that the reports of beings people have made over the years are describing interplanetary travelers, but beings that have always lived among us, maybe in the hollow earth, or in a realm we can't detect with our senses, which are very limited in general.
The Nag Hammadi is a wild read, check out :
The Gnostic theory of alien intrusion holds that the beings referred to here are part of creation just like us, but were more of a spontaneous by-product, rather than a deliberate creation of the goddess Sophia. They are different from us in that they lack the ability to create, and can only mimic and distort what is real. So, the children of these "archons" in this reality do their very best to distort and hide the truth.
After being exposed to this idea, I started to seriously doubt that the reports of beings people have made over the years are describing interplanetary travelers, but beings that have always lived among us, maybe in the hollow earth, or in a realm we can't detect with our senses, which are very limited in general.
The Nag Hammadi is a wild read, check out :
lizardking- Posts : 1673
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by schpankme on 04/10/2015
[Fall of Man]
They turned to their Adam and took him and expelled him from the garden along with his wife.
Now afterwards, she bore Cain, their son; and Cain cultivated the land.
[First Born and Heir of Adam]
again becoming pregnant, she bore Abel; a herdsman of sheep.
Cain brought in from the crops of his field.
[Spring plantings, or last years crops]
Abel brought in an offering among his lambs.
[March - Ram - spring lambs - babes]
God accepts the offerings of Abel; but did not accept the offerings of Cain.
[Holocaust - burnt offerings - babes]
And carnal Cain pursued Abel, his brother.
[Cain kills Abel]
God commands - anyone killing Cain will loose seven vengeances upon the earth.
[as we can see Cain is protected]
In the beginning, before the fall of mankind, God loves all creatures (so the story goes in the Torah/Old Testament).
Genesis 1:24, And God made all the creatures of the earth according to their kind.
However, after the Fall of Man they are cursed. God says to the serpent:
Now it's defined which animals can be exploited; Serpent, Cattle and the other Wild Animals. The Fall instituted animal
sacrifices as well as the notion that other creatures may be subdued or dominated, i.e. hunted, snared, displaced,
enslaved, killed. If creatures are subdued or dominated, there is no longer a community of all living creatures living
harmoniously together, such as exists in Genesis 1:29-30, but a culture in which there is the dominate and the dominated,
the subduer and the subdued.
The Name Cain is related to El Kana or El Chanan, a Name of God in the Old Testament. Again, we bare witness to the
battle between the Vegetarian Cain and the Carnivore Abel, a story which was originally told from the Vegetarian point
of view in which Cain was the hero, defending the lives of creatures by killing Abel, the killer of gods creatures.
That the name of Cain was regarded with great reverence and respect as verified in the ancient Hebrew, which defines
almost every Chan root word positively, usually with a description of being favored of God. Cain's name is derived from
Chanan, or El Chana, the deity of the ancient Judaism whom we now know is Krishna, for Kannan the Tamil Hindu name
of Krishna. Kana was also worshiped in Ethiopia as Kanneh, and Canaan.
Cain's name is also related to "kanna im" the Talmud's term for zealot or 'avenging priest', which was precisely Cain's
function in the original story of Cain and Abel. While Cain's name is associated with being "favored by God," Abel's name
even in conventional dictionaries is defined against God, which in context of the battle between the Light and Darkness is
on the side of evil, not good.
EL, means God
Elohim, means Gods
Ab-EL, means Not of God
Ab-Normal, means Not Normal
Therefore, Abel's name meant one who is against God, and that is precisely what Abel did by killing God's creatures, and
promoting the disease producing diet of carnivorism.
Do you think other people have insight into this story?
Kwai Chang Caine (Kung Fu, ABC TV Series)
The Vegan Priest, the Marked Man, avenges murder by killing another man with his Spear, then wanders the old West,
evading the Meat Eaters, while looking for his brother DaniEL.
Let me wrap this up with by comparing the Story of Noah.
We also see rather easily the 'rewriting of the Vegetarian Bible' in the story of Noah and the Arc, which was originally told
more from the point of view of Noah who was adamantly vegetarian, even more so than the Hindu description of Manu,
whose name Ma-Nu, a contraction of Maha and Nu, or Spirit (just as Vishnu means the Pervasive (Vish) Spirit (Nu) simply
means The Great Nue or Noah.
The word Noah means comforter and comes from the Hebrew niham, meaning to comfort, and as the chosen savior of the
animals, he was therefore the comforter of Creation, or of Shiva Pasupati's creatures. Noah remains the Comforter in the
Book of Enoch, he condemns the killing of all creatures and the exploitation of creation. According to Enoch and Noah,
humans are not to mine the earth, not to make weapons, not to wear cosmetics. All artifice is forbidden. We are to accept
creation as it is; Industry is the artifice of the Fallen. We are to live with creation peacefully.
Carnivorism is a Moral and Nutritional Absurdity:
In the 'orthodox' account of Noah we have contradictions, there are two versions of the animals to go into the Arc:
According to the scriptures the Covenant of Carnivorism is given by God to Noah after the Flood. Therefore, if Noah and
his family had been eating flesh on the Arc [which would have turned the arc into a floating slaughterhouses, rather than
a vehicle of salvation], they would have done so without God's sanction, for God had not yet expressly defined what was
clean and unclean. Interestingly the folk interpretation and the story given to children of Noah and the arc, that Noah
saves the species of animals and God saves Noah and his family, is the true story, which is quite contrary to the story
given by orthodox theologians.
Gen 9:2, "And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth."
In the (obviously rewritten) Old Testament God then tells Noah after the deluge that all animals are to live in fear and
dread of humans. In other words, The War on Terror and not comfort are now the lot of all animals. Only those who have
something to gain by the evil of Terror would defend it: namely, those who eat the corpses of murdered animals, those
who have the lust to hunt them, and primarily those who profit from the brutality of killing other creatures and selling
their corpses to eat. The latter group, the cattleman cult that became Judaism, is the group that revised the scriptures.
ref: Michael Jordan's Encyclopedia of Gods
The Nag Hammadi like other religious texts have been manipulated and revised.Apr 9, 2015 23:23:58 GMT pilot said:
The Nag Hammadi is a wild read, check out :
[Fall of Man]
They turned to their Adam and took him and expelled him from the garden along with his wife.
Now afterwards, she bore Cain, their son; and Cain cultivated the land.
[First Born and Heir of Adam]
again becoming pregnant, she bore Abel; a herdsman of sheep.
Cain brought in from the crops of his field.
[Spring plantings, or last years crops]
Abel brought in an offering among his lambs.
[March - Ram - spring lambs - babes]
God accepts the offerings of Abel; but did not accept the offerings of Cain.
[Holocaust - burnt offerings - babes]
And carnal Cain pursued Abel, his brother.
[Cain kills Abel]
God commands - anyone killing Cain will loose seven vengeances upon the earth.
[as we can see Cain is protected]
In the beginning, before the fall of mankind, God loves all creatures (so the story goes in the Torah/Old Testament).
Genesis 1:24, And God made all the creatures of the earth according to their kind.
- "And God saw that it was good."
However, after the Fall of Man they are cursed. God says to the serpent:
- Genesis 3:14, "cursed are you above all cattle, and above all wild animals."
Now it's defined which animals can be exploited; Serpent, Cattle and the other Wild Animals. The Fall instituted animal
sacrifices as well as the notion that other creatures may be subdued or dominated, i.e. hunted, snared, displaced,
enslaved, killed. If creatures are subdued or dominated, there is no longer a community of all living creatures living
harmoniously together, such as exists in Genesis 1:29-30, but a culture in which there is the dominate and the dominated,
the subduer and the subdued.
The Name Cain is related to El Kana or El Chanan, a Name of God in the Old Testament. Again, we bare witness to the
battle between the Vegetarian Cain and the Carnivore Abel, a story which was originally told from the Vegetarian point
of view in which Cain was the hero, defending the lives of creatures by killing Abel, the killer of gods creatures.
That the name of Cain was regarded with great reverence and respect as verified in the ancient Hebrew, which defines
almost every Chan root word positively, usually with a description of being favored of God. Cain's name is derived from
Chanan, or El Chana, the deity of the ancient Judaism whom we now know is Krishna, for Kannan the Tamil Hindu name
of Krishna. Kana was also worshiped in Ethiopia as Kanneh, and Canaan.
Cain's name is also related to "kanna im" the Talmud's term for zealot or 'avenging priest', which was precisely Cain's
function in the original story of Cain and Abel. While Cain's name is associated with being "favored by God," Abel's name
even in conventional dictionaries is defined against God, which in context of the battle between the Light and Darkness is
on the side of evil, not good.
EL, means God
Elohim, means Gods
Ab-EL, means Not of God
Ab-Normal, means Not Normal
Therefore, Abel's name meant one who is against God, and that is precisely what Abel did by killing God's creatures, and
promoting the disease producing diet of carnivorism.
Do you think other people have insight into this story?
Kwai Chang Caine (Kung Fu, ABC TV Series)
The Vegan Priest, the Marked Man, avenges murder by killing another man with his Spear, then wanders the old West,
evading the Meat Eaters, while looking for his brother DaniEL.
Let me wrap this up with by comparing the Story of Noah.
We also see rather easily the 'rewriting of the Vegetarian Bible' in the story of Noah and the Arc, which was originally told
more from the point of view of Noah who was adamantly vegetarian, even more so than the Hindu description of Manu,
whose name Ma-Nu, a contraction of Maha and Nu, or Spirit (just as Vishnu means the Pervasive (Vish) Spirit (Nu) simply
means The Great Nue or Noah.
The word Noah means comforter and comes from the Hebrew niham, meaning to comfort, and as the chosen savior of the
animals, he was therefore the comforter of Creation, or of Shiva Pasupati's creatures. Noah remains the Comforter in the
Book of Enoch, he condemns the killing of all creatures and the exploitation of creation. According to Enoch and Noah,
humans are not to mine the earth, not to make weapons, not to wear cosmetics. All artifice is forbidden. We are to accept
creation as it is; Industry is the artifice of the Fallen. We are to live with creation peacefully.
Carnivorism is a Moral and Nutritional Absurdity:
In the 'orthodox' account of Noah we have contradictions, there are two versions of the animals to go into the Arc:
- The first one says that a pair of all the animals, male and female are to be taken into the Arc.
- The second version splits the animals between clean and unclean animals. GOT KOSHER?
According to the scriptures the Covenant of Carnivorism is given by God to Noah after the Flood. Therefore, if Noah and
his family had been eating flesh on the Arc [which would have turned the arc into a floating slaughterhouses, rather than
a vehicle of salvation], they would have done so without God's sanction, for God had not yet expressly defined what was
clean and unclean. Interestingly the folk interpretation and the story given to children of Noah and the arc, that Noah
saves the species of animals and God saves Noah and his family, is the true story, which is quite contrary to the story
given by orthodox theologians.
Gen 9:2, "And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth."
In the (obviously rewritten) Old Testament God then tells Noah after the deluge that all animals are to live in fear and
dread of humans. In other words, The War on Terror and not comfort are now the lot of all animals. Only those who have
something to gain by the evil of Terror would defend it: namely, those who eat the corpses of murdered animals, those
who have the lust to hunt them, and primarily those who profit from the brutality of killing other creatures and selling
their corpses to eat. The latter group, the cattleman cult that became Judaism, is the group that revised the scriptures.
ref: Michael Jordan's Encyclopedia of Gods
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by Admin on 04/10/2015
Excellent post Schpankme! Your reading/interpretations of the Bible are similar to my own. Vegetarianism is the first step to all true human spirituality and I laugh at Christian meat-eaters thinking their Holy book gives them carte blanche on animal murder. I also laugh at all the Buddhist carnists here in Thailand preaching "compassion," with pork bits stuck in their teeth. Then after I finish laughing I cry and wonder why people are so fucking evil and revel in it:
Excellent post Schpankme! Your reading/interpretations of the Bible are similar to my own. Vegetarianism is the first step to all true human spirituality and I laugh at Christian meat-eaters thinking their Holy book gives them carte blanche on animal murder. I also laugh at all the Buddhist carnists here in Thailand preaching "compassion," with pork bits stuck in their teeth. Then after I finish laughing I cry and wonder why people are so fucking evil and revel in it:
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by n18 on 04/25/2015
Admin, you may like this small details;
In Spanish, meat is "carne" similar to karma and fish is "pescado", almost equal to "pecado" = sin.
Also sky is "cielo" almost equal to "hielo" = ice.
Admin, you may like this small details;
In Spanish, meat is "carne" similar to karma and fish is "pescado", almost equal to "pecado" = sin.
Also sky is "cielo" almost equal to "hielo" = ice.
lizardking- Posts : 1673
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by Admin on 04/26/2015
With the deeply symbolic and multi-faceted/layered nature of Biblical and other mythological writings, I find it perfectly possible, consistent and perhaps even intentional that many different interpretations of the meanings of the texts exist. The trees, fruit and serpent etc. could very well have several meanings regarding temptation, trust, curiosity, consequence, punishment, reward etc. and not simply be referring to One ultimate symbolic meaning that the writer intended... it's very likely the author(s) welcomed many interpretations of the symbols and chose the symbols specifically for that purpose... otherwise they wouldn't have used symbols in the first place and just stated everything completely literally and matter of fact.
With the deeply symbolic and multi-faceted/layered nature of Biblical and other mythological writings, I find it perfectly possible, consistent and perhaps even intentional that many different interpretations of the meanings of the texts exist. The trees, fruit and serpent etc. could very well have several meanings regarding temptation, trust, curiosity, consequence, punishment, reward etc. and not simply be referring to One ultimate symbolic meaning that the writer intended... it's very likely the author(s) welcomed many interpretations of the symbols and chose the symbols specifically for that purpose... otherwise they wouldn't have used symbols in the first place and just stated everything completely literally and matter of fact.
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by drahcir9 on 04/26/2015
I must stick up for snakes.. As an experienced herpetologist i currently have a pet cornsnake and a royal python and these beautiful, patient, gentle creatures have been subject to much bad press. Since reading jeremy narby's 'cosmic serpent' it would seem that south american shaman have been talking to snakes for centuries and the knowledge gained about dna and microbiology has all now been corroborated, and narby ran the risk of being outcast from the scientific community by doing this research. They have respresented royal power as well as twin snakes respresenting dna and the snake is used coiled round a sword/pole as a symbol of medicine and healing to this day. The last point refering to everything being frequencies or wave paterns which is how shamans view healing practices.
I must stick up for snakes.. As an experienced herpetologist i currently have a pet cornsnake and a royal python and these beautiful, patient, gentle creatures have been subject to much bad press. Since reading jeremy narby's 'cosmic serpent' it would seem that south american shaman have been talking to snakes for centuries and the knowledge gained about dna and microbiology has all now been corroborated, and narby ran the risk of being outcast from the scientific community by doing this research. They have respresented royal power as well as twin snakes respresenting dna and the snake is used coiled round a sword/pole as a symbol of medicine and healing to this day. The last point refering to everything being frequencies or wave paterns which is how shamans view healing practices.
lizardking- Posts : 1673
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by hush on 06/10/2015
I'm new here, and I didn't see an introductions forum, so I'm going to post in this thread. Mods, please move this post somewhere else if it doesn't belong here.
I've only just recently begun seriously entertaining the concept of a flat earth. I've arrived here due to a sequence of events in my life, but very specifically, it's my continuing experience of watching UFOs that had led me to the concept of geocentrism and flat earth. (That is also why I'm posting in this thread). I had always operated under the theory that UFOs are extraplanetary, based on the craft that I have been seeing throughout my adult life, but then one day my wife and I saw a "star" in the sky start moving around very emphatically, and my world was changed forever. I instantly realized that stars are not what I was taught they are, and this was not the same type of "UFO" that I had always seen before. My quest to understand what I saw that night has led me to the idea that none of the stars in the sky are what I thought they are, and that has led me to revisit my cosmology.
The one thing that has prevented me from truly embracing the flat earth philosophy has been a certain [perceived] prevalence of fundamentalist christianity that espouses this idea, and that is an immediate turnoff to me. I am repelled by people or philosophies that accept things without question, and when people tell me that "the bible says so" or anything along those lines, I immediately conclude that I am dealing with someone who has been brainwashed. Last time I checked, bibles are printed by humans, on paper that was manufactured by humans. So, the reason I am including this bit in my introduction is that I don't want to waste my time, or anyone else's, by participating in this message board if that type of fundamentalist mindset is integral to this community. I wish to be sincere and honest at all times, and so this is my way of saying I will happily keep moving along if I don't belong here.
Getting back to the whole UFO thing, and why I'm posting in this thread in the first place... I wish to know how UFOs in general, and moving stars specifically, integrate into the geocentric, flat-earth cosmology. When I say UFOs, I'm talking about luminescent orbs that appear to be blobs of plasma, and not anything metal or saucer shaped--I have never seen anything like that, so I can't comment on that. To me, UFOs, which I see almost every day of my life, are orbs. I have logged several hours worth of footage of these things, acting like stars, pretending to be planes, and sometimes just hovering in the sky without moving at all (when they should be moving, if they are planets or stars). Many people (mostly of religious persuasion) tell me they are demons. I roll my eyes at that nonsense. I have no evidence that demons exist outside of the bible. What are they? Are they and stars the same thing? Are stars just bioluminescent plasma orbs that float through the sky every night? Do some of them just get bored and dance around in the sky when certain people are staring at them? Are they conscious?
I just want to find answers. I question everything, and I'm not satisfied with what is being taught about the world, or the universe, in which I am living. I have participated in forums that cater to the "alternative" and "fringe" communities for a very long time now, and I am tired of finding that people don't think for themselves... Whenever I bring up the idea of UFOs as earthbound living entities, people scoff. Whenever I bring up the possibility of living inside of a computer program, people scoff. Whenever I bring up the idea of flat earth, people scoff. It's the people who consider themselves to be "awake and aware" doing the scoffing.
Have I found the right place to discuss these things? Or should I keep looking elsewhere? Be honest, I can take it.
Thanks for reading.
I'm new here, and I didn't see an introductions forum, so I'm going to post in this thread. Mods, please move this post somewhere else if it doesn't belong here.
I've only just recently begun seriously entertaining the concept of a flat earth. I've arrived here due to a sequence of events in my life, but very specifically, it's my continuing experience of watching UFOs that had led me to the concept of geocentrism and flat earth. (That is also why I'm posting in this thread). I had always operated under the theory that UFOs are extraplanetary, based on the craft that I have been seeing throughout my adult life, but then one day my wife and I saw a "star" in the sky start moving around very emphatically, and my world was changed forever. I instantly realized that stars are not what I was taught they are, and this was not the same type of "UFO" that I had always seen before. My quest to understand what I saw that night has led me to the idea that none of the stars in the sky are what I thought they are, and that has led me to revisit my cosmology.
The one thing that has prevented me from truly embracing the flat earth philosophy has been a certain [perceived] prevalence of fundamentalist christianity that espouses this idea, and that is an immediate turnoff to me. I am repelled by people or philosophies that accept things without question, and when people tell me that "the bible says so" or anything along those lines, I immediately conclude that I am dealing with someone who has been brainwashed. Last time I checked, bibles are printed by humans, on paper that was manufactured by humans. So, the reason I am including this bit in my introduction is that I don't want to waste my time, or anyone else's, by participating in this message board if that type of fundamentalist mindset is integral to this community. I wish to be sincere and honest at all times, and so this is my way of saying I will happily keep moving along if I don't belong here.
Getting back to the whole UFO thing, and why I'm posting in this thread in the first place... I wish to know how UFOs in general, and moving stars specifically, integrate into the geocentric, flat-earth cosmology. When I say UFOs, I'm talking about luminescent orbs that appear to be blobs of plasma, and not anything metal or saucer shaped--I have never seen anything like that, so I can't comment on that. To me, UFOs, which I see almost every day of my life, are orbs. I have logged several hours worth of footage of these things, acting like stars, pretending to be planes, and sometimes just hovering in the sky without moving at all (when they should be moving, if they are planets or stars). Many people (mostly of religious persuasion) tell me they are demons. I roll my eyes at that nonsense. I have no evidence that demons exist outside of the bible. What are they? Are they and stars the same thing? Are stars just bioluminescent plasma orbs that float through the sky every night? Do some of them just get bored and dance around in the sky when certain people are staring at them? Are they conscious?
I just want to find answers. I question everything, and I'm not satisfied with what is being taught about the world, or the universe, in which I am living. I have participated in forums that cater to the "alternative" and "fringe" communities for a very long time now, and I am tired of finding that people don't think for themselves... Whenever I bring up the idea of UFOs as earthbound living entities, people scoff. Whenever I bring up the possibility of living inside of a computer program, people scoff. Whenever I bring up the idea of flat earth, people scoff. It's the people who consider themselves to be "awake and aware" doing the scoffing.
Have I found the right place to discuss these things? Or should I keep looking elsewhere? Be honest, I can take it.
Thanks for reading.
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by Admin on 06/10/2015
Hey Hush, welcome to the forum! You'll see in our "Warning for Religious People" thread that we share similar views there. Also my fiance and I both once saw what we thought was a star swiftly move straight up about 15 degrees in the sky within a couple seconds and then stop again. The way different stars twinkle and change color also makes me, like the song suggests, "wonder what they are." I think they very well may be conscious entities of some sort. I have seen and photographed orbs as well which also seem to be conscious things. I'm curious to hear more, please share your other star/orb/UFO research with us in this thread, thanks!
Hey Hush, welcome to the forum! You'll see in our "Warning for Religious People" thread that we share similar views there. Also my fiance and I both once saw what we thought was a star swiftly move straight up about 15 degrees in the sky within a couple seconds and then stop again. The way different stars twinkle and change color also makes me, like the song suggests, "wonder what they are." I think they very well may be conscious entities of some sort. I have seen and photographed orbs as well which also seem to be conscious things. I'm curious to hear more, please share your other star/orb/UFO research with us in this thread, thanks!
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by vortexpuppy on 06/11/2015
I have personally also seen orbs / stars moving for which I have no complete explanation.
I do believe that this earth is alive with "stuff" we cannot see or normally sense, given our eyesight wavelength restrictions in the overall EM spectrum.
"Contemporary orb research began in 1976, when Trevor Constable published the first infra-red pictures from 1959 of “sky amoeba.” He had simply wanted to research WWII dogfights, but the irrepressible images—provoking corroborating contemporaneous publications from isolated international researchers—changed his life, and likely, ours:"
--> Source: www.jungleib.com/tag/trevor-james-constable/
--> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trevor_James_Constable
Stuff I've read:
Trevor Constable - Cosmic Pulse of Life (sorry couldn't find online link, but contains his pictures and explanations)
Wilhelm Reich - Another ignored and ridiculed scientist - Cloudbusting, Orgone, Orbs & Ufos
- aetherforce.com/the-banned-and-burned-books-of-aetheric-rebel-wilhelm-reich/
- archive.org/details/ContactFromSpaceByWilhelmReich
Now knowing the earth is flat and stationery, I am re-visiting a lot of older books and re-interpreting them.
Even if the individual authors themselves thought the globe was real, their thoughts and conclusions can now be understood differently and new insights found.
Am still not sure, if and how it all fits together though.
I have personally also seen orbs / stars moving for which I have no complete explanation.
I do believe that this earth is alive with "stuff" we cannot see or normally sense, given our eyesight wavelength restrictions in the overall EM spectrum.
"Contemporary orb research began in 1976, when Trevor Constable published the first infra-red pictures from 1959 of “sky amoeba.” He had simply wanted to research WWII dogfights, but the irrepressible images—provoking corroborating contemporaneous publications from isolated international researchers—changed his life, and likely, ours:"
--> Source: www.jungleib.com/tag/trevor-james-constable/
--> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trevor_James_Constable
Stuff I've read:
Trevor Constable - Cosmic Pulse of Life (sorry couldn't find online link, but contains his pictures and explanations)
Wilhelm Reich - Another ignored and ridiculed scientist - Cloudbusting, Orgone, Orbs & Ufos
- aetherforce.com/the-banned-and-burned-books-of-aetheric-rebel-wilhelm-reich/
- archive.org/details/ContactFromSpaceByWilhelmReich
Now knowing the earth is flat and stationery, I am re-visiting a lot of older books and re-interpreting them.
Even if the individual authors themselves thought the globe was real, their thoughts and conclusions can now be understood differently and new insights found.
Am still not sure, if and how it all fits together though.
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by maiapleiades79 on 06/15/2015
I would like to ask if you ever encountered other lifeforms or realities from using shrooms?
Have you smoked DMT? If yes, did you experience seeing aliens? If no, are you open to doing DMT and possibly having an experience that might change your perspective about aliens?
Thanks in advance!
I would like to ask if you ever encountered other lifeforms or realities from using shrooms?
Have you smoked DMT? If yes, did you experience seeing aliens? If no, are you open to doing DMT and possibly having an experience that might change your perspective about aliens?
Thanks in advance!
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by Admin on 06/15/2015
My perspective on "aliens" is that they are extra-dimensional consciousness like the kinds of entities which are seen on DMT/entheogens, but that the Jews/Masons have done much hard work in the past several decades turning this into an "extra-terrestrial" phenomenon from "other planets" in "outer-space." The accounts of so-called "alien abduction" are almost exactly like the accounts from shamans, ayahuasceros and witch doctors of dealing with incubus, sucubus, lepruchauns, elves, gnomes, sprites, fairies, etc. which you are able to see by using DMT. The only difference is people like Barney and Betty Hill were likely experiencing an endogenous DMT trip which happens during REM sleep, instead of during an ayahuasca ceremony.
The government certainly has "UFO" craft as well further confusing the issue:
My perspective on "aliens" is that they are extra-dimensional consciousness like the kinds of entities which are seen on DMT/entheogens, but that the Jews/Masons have done much hard work in the past several decades turning this into an "extra-terrestrial" phenomenon from "other planets" in "outer-space." The accounts of so-called "alien abduction" are almost exactly like the accounts from shamans, ayahuasceros and witch doctors of dealing with incubus, sucubus, lepruchauns, elves, gnomes, sprites, fairies, etc. which you are able to see by using DMT. The only difference is people like Barney and Betty Hill were likely experiencing an endogenous DMT trip which happens during REM sleep, instead of during an ayahuasca ceremony.
The government certainly has "UFO" craft as well further confusing the issue:
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by maiapleiades79 on 06/16/2015
I still have not done DMT yet so I cannot speak from experience but people who have say that they have contact with these other entities. The others can "see" the person on the DMT trip and "talk" to them with mental telepathy.
I wonder if other entities know how to travel through different levels of consciousness? Maybe they are able to come into our realm without our knowing. I know you think the government creates the crop circles, but maybe there is a chance other beings come here and do that?
Since we are able to take natural elements from the earth in order to expand our consciousness and communicate with these other beings, maybe can they do the same?
I still have not done DMT yet so I cannot speak from experience but people who have say that they have contact with these other entities. The others can "see" the person on the DMT trip and "talk" to them with mental telepathy.
I wonder if other entities know how to travel through different levels of consciousness? Maybe they are able to come into our realm without our knowing. I know you think the government creates the crop circles, but maybe there is a chance other beings come here and do that?
Since we are able to take natural elements from the earth in order to expand our consciousness and communicate with these other beings, maybe can they do the same?
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by sargentsucks on 08/06/2015
Of course it's all speculation but I agree with the "higher planes" and lower planes theory. Seven Bomar does a lot of work with this type of idea, basically our physical chakras are a metaphor for the upper and lower chakra levels that our "universal" reality is designed as.
Oh and they will probably take this thread down, do more research and offer up a more informative first post for this subject. Threads shouldn't begin with questions but I love where you're going with this so I hope you run with it.
Of course it's all speculation but I agree with the "higher planes" and lower planes theory. Seven Bomar does a lot of work with this type of idea, basically our physical chakras are a metaphor for the upper and lower chakra levels that our "universal" reality is designed as.
Oh and they will probably take this thread down, do more research and offer up a more informative first post for this subject. Threads shouldn't begin with questions but I love where you're going with this so I hope you run with it.
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by seeker on 08/06/2015
There are indeed various tribes, nations, peoples who have it in their legends that their ancestry is from another world. I have a sarong, for instance, made in Bali, that depicts the "seven sisters" of the Pleiades, couched in a crescent moon and was told that that is their creation myth.
Several possibilities exist for civilizational cross-pollination with a flat earth, but indeed we are in the realm of speculation, not science per se. At least we are currently lacking evidence other than the oral traditions -- and a myriad of UFO sightings and encounters, lol.
Anyway, one possibility is extra-dimensional beings coming to our world. Another is beings traveling from beyond the ice on our same plane.
There are indeed various tribes, nations, peoples who have it in their legends that their ancestry is from another world. I have a sarong, for instance, made in Bali, that depicts the "seven sisters" of the Pleiades, couched in a crescent moon and was told that that is their creation myth.
Several possibilities exist for civilizational cross-pollination with a flat earth, but indeed we are in the realm of speculation, not science per se. At least we are currently lacking evidence other than the oral traditions -- and a myriad of UFO sightings and encounters, lol.
Anyway, one possibility is extra-dimensional beings coming to our world. Another is beings traveling from beyond the ice on our same plane.
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by Admin on 08/06/2015
Astral (meaning "star") Travel is how ancient man allegedly traveled to and communicated with astral "star" beings. The more current nomenclature is "OBE - Out of Body Experiences." Also closely related to the "Near Death Experience" and "Altered States of Consciousness," this is basically like conscious dreaming into another dimension which is allegedly occupied by non-physical beings, often far more intelligent than ourselves. Shamans in the amazon talk about the "spirit world" and using entheogens like ayahuasca are able to make contact and interact with these "alien" beings.
Ancient/tribal man likely had more contact and knowledge of such places/beings which to most of us now sounds like fairy tales. As I wrote about here, in Mithraic temples people would lay in isolation tanks together as part of a midnight mass and allegedly communally astrally travel to the stars! Nowadays the idea of such a thing sounds fantastical, but it very well could be that we've been cut off from our relationships humanity used to have with these astral beings.
Astral (meaning "star") Travel is how ancient man allegedly traveled to and communicated with astral "star" beings. The more current nomenclature is "OBE - Out of Body Experiences." Also closely related to the "Near Death Experience" and "Altered States of Consciousness," this is basically like conscious dreaming into another dimension which is allegedly occupied by non-physical beings, often far more intelligent than ourselves. Shamans in the amazon talk about the "spirit world" and using entheogens like ayahuasca are able to make contact and interact with these "alien" beings.
Ancient/tribal man likely had more contact and knowledge of such places/beings which to most of us now sounds like fairy tales. As I wrote about here, in Mithraic temples people would lay in isolation tanks together as part of a midnight mass and allegedly communally astrally travel to the stars! Nowadays the idea of such a thing sounds fantastical, but it very well could be that we've been cut off from our relationships humanity used to have with these astral beings.
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by gnosticwarrior on 08/09/2015
I came into this thread ready to type a massive amount of text, but Eric's post nails it right here. 100% in agreement; extra-dimensional, NOT extra-TERRESTRIAL! States of consciousness are the key, here. I firmly believe a good portion of abduction cases are experiences by people who don't realize they are "shifting phase", if you will. All sorts of brain states invoke all sorts of experiences.
I truly feel most psychoactive compounds are blackmailed because they are the doorways to those other dimensions. We don't want people knowing what's behind the curtain...or that there's even a curtain to begin with, folks!
I came into this thread ready to type a massive amount of text, but Eric's post nails it right here. 100% in agreement; extra-dimensional, NOT extra-TERRESTRIAL! States of consciousness are the key, here. I firmly believe a good portion of abduction cases are experiences by people who don't realize they are "shifting phase", if you will. All sorts of brain states invoke all sorts of experiences.
I truly feel most psychoactive compounds are blackmailed because they are the doorways to those other dimensions. We don't want people knowing what's behind the curtain...or that there's even a curtain to begin with, folks!
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by gnosticwarrior on 08/11/2015
Like a split-beam hologram, you have the projection and the projector. Matter and spirit are two halves of the creator, but matter is more in line with the "sleeping half", aka the Demiurge. This would still work regardless of whether the Earth was flat, a ball, a triangle, etc. In all honesty, I feel the Demiurge is just a gnostic explanation for polarity and duality.
In regards to EDs (extra-dimensionals), it's claimed they are "fallen" fragments of the creator in terms the "negative polarity" races (the Nordics and greys are almost always mentioned in this camp, as are the Draco reptilians if you're into that stuff), where as several other races are mentioned as being more positive, guiding, spiritual, and non-intrusive with human affairs due to respecting the free will of all participants.
In my honest and researched opinion, I feel that there are very few EDs that have humanity's best interest in mind. I think a lot of New (C)age propaganda and false paradigms have been erected to prepare humans for blindly accepting ED assistance when the time comes. Running from one trap right into the opposing one is the purpose of the New (C)age paradigms.
The Demiurge is always one of those things I've personally been on the fence with in regards to how it's always explained in gnostic texts. I don't take anything as empirically true in that regard that doesn't align with my own intuition backed by experience. The closest thing that "vibes true" for me is the demiurge is matter itself, which is a low-vibrational plane of existence.Aug 10, 2015 19:29:56 GMT killuminati said:
Great stuff sis, first time poster here..
Ive been studying the gnostics for a while now and you are right the Nag Hammadi is insanely interesting..
It is confusing to me tho, where does the demi-urge come into play with the flat earth?
I guess he created it right? Becuase the flat earth model has really awoken my spiritual side becuase of the implications of a creator but at the same time, if the creator is just the blind demi urge it kind of lessens the beauty of this PLANE.
Or is the demi urge just another metaphor for astrotheology? Maybe the demi urge is an allegory for Aries? The first of the signs? I could be wrong but it was something i was thinking about.
Like a split-beam hologram, you have the projection and the projector. Matter and spirit are two halves of the creator, but matter is more in line with the "sleeping half", aka the Demiurge. This would still work regardless of whether the Earth was flat, a ball, a triangle, etc. In all honesty, I feel the Demiurge is just a gnostic explanation for polarity and duality.
In regards to EDs (extra-dimensionals), it's claimed they are "fallen" fragments of the creator in terms the "negative polarity" races (the Nordics and greys are almost always mentioned in this camp, as are the Draco reptilians if you're into that stuff), where as several other races are mentioned as being more positive, guiding, spiritual, and non-intrusive with human affairs due to respecting the free will of all participants.
In my honest and researched opinion, I feel that there are very few EDs that have humanity's best interest in mind. I think a lot of New (C)age propaganda and false paradigms have been erected to prepare humans for blindly accepting ED assistance when the time comes. Running from one trap right into the opposing one is the purpose of the New (C)age paradigms.
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by incorporated on 08/18/2015
So many of my awaken friends I've had for years who know all about the Jew World Order, The false Holocaust, Zionism etc seem to have all fallen into the Alien Agenda belief even after denouncing David Icke's reptilian bullshit years ago. They won't even investigate Flat Earth. They know science has many holes, are all anti vaccination like myself but they wont touch flat earth with a 100 foot pole.
A few of them claim they saw the ball earth under an ayahuasca trip as their own proof but ayahuasca uses your own memories and beliefs while your under.
It's like a brick wall, anything outside of the ball earth model, space and galaxies never gets a look. I have planted endless seeds in their mind in a kind and humble way as I do with other subjects that seems to work but not with the FE. Even starting out with the false moon landings and the holes in Nasa, but still nothing.
100+ years of alien sci–fi fictional novels and movies, I just don't understand how folk can buy into this while being well aware of many other lies in this world but not question what's in front of their faces.
Just a little but upsetting.
So many of my awaken friends I've had for years who know all about the Jew World Order, The false Holocaust, Zionism etc seem to have all fallen into the Alien Agenda belief even after denouncing David Icke's reptilian bullshit years ago. They won't even investigate Flat Earth. They know science has many holes, are all anti vaccination like myself but they wont touch flat earth with a 100 foot pole.
A few of them claim they saw the ball earth under an ayahuasca trip as their own proof but ayahuasca uses your own memories and beliefs while your under.
It's like a brick wall, anything outside of the ball earth model, space and galaxies never gets a look. I have planted endless seeds in their mind in a kind and humble way as I do with other subjects that seems to work but not with the FE. Even starting out with the false moon landings and the holes in Nasa, but still nothing.
100+ years of alien sci–fi fictional novels and movies, I just don't understand how folk can buy into this while being well aware of many other lies in this world but not question what's in front of their faces.
Just a little but upsetting.
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by schpankme on 08/18/2015
/sarcasm off
You've been lied to about EVERYTHING except Religion, the Shape of the Earth, Outer Space, and Nutrition.Aug 18, 2015 7:07:45 GMT incorporated said:
many of my awaken friends
won't even investigate Flat Earth
100+ years of alien sci–fi fictional novels and movies
how folk can buy into this while being well aware of many other lies
/sarcasm off
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by gnosticwarrior on 08/18/2015
Mention Flat Earth, however, and these people will laugh you out of a room.
I think ET stuff captivates people so easily because they WANT to believe something "neutral" exists outside of humanity and its errors. They want so badly for "other worlds" to exist, so maybe we can one day escape this one.
In most "fringe" circles, it's perfectly acceptable to believe that people are channeling ET consciousness from the future, with information about the galactic federation of light waiting by (not intervening, though, because they are positive entities and support natural human growth/spiritual evolution), and/or the grey aliens harvesting the organs of livestock on the outskirts of the English countryside...Aug 18, 2015 7:07:45 GMT incorporated said:
So many of my awaken friends I've had for years who know all about the Jew World Order, The false Holocaust, Zionism etc seem to have all fallen into the Alien Agenda belief even after denouncing David Icke's reptilian bullshit years ago. They won't even investigate Flat Earth. They know science has many holes, are all anti vaccination like myself but they wont touch flat earth with a 100 foot pole.
Mention Flat Earth, however, and these people will laugh you out of a room.
I think ET stuff captivates people so easily because they WANT to believe something "neutral" exists outside of humanity and its errors. They want so badly for "other worlds" to exist, so maybe we can one day escape this one.
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by questionauthority on 09/14/2015
Just a little compilation I put together that brings forth the possibility that "shooting stars" could even be a deception presented to us by fallen angels along with the ufo agenda.
Just a little compilation I put together that brings forth the possibility that "shooting stars" could even be a deception presented to us by fallen angels along with the ufo agenda.
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Re: UFO's, Aliens, Angels & Demons
Posted by susie on 09/30/2015
Here we go with reports of invasion from outerspace.
Russia Issues Grave Warning: “Prepare To Defend Earth, Fallen Angels Have Returned”
An extraordinary report prepared by the Military Scientific Committee of the Armed Forces (MSC) on the just completed trials of the Almaz-Antey high energy laser directed energy weapon system project by the 27th Central Research Institute (27-CRI) states that their “immediate dispersement” to Federation allies India, China and Brazil is needed to defend our planet against “inter-dimensional entities” who could soon attempt to recapture Earth.
Important to note about this report are that the references to “inter-dimensional entities” contained in it date back to the Great Patriotic War (World War II) when then Soviet intelligence services confirmed the German Nazi regimes existing “communication link” with what can only be described as “fallen angels/demons”, but which our planets oldest written records refer to as the “gods”.
These “fallen angels/demons”, this report explain, were once vanquished from our Earth about 5-6,000 years ago in what was then referred to by the ancients as “the great overturning” that nearly instantly froze millions of wooly mammoths of Siberia, destroyed the vast city-state known as Atlantis, and is recorded in the stories, religions and legends of all of our planets peoples as “the great flood”.
Most importantly, however, to have been destroyed in “the great overturning”, this report continues, was the main geographical area inhabited on the Earth by these “fallen angels/demons” located from the Indian subcontinent, through the Himalayan mountain range to what is present day Ukraine, and whose human offspring were known as the Aryan race.
The two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, this report explains, fully details the interactions of these “fallen angels/demons” with the Aryan race including the use of their Vimana air/space vehicle described as “an apparatus which can go by its own force, from one place to place or globe to globe”.
Verifying this incredible ancient claim of the power of the Vimana to not only transverse our own planet, but those of others too, this report says, can be found in the symbol of these “fallen angels/demons” called the Swastika being discovered all over Earth, including prior to World War II when the soldiers of the United States 45th Infantry Division proudly wore this symbol prior to rise of Nazi Germany.
In fact, this report notes, the earliest known object with Swastika-motifs is a bird from the tusk of a mammoth from the Paleolithic settlement of Mezine, Ukraine dated to 10,000 BC, and its ancient use has also been discovered in the Mississippian-era sites in the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys, the Hopi and Navajo Indians of North America and among the Celts, ancient Germans, Finns…and too many other worldwide cultures to mention in just one article.
To our human race reconnecting with these “fallen angels/demons”, this report says, appears to have occurred in the 16th Century when a brilliant new star appeared on the sky in early November 1572, and which we now know to have been Tycho's Supernova occurring in the constellation Cassiopeia and which was one of about eight supernovae visible to the naked eye in historical records.
More critical to note about the Tycho Supernova, MSC experts in this report state, is that it also appeared to cause an “inter-dimensional rift” allowing humans to once again communicate with the “fallen angels/demons” who had previously been expelled from our planet, the most important of whom was the personal astrologer-sorcerer to England’s Queen Elizabeth I, John Dee.
From the historical records from the 16th Century about Dee and his assistants contact with these “fallen angels/demons” we can further read:
“Dee would perform ritual invocations of the angels, and Kelley would stare into a scrying mirror or crystal ball, wherein a series of angels appeared, transmitting prophecies, instructions and furious pronouncements on the spiritual nature of mankind.
The angels were not charitable. Raging at the fallen state of humanity, who have only become progressively worse since being sent East of Eden, they consistently liken humans to “harlots”—not in the sexual sense, but in the sense that they weakly allow their attentions to be captivated by literally anything except God.
Over years of Actions, the angels described the ordering of the cosmos; a series of instructions for ritual invocations; predictions of apocalypse and events to come in European politics; and, finally, the Angelic or “Enochian” language, which they explained was the ur-language of humanity, spoken before the Fall of Adam.
For Dee, this was not magic, but religion—he supplicated himself to the angels totally. Kelley, though, was terrified of the spirits, considering them demons and constantly begging Dee to cease the sessions. Dee insisted on pushing ahead, overworking Kelley to exhaustion and keeping him virtually prisoner at Mortlake.
The angels, for their part, detested Kelley, clocking immediately that he had previously engaged in demonic grimoire magic, and quickly became exasperated with both Dee and Kelley. Though Dee may have been the smartest member of the species, he was still perceived as an inconsequential gnat by the angelic hyper-intelligences—particularly when Dee and Kelley began begging them for money (Kelley even asked if the angels could loan him money!). But for all of Dee and Kelley’s embarrassing lack of evolution, they would have to do, because the angels had a plan, and Dee and Kelley were on the hook.
Put simply, the angels wanted nothing less than a New World Order, run by divine principles, and proposed what must be one of the most dangerous ideas in Western history: A world religion, based on love and unity—a supra-Christianity or Terminal Monotheism which would not only reunite Catholicism and Protestantism but even Judaism and Islam into a fused whole; all made possible, of course, by the technology the angels had provided for direct individual contact with the spiritual agents of God instead of relying on terrestrial authority or scripture.
Combined with the foundation Dee had already laid for a temporal New World Order under Elizabeth, this new religion would unite the souls of the entire globe, fusing all humanity into one State, and one Church, all directed by the angels themselves—the New Jerusalem.
So fervent were the angels that they commanded Dee and Kelley to present themselves to the court of Rudolf II, the Holy Roman Emperor, tell him he was possessed by demons, and command him to heed the angelic message. This was a death sentence—but Dee and Kelley, shockingly, made good on it. Rudolf ignored them, but the Papal nuncio did not, and plotted their destruction. The Church, it seems, took Dee and Kelley’s claims seriously—perhaps as a threat to their very existence. Humans talking to God without scriptural or institutional mediation was not on the menu.”
To the evidence of the success of England under the direction/guidance of these “fallen angles/demons”, this report says, cannot be denied as it began the British Empire on which “the sun never set”, that is until the end of the 20th century when upon the death of Queen Victoria, in 1901, the German House of Hanover (of which Queen Victoria headed) disseminated their “occult knowledge” throughout all of the royal houses of Europe.
What began then, this report grimly notes, was a century of wars “deliberately initiated and controlled” by these “fallen angels/demons” intent upon total destruction so as to establish their one world religion, the most destructive being World War II.
Causing World War II to be so destructive, this report continues, was the German Nazis successful establishment of an inter-dimensional transport/communication device called Die Glocke (The Bell) allowing for the first time since 1561 a Vimana air/space craft to appear on Earth in 1937.
The previous attempt of these “fallen angels/demons” to reintroduce their Vimana air/space crafts on Earth since “the great overturning”, this report notes, occurred on 14 April 1561 when John Dee traveled to Nuremberg, Germany and using the “occult mechanisms” he had been taught by these entities caused to erupt a furious sky battlewitnessed by all of the residents of the city, and in which the “fallen angels/demons” were defeated.
By 1937, though, this report says, an intact Vimana air/space craft was not only in the hands of the German Nazis, they were able to start duplicating it resulting in what are now referred to as the “foo fighters”, a term used by Allied aircraft pilots to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and Pacific theaters of operations.
Even after World War II, MSC experts in this report say, the Nazi Germans remaining “foo fighters”, along with the Die Glocke “device”, were secreted to Antarctica where they remain today, and attested to by numerous high-ranking present and former Russian military officials.
To how great of a danger our planet is in due to these “fallen angels/demons” reappearing with their Vimana air/space crafts, this report warns, is evidenced by the mysterious 9 December 2009 event called the “Norway Spiral” [See video HERE] where a fantastical otherworldly spiral appeared in the night sky over both Norway and Sweden and which the ancients of people of our planet had all recorded was sign that always preceded the arrival of the “gods”.
Equally as critical to note about the 2009 “Norway Spiral”, MSC experts state, is that within days of it occurring “dozens, if not more” mysterious crafts began erupting from deep beneath Siberialeaving massive craters and hurtling into space with one of them being tracked this week where it has taken up an orbit around our Sun.
As President Putin this past August (2014) classified as a “Potential National Threat” any news/information relating to these mysterious crafts erupting from beneath Siberia, this report does note…however, it further states that what is now called the Chelyabinsk meteor event of 15 February 2013, that exploded with 20–30 times more energy than was released from the atomic bomb detonated at Hiroshima, was (based on orbital trajectory) in actuality an “apparent attack” against the Siberian region where these mysterious crafts are being launched from, and was “exactly like” the 30 June 1908 meteor attack upon this same region that is now called the Tunguska event.
Also, and perhaps most disturbingly, this report concludes, US-EU attempts to demonize President Putin and embroil Russia in war are, in fact, “an elaborate masquerade” designed so that these Western powers can overrun Siberia to destroy/dismantle what by all appearances seems to be an ancient defense system designed to protect our planet from these “fallen angel/demons” who are now in league with, if not outright controlling, nearly all of the Western nations on Earth.
And finally, though not exactly referred to in this MSC report, Western scientists appear to be preparing their citizens for what is to come by publishing many scientific papers this past year proving that parallel worlds exist and interact with our world, a position, mind you, first stated by the renowned French scientist and UFO researcher Jacques Vallée, who decades ago warned that what are commonly called aliens from other worlds may, in fact, be fallen angels and demons.
Here we go with reports of invasion from outerspace.
Russia Issues Grave Warning: “Prepare To Defend Earth, Fallen Angels Have Returned”
An extraordinary report prepared by the Military Scientific Committee of the Armed Forces (MSC) on the just completed trials of the Almaz-Antey high energy laser directed energy weapon system project by the 27th Central Research Institute (27-CRI) states that their “immediate dispersement” to Federation allies India, China and Brazil is needed to defend our planet against “inter-dimensional entities” who could soon attempt to recapture Earth.
Important to note about this report are that the references to “inter-dimensional entities” contained in it date back to the Great Patriotic War (World War II) when then Soviet intelligence services confirmed the German Nazi regimes existing “communication link” with what can only be described as “fallen angels/demons”, but which our planets oldest written records refer to as the “gods”.
These “fallen angels/demons”, this report explain, were once vanquished from our Earth about 5-6,000 years ago in what was then referred to by the ancients as “the great overturning” that nearly instantly froze millions of wooly mammoths of Siberia, destroyed the vast city-state known as Atlantis, and is recorded in the stories, religions and legends of all of our planets peoples as “the great flood”.
Most importantly, however, to have been destroyed in “the great overturning”, this report continues, was the main geographical area inhabited on the Earth by these “fallen angels/demons” located from the Indian subcontinent, through the Himalayan mountain range to what is present day Ukraine, and whose human offspring were known as the Aryan race.
The two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, this report explains, fully details the interactions of these “fallen angels/demons” with the Aryan race including the use of their Vimana air/space vehicle described as “an apparatus which can go by its own force, from one place to place or globe to globe”.
Verifying this incredible ancient claim of the power of the Vimana to not only transverse our own planet, but those of others too, this report says, can be found in the symbol of these “fallen angels/demons” called the Swastika being discovered all over Earth, including prior to World War II when the soldiers of the United States 45th Infantry Division proudly wore this symbol prior to rise of Nazi Germany.
In fact, this report notes, the earliest known object with Swastika-motifs is a bird from the tusk of a mammoth from the Paleolithic settlement of Mezine, Ukraine dated to 10,000 BC, and its ancient use has also been discovered in the Mississippian-era sites in the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys, the Hopi and Navajo Indians of North America and among the Celts, ancient Germans, Finns…and too many other worldwide cultures to mention in just one article.
To our human race reconnecting with these “fallen angels/demons”, this report says, appears to have occurred in the 16th Century when a brilliant new star appeared on the sky in early November 1572, and which we now know to have been Tycho's Supernova occurring in the constellation Cassiopeia and which was one of about eight supernovae visible to the naked eye in historical records.
More critical to note about the Tycho Supernova, MSC experts in this report state, is that it also appeared to cause an “inter-dimensional rift” allowing humans to once again communicate with the “fallen angels/demons” who had previously been expelled from our planet, the most important of whom was the personal astrologer-sorcerer to England’s Queen Elizabeth I, John Dee.
From the historical records from the 16th Century about Dee and his assistants contact with these “fallen angels/demons” we can further read:
“Dee would perform ritual invocations of the angels, and Kelley would stare into a scrying mirror or crystal ball, wherein a series of angels appeared, transmitting prophecies, instructions and furious pronouncements on the spiritual nature of mankind.
The angels were not charitable. Raging at the fallen state of humanity, who have only become progressively worse since being sent East of Eden, they consistently liken humans to “harlots”—not in the sexual sense, but in the sense that they weakly allow their attentions to be captivated by literally anything except God.
Over years of Actions, the angels described the ordering of the cosmos; a series of instructions for ritual invocations; predictions of apocalypse and events to come in European politics; and, finally, the Angelic or “Enochian” language, which they explained was the ur-language of humanity, spoken before the Fall of Adam.
For Dee, this was not magic, but religion—he supplicated himself to the angels totally. Kelley, though, was terrified of the spirits, considering them demons and constantly begging Dee to cease the sessions. Dee insisted on pushing ahead, overworking Kelley to exhaustion and keeping him virtually prisoner at Mortlake.
The angels, for their part, detested Kelley, clocking immediately that he had previously engaged in demonic grimoire magic, and quickly became exasperated with both Dee and Kelley. Though Dee may have been the smartest member of the species, he was still perceived as an inconsequential gnat by the angelic hyper-intelligences—particularly when Dee and Kelley began begging them for money (Kelley even asked if the angels could loan him money!). But for all of Dee and Kelley’s embarrassing lack of evolution, they would have to do, because the angels had a plan, and Dee and Kelley were on the hook.
Put simply, the angels wanted nothing less than a New World Order, run by divine principles, and proposed what must be one of the most dangerous ideas in Western history: A world religion, based on love and unity—a supra-Christianity or Terminal Monotheism which would not only reunite Catholicism and Protestantism but even Judaism and Islam into a fused whole; all made possible, of course, by the technology the angels had provided for direct individual contact with the spiritual agents of God instead of relying on terrestrial authority or scripture.
Combined with the foundation Dee had already laid for a temporal New World Order under Elizabeth, this new religion would unite the souls of the entire globe, fusing all humanity into one State, and one Church, all directed by the angels themselves—the New Jerusalem.
So fervent were the angels that they commanded Dee and Kelley to present themselves to the court of Rudolf II, the Holy Roman Emperor, tell him he was possessed by demons, and command him to heed the angelic message. This was a death sentence—but Dee and Kelley, shockingly, made good on it. Rudolf ignored them, but the Papal nuncio did not, and plotted their destruction. The Church, it seems, took Dee and Kelley’s claims seriously—perhaps as a threat to their very existence. Humans talking to God without scriptural or institutional mediation was not on the menu.”
To the evidence of the success of England under the direction/guidance of these “fallen angles/demons”, this report says, cannot be denied as it began the British Empire on which “the sun never set”, that is until the end of the 20th century when upon the death of Queen Victoria, in 1901, the German House of Hanover (of which Queen Victoria headed) disseminated their “occult knowledge” throughout all of the royal houses of Europe.
What began then, this report grimly notes, was a century of wars “deliberately initiated and controlled” by these “fallen angels/demons” intent upon total destruction so as to establish their one world religion, the most destructive being World War II.
Causing World War II to be so destructive, this report continues, was the German Nazis successful establishment of an inter-dimensional transport/communication device called Die Glocke (The Bell) allowing for the first time since 1561 a Vimana air/space craft to appear on Earth in 1937.
The previous attempt of these “fallen angels/demons” to reintroduce their Vimana air/space crafts on Earth since “the great overturning”, this report notes, occurred on 14 April 1561 when John Dee traveled to Nuremberg, Germany and using the “occult mechanisms” he had been taught by these entities caused to erupt a furious sky battlewitnessed by all of the residents of the city, and in which the “fallen angels/demons” were defeated.
By 1937, though, this report says, an intact Vimana air/space craft was not only in the hands of the German Nazis, they were able to start duplicating it resulting in what are now referred to as the “foo fighters”, a term used by Allied aircraft pilots to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and Pacific theaters of operations.
Even after World War II, MSC experts in this report say, the Nazi Germans remaining “foo fighters”, along with the Die Glocke “device”, were secreted to Antarctica where they remain today, and attested to by numerous high-ranking present and former Russian military officials.
To how great of a danger our planet is in due to these “fallen angels/demons” reappearing with their Vimana air/space crafts, this report warns, is evidenced by the mysterious 9 December 2009 event called the “Norway Spiral” [See video HERE] where a fantastical otherworldly spiral appeared in the night sky over both Norway and Sweden and which the ancients of people of our planet had all recorded was sign that always preceded the arrival of the “gods”.
Equally as critical to note about the 2009 “Norway Spiral”, MSC experts state, is that within days of it occurring “dozens, if not more” mysterious crafts began erupting from deep beneath Siberialeaving massive craters and hurtling into space with one of them being tracked this week where it has taken up an orbit around our Sun.
As President Putin this past August (2014) classified as a “Potential National Threat” any news/information relating to these mysterious crafts erupting from beneath Siberia, this report does note…however, it further states that what is now called the Chelyabinsk meteor event of 15 February 2013, that exploded with 20–30 times more energy than was released from the atomic bomb detonated at Hiroshima, was (based on orbital trajectory) in actuality an “apparent attack” against the Siberian region where these mysterious crafts are being launched from, and was “exactly like” the 30 June 1908 meteor attack upon this same region that is now called the Tunguska event.
Also, and perhaps most disturbingly, this report concludes, US-EU attempts to demonize President Putin and embroil Russia in war are, in fact, “an elaborate masquerade” designed so that these Western powers can overrun Siberia to destroy/dismantle what by all appearances seems to be an ancient defense system designed to protect our planet from these “fallen angel/demons” who are now in league with, if not outright controlling, nearly all of the Western nations on Earth.
And finally, though not exactly referred to in this MSC report, Western scientists appear to be preparing their citizens for what is to come by publishing many scientific papers this past year proving that parallel worlds exist and interact with our world, a position, mind you, first stated by the renowned French scientist and UFO researcher Jacques Vallée, who decades ago warned that what are commonly called aliens from other worlds may, in fact, be fallen angels and demons.
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