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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty The Occult Symbolism of the Los Angeles Central Library

Post by Themis Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:35 pm

Central Library is temple of illumination.

The Library’s tiled pyramid, two sphinxes, celestial mosaics and other   details turn this public space into a true occult temple.

The LA Central Library was designed by Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue. His works include governmental and military buildings, churches, libraries and the private houses of politicians.

Sculptor: Lee Lawrie.
His knowledge of occult symbolism,ancient mysteries and Masonic principles apparently made him the elite’s artist. Some of his high-profile commissions include:
the allegorical relief panels of the United States Senate,
the Louisiana State Capitol,

the statue of George Washington at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C and the Harkness Tower of Yale University.

Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Dt2go5ec1

Lawrie’s Wisdom, above the main entrance of 5, Rockefeller Center, NY. The sculpture, depicts a gnostic demi-urge holding a Masonic compass.

Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 RocCt-LeeLawrie-Wisdom

The library was originally built in 1926 by Bertram Goodhue. According to the Library’s documentation, the architecture’s central theme revolved
around “illumination through the light of learning”.

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The Pyramid of Illumination

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On each side of the pyramid is a sun symbol.

Above the pyramid is golden hand holding a torch.There is a reason why this symbol is sitting above all others in the building:  It is a perfect
representation of the building’s philosophy, Luciferianism.

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The original torch is on display inside the Library.There, we can see more of the torch’s detail, including the serpent of knowledge intertwining its base.In Latin, the word “Lucifer” means “light bearer”.
In occult symbolism, light and fire esoterically represent  divine knowledge and enlightenment.
A hand holding a lit torch therefore represents  man’s ascent to divinity through the teachings of the Mysteries.

The Western Facade – Phosphor and Hesper

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Two human figures are depicted with the names “Phosphor” and “Hesper” underneath them. This apparently minor detail is perhaps the most significant.
Phosphor (or phosphorus) is the Latin word for the planet Venus in the morning,  also referred to as the “Morning Star” or the “bringer of light”. Those terms are synonymous with Lucifer.

Illuminated Globe

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Situated right under the pyramid on the top of the building.The globe is surrounded by a ring containing the signs of the zodiac and is illuminated by 48lights.

The Statue of Civilization

Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Civilizationlawrie

The Statue of Civilization stands above a staircase flanked by two sphinxes.

On the statue is a carved panel containing symbols of ancient and modern civilizations.

Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Civilizationlawrie2

From bottom to top:

– Blank for unknown ages of man
– Pyramids of Egypt
– Ship for Phoenicia
– Winged Bull for Babylonia & Tablets for Judea
– Lion Gate of Palace of Ninos & Parthenon for Minoan and Grecian civilizations
– Wolf with Romulus and Remus for Rome
– Dragon for China
– Siva for India
– Notre Dame for Medieval Christian Europe
– Plumed Serpent Head for Maya
– Buffalo, Covered Wagon, and Liberty Bell for United States of America

The Sphinxes

Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Sphinx

In occult symbolism, sphinxes are the guardians of the Mysteries, protecting esoteric secrets from the eyes of the profane.

The Star of Ishtar

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Embedded in the floor, at a central point of the Library, is an eight pointed star,a symbol known as the star of Ishtar.Ishtar is the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility,love, war, and sexuality and is considered by the Babylonians to  be “the divine personification of the planet Venus.

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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by lizardking Thu Mar 17, 2016 7:55 pm

James Lainez (J.G. 1558-1565), who succeeded Ignatius Loyola (J.G. 1541-1556) as the second Jesuit General, was also of Jewish descent. The fourth Jesuit General was a Belgian Jew named Eberhard Mercurian (J.G. 1573-1580). Jews were attracted to the Jesuit order and joined in large numbers. Some of the most influential Jesuits in history, such as Francisco Ribera (1537-1591) and Emanuel Lacunza (1731-1801), were Jews. During the 5th General Congregation in 1593 of the 27 Jesuits who proposed changes to the Constitutions, 25 were of either Jewish or Moorish descent. Many of the Jesuit doctrines are similar to those found in the Kabbalah and Babylonian Talmud. It is possible that the second beast in the book of Revelation is the Jesuit General, who is known as the black pope.

John Torrell explains the Jewish origins of the Jesuit order:

The Illuminati order was not invented by Adam Weishaupt, but rather renewed and reformed. The first known Illuminati order (Alumbrado) was founded in 1492 by Spanish Jews, called “Marranos,” who were also known as “crypto-Jews.” With violent persecution in Spain and Portugal beginning in 1391, hundreds of thousands of Jews had been forced to convert to the faith of the Roman Catholic Church. Publicly they were now Roman Catholics, but secretly they practiced Judaism, including following the Talmud and the Cabala, and this huge group of Jews has survived to this very day. After 1540 many Marranos opted to flee to England, Holland, France, the Ottoman empire (Turkey), Brazil and other places in South and Central America. The Marranos kept strong family ties and they became very wealthy and influential in the nations where they lived. But as is the custom with all Jewish people, it did not matter where what nation they lived, their loyalty was to themselves and Judaism.

* * *

In 1491 San Ignacio De Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic. On May 20, 1521 Ignatius (as he was now called) was wounded in a battle, and became a semi-cripple. Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for holiness and eventually ended up in Paris where he studied for the priesthood. In 1539 he had moved to Rome where he founded the “JESUIT ORDER,” which was to become the most vile, bloody and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church. In 1540, the current Pope Paul III approved the order. At Loyola’s death in 1556 there were more than 1000 members in the Jesuit order, located in a number of nations.

Setting up the Jesuit order, Ignatius Loyola devised an elaborate spy system, so that no one in the order was safe. If there was any opposition, death would come swiftly. The Jesuit order not only became a destructive arm of the Roman Catholic Church; it also developed into a secret intelligence service. While the Popes relied more and more on the Jesuits, they were unaware that the hard core leadership were Jewish, and that these Jews held membership in the Illuminati order which despised and hated the Roman Catholic Church.

The Jesuits were established by Ignatius of Loyola. Ignatius of Loyola was the leader of a secret occult organization known as the Alumbrados (Spanish for Illuminati). On August 14, 1534, Loyola started a sister organization to the Alumbrados, which he called the Society of Jesus, it is more commonly known today as the Jesuits. Loyola was arrested by the Dominican order of the Catholic inquisitors, who were concerned with his growing influence and power throughout Europe. Because of his influential allies among the principalities of Europe, he was granted an audience with the pope. Loyola promised the pope his allegiance and agreed to do the bidding of the papacy throughout the world. Pope Paul III formally approved the Jesuits as a Catholic religious order in his 1540 papal bull Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae.

- The Greatest Lie on Earth: Proof That Our World Is Not a Moving Globe

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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by Themis Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:10 pm

The Jews OWN and CONTROL Freemasonry today and have from the beginning.

Here’s what the JEWS have to say about THEIR ownership of Freemasonry:

THE JEWISH TRIBUNE, New York, Oct. 28, 1927, Cheshvan 2, 5688, Vol. 91, No. 18:  “Masonry is based on Judaism.  Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?”

LA VERITE ISRAELITE, Jewish paper 1861, IV, page 74:  “The spirit of Freemasonry is the spirit of Judaism in its most fundamental beliefs; it is its ideas, its language, it is mostly its organization, the hopes which enlighten and support Israel.  It’s crowning will be that wonderful prayer house of which Jerusalem will be the triumphal centre and symbol.”

LE SYMBOLISM, July, 1928:  “The most important duty of the Freemason must be to glorify the Jewish Race, which has preserved the unchanged divine standard of wisdom.  You must rely upon the Jewish race to dissolve all frontiers.”

AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FREEMASONRY, Philadelphia, 1906:  “Each Lodge is and must be a symbol of the Jewish temple; each Master in the Chair, a representative of the Jewish King; and every Mason a personification of the Jewish workman.”

MANUAL OF FREEMASONRY, by Richard Carlile:  “The Grand Lodge Masonry of the present day is wholly Jewish.”

THE FREEMASON, April 2, 1930, quoting Br. Rev. S. McGowan:  “Freemasonry is founded on the ancient law of Israel.  Israel has given birth to the moral beauty which forms the basis of Freemasonry.”

Rabbi Br. Isaac Wise, in The Israelite of America, March 8, 1866:  “Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”

Benjamin Disraeli, Jew, Prime Minister of England, in The Life of Lord George Bentick:  “At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.”

LATOMIA, a German Masonic journal, Vol. 12, July 1849, Page 237: “We cannot help but greet socialism (Marxism – Communism) as an excellent comrade of Freemasonry for ennobling mankind, for helping to further human welfare.  Socialism and Freemasonry, together with Communism are sprung from the same source.”

BERNARD STILLMAN, Jew, in Hebraic influences on Masonic Symbolism, 1929, quoted The Masonic News, London:  “I think I have proved sufficiently that Freemasonry, as what concurs symbolism, lays entirely on a formation which is essentially Jewish.”

O.B. Good, M.A. in The Hidden Hand of Judah, 1936:  “The influence of the Jewish Sanhedrin is today more powerful than ever in Freemasonry.”

JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, 1903, Vol, 5, page 503:  “The technical language, symbolism and rites of Freemasonry are full of Jewish ideas and terms . . . In the Scottish Rite, the dates on official documents are given according to the era and months of the Jewish calendar, and use is made of the Hebraic alphabet.”

B’NAI B’RITH MAGAZINE, Vol. 13, page 8, quoting rabbi and mason Magnin:  “The B’nai B’rith are but a makeshift.  Everywhere that Freemasonry can admit that it is Jewish in its nature as well as in its aims, the ordinary lodges are sufficient for the task.

(Also, the B’nai B’rith form a super-Masonic lodge where no “Gentiles” are admitted.)

TRANSACTIONS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY  Vol. 2, p 156: “The Coat of Arms used by the Grand Lodge of England is entirely composed of Jewish symbols.”

Last edited by Themis on Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:28 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by Themis Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:17 pm

Forces occultes is a French dramatised documentary about freemasonry from 1943, particularly exposing its cronyism, corruption and duplicity.

The film was directed by a former member of the Grand Orient of France for eight years, Jean Mamy and thus includes authentic footage of Masonic initiation ceremonies.

After the Second World War was over, the people involved in creating the film were persecuted as an act of revenge; the producer Robert Muzard was sentenced to three years, the writer Jean Marquès-Rivière was condemned to death in his absence, while the producer Jean Mamy was executed at the fortress of Montrouge.

In the film, a young politician Pierre Avenel, set in the French Third Republic is sick of the narrow party-political game in parliament which is degenerating the country; he criticises the capitalists for their greed and the communists for their manipulation of the masses for their own self-seeking ends. Naive and looking for solutions, he is approached by freemasons, who tell him that their organisation is about “progress” and upstanding “morality”, so he joins the lodge. There he finds a strange world of intimidating oaths and pledges to serve the brotherhood.

Also shows how jews use freemasonery to use goyims to do favores for them.

26:06 Isaak Levy Stein give his visitcard

45:57 Main character says : "All of you masons are pushing a war so this country can be governed by JEWS."


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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by Admin Sun Mar 20, 2016 4:46 am

Great posts, thanks Themis. That movie on Freemasonry is a must-see for anyone who hasn't yet.

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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by susie Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:55 pm

Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Fez10
So I post this picture on Fascistbook and it stays there for a couple days being shared by countless others, more than 60 shares last I looked then I get a message just a little bit ago that I have violated terms and they showed that picture to me and said for posting images that arent allowed or some crap. Im kicked out for 24 hours. Since when is it illegal to post an image found on the web of a shriner's fez?

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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by mitch Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:08 am

Maybe because the image depicts a star as seen through the translucent moon and the acronym for the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service and a very dangerous looking sword

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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by Razeker Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:17 pm

I found this book called Illustrations of Masonry – by Capt. William Morgan - 1827 at page 37, where the author explain the ceremonies:   I shall omit the ceremonies of opening and closing, as they are precisely the same as in the first degree, except two knocks are used in this degree, and the door is entered by the benefit of a pass-word. It is Shibboleth.

Link to the old book (in this version you can find the word Shibboleth at page 56) : https://archive.org/stream/illustrationsofm00morg

The picture below is from an revised edition wich i downloaded:
Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Open?id=0ByF-DUS4s0FcajVleDU5Y0VGNVk

I searched for Shibboleth on google, and found this company:


What´s Shibboleth (the Consortium)?
"Shibboleth is a standards based, open source software package for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries. It allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources in a privacy-preserving manner.

The Shibboleth software implements widely used federated identity standards, principally the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), to provide a federated single sign-on and attribute exchange framework. A user authenticates with his or her organizational credentials, and the organization (or identity provider) passes the minimal identity information necessary to the service provider to enable an authorization decision. Shibboleth also provides extended privacy functionality allowing a user and their home site to control the attributes released to each application.

The Shibboleth project began as an Internet2 Middleware activity in 2000, and later that year the project connected with the work of the OASIS SAML Working Group. Shibboleth 1.0 was released in 2003, and was quickly adopted by research and education communities worldwide. With SAML 2.0 in 2005 and Shibboleth 2.0 the following year, the SAML standards grew to include all the multi-lateral, metadata driven approaches pioneered by Shibboleth.

Shibboleth is developed as open source software and is released under the Apache Software License. More information about the individual components is available on the Products page.
Shibboleth® is a registered trademark of Internet2®."

Their principal Members (Consortium) are from US, UK, Switzerland, Ireland, Brazil, Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, European Space Agency (ESA), Japan, France, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, (CMU - Pittsburgh, Qatar and Silicon Valley) and the Ligo (ligo.org - The LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) as a group of scientists seeking to make the first direct detection of gravitational waves, use them to explore the fundamental physics of gravity, and develop the emerging field of gravitational wave science as a tool of astronomical discovery. All members are also connected tho other many companies and governments.


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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by ABalancedKarma Thu Nov 17, 2016 10:36 am

jeWsuits are sephardic crypto-jews.

also, all "muslim" nations are ruled by crypto-jews!
turkey is in the hands of donmeh, sephardic crypto jews.
saudi arabia is ruled by arabic crypto jews (the Saud).
Iran's former president Ahmadinejad is a crypto-jew too: his family name was originally Sabourjian...
Arafat too was a crypto-jew and freemason!

freemasonry is 100% in the hands of jews and crypto-jews of all "kinds".

see a pattern emerging yet?


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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by Beashambassador Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:48 pm


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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by Schpankme Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:00 pm

At 9:10 of the video
"The Jesuits priests, through ritual, open their minds to the influences of Demons (Satan)."

Again we get half stories with magical wuwu.

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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by Beashambassador Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:49 pm

Thank you for your comments Schpankme,
Who, would you say, controls the Jesuits?

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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by Schpankme Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:04 pm

Beashambassador wrote:
Who, would you say, controls the Jesuits?

Jesuits control Jesuits, not Jew boogieman.

Satan is part of the Abrahamic religion who plays the part of the deceiver who leads humanity astray.

The bigger question is:
Why are you interjecting "the Abrahamic religion" into the flat Earth discussion?

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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by ABalancedKarma Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:59 pm

Je(w)suits ARE crypto jews, but it seems you ignore this, so please document yourself.

The abrahimic religion? You mean religionS, there's 3 of them, and their plan is to unify all into one, so please document yourself about christianity, islam and judaism.

jeWsuits not fitting with the flat earth? jeWsuits practically invented the heliocentric system and do promote it in any possible way since 500 years!

Did you know most of the craters and valley and stuff they pretend it's on the moon is related to a jewsuit astronomer priest? The same with asteroids, planets etc: there's almost always a je(w)suit priest (and a jewsuit name) behind every new "discovery" in the "space".
It seems they spend more time looking at the sky than doing any other activity a priest should do.

Einstein, who was a jew and a zionist, was a jeWsuit priest's puppet.

It seems you are a bit confused, and annoying too.

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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by Schpankme Wed Nov 23, 2016 12:40 am

ABalancedKarma wrote:
Je(w)suits ARE crypto jews

The abrahimic religion?
there's 3 of them, and their plan is to unify all into one, so please document yourself about christianity, islam and judaism.

jeWsuits practically invented the heliocentric system and do promote it

That's interesting, you don't have the foggiest idea of what my question was about to "Beashambassador", but you like to run your mouth as if you do.
Yes, we can say "the Abrahamic religion(s)", but I did not mention this as my question to "Beashambassador" was very focused.

No, the Jesuits are not trying to combine "the Abrahamic religion(s)"; the JEWsuits use Religion to control the People.  The aftermath of the 9/11/2001 event was to show Two (2) CGI planes, flown by Islamic Terrorists, fly into Two (2) Buildings of the World Trade Center, collapsing all Seven (7) Buildings that make up the World Trade Center, into their foundations.  This little visual illusion was played out by the JEW controlled Media, which prompted the Christian Military of US INC to go to WAR with Islam (Muslims).

The two greatest lies ever propagated on humankind are Ball Earth and Jew Savior, both taught by the JESUITS and both made possible by an ejaculation into the Virgin source.  What we now see is the faith based Abrahamic religion(s) feeding into the Theory based Religion of Scientism.

Let me suggest you spend more time sitting quietly and reading these forums.

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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by Admin Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:57 am


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Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?   - Page 2 Empty Re: Who Controls The Vatican, Jesuits, And Freemasonry?

Post by Artemis Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:48 pm

History; Jews in Roman Law:


The Theodosian Code was a compilation of the laws of the Roman Empire under the Christian emperors since 312 CE.
The code was compiled by a commission created by Emperor Theodosius II in 429 CE, and published in 438 CE.


"It is not proper that Christians accept gifts which are sent by Jews or heretics, nor celebrate feasts with them." -- Council of Laodicaea, Canon XXXVII

"It is not proper for Christians to accept unleavened bread from the Jews, and take part in their impieties." -- Council of Laodicaea, Canon XXXVIII.

"If any cleric has gone to pray in a synagogue of the Jews or heretics, he is to be removed from the clergy and segregated from the flock. ... If any Christian brings oil into a temple of the pagans or into a synagogue of the Jews or lights their lamps at the time of their festivals, he is to be segregated from the flock." -- Apostolic Canons, Canon LXV and LXXI

"The canons of the Nicene Council are to be observed; in particular Easter is not to be celebrated with the Jews." -- Council of Antioch, Canon I.

"Let no Jew take a Christian woman to wife, nor any Christian seek marriage with a Jewess. For if any one admits anything of this sort, he will be charged with his crime just as if he has committed adultery, and furthermore liberty for accusations of this nature has been granted to the general public." -- Theodosius the Great to Cynegius, pp., Codex Theodosianus, 3, 7, 2 or 9, 7, 5; 14/3/388.


"No Jew shall retain his own marriage customs, nor seek marriage according to the law of the Jews, nor possess several wives at the same time." -- Theodosius the Great to Infantius, Governor of the Eastern Provinces; 30/12/393, Codex Justinianus, 1, 9, 7.


"We order that no testimony shall be given against orthodox litigants by a heretic, or by those who adhere to the Jewish superstition, whether one, or both parties to the suit are orthodox. We grant permission to heretics or Jews, when they have litigation with one another, to introduce witnesses qualified to testify."

Source: The Emperor Anastasius to John, Praetorian Prefect


"Entrance into the military service from any other occupation is denied those who are living in the Jewish faith. Therefore any Jews who are either engaged in government service or in the imperial army are permitted the grace of completing their terms of office and of terminating their enlistments (since such persons are really more ignorant than unfriendly), but in the future the grace we have now granted a few will not be continued. We decree, moreover, that those devoted to the perversity of this Jewish nation, who are proved to have entered the armed forces, shall be deprived of their honor at once, being allowed no sufferance for past good deeds. But we do not deny to the Jews who have been trained in liberal studies liberty to follow the law, and we permit them to have the honor of the curial service, which they can enjoy by their privilege of birth and nobility of family. These things ought to be enough for them, and they ought not to take their exclusion from military service as a disgrace." -- Honorius to Palladius, p.p., Codex Theodosianus, 16, 8, 24; 10/3/418.

"We deny to Jews as well as pagans the right to try cases of law or serve in the army: we deny those following the Christian way of life the right to serve such persons, lest by using their opportunity as masters these Jews might find occasion to corrupt the venerable Christian faith. We command that all persons of this foul error be excluded from these offices, unless a complete betterment [i.e., conversion] shall come to their aid." -- Valentinian to Amatius, Governor of Gaul, Constitutio Sirmondianis, No. 6, ad finem; 9/7 /425.


"Let the Jews who live according to the Roman and common law bring in their cases for trial in solemn manner and decide all their legal actions according to the Roman laws in those eases which appertain more to the forum and the laws and decrees than to their own religion; in conclusion let them live according to our laws." -- Arcadius to Eutachianus, p.p., Codex Theodosianus, 2, 1, 20; 3/2/398.


"We wish to make clear to the Jewish elders and patriarchs that if, after the enactment of this law, anyone attempts ... to reconvert a person who has given up the baleful sect of Judaism and has joined the cult of God, forthwith he and his accomplices are to be given to the flames and burned. Furthermore if anyone of the people has joined their evil sect and frequented their meeting places, he shall suffer his deserved penalty with them."
Source: Constantius to Evagrius, Codex Theodosianus, 16, 8, 1; 13/8/339.

"When any dispute arises between Christians and Jews, it shall not be decided by the chiefs of the Jews, but by the ordinary judges."

Given on the thirteenth of the Kalends of November, during the Consulate of the Emperors Honorius, Consul for the twelfth time, and Theodosius, Consul for the eighth time, 418.

"Jews who are proved to have circumcised any man belonging to our religion, or to have directed this to be done, shall be condemned to the confiscation of their property, and to perpetual exile."

Given on the day before the Kalends of February, during the Consulate of the Emperor Theodosius, Consul for the seventeenth time, and Festus, 439.

"The chiefs of the Jews, who govern the Sanhedrim in both Palestines, or those who reside in other provinces, shall, at their own risk, be compelled by the officers of the palace to collect the annual tax due from all the synagogues, in the same manner as the patriarchs formerly collected tribute, under the name of "coronary gold," and what was accustomed to be paid to the western patriarchs shall be deposited in the Treasury of Our Largesses."
Given at Constantinople, on the third of the Kalends of June, during the Consulate of Florentius and Dionysius, 429.

The Same Emperors to Florentius, Praetorian Prefect.

"We order by this law, which shall be valid for all time, that none of the Jews (to whom all administrations and dignities are forbidden), shall perform the duties of municipal defender, nor do We permit them to assume the honor of father of the city, lest, strengthened by the authority of the office which they have obtained, they may have the power of judging, or of promulgating decrees against Christians, as well as frequently against the bishops of our holy religion themselves, and, by so doing, insult our faith.

(1) We also, for the same reason, direct that no Jewish synagogue shall be constructed of new materials, but permission is given to repair such old ones as are threatened with ruin.

(2) Hence, any Jew who may have received an office cannot enjoy the dignity which he has acquired; or if he has surreptitiously obtained a public employment which is forbidden, he shall, by all means, be deprived of it; or if he should build a synagogue, he is hereby notified that he has labored for the benefit of the Catholic Church; and those who have, by craft, obtained honors and dignities, shall be considered to remain in the same condition in which they previously were, even though they may have been unlawfully promoted to an honorable rank.
He who has begun the construction of a new synagogue, not with the intention of repairing an old one, shall be condemned to pay fifty pounds of gold, and be deprived of the work which he is already presumed to do; and, moreover, it is hereby decreed that his property shall be confiscated, and that he shall be condemned to the penalty of death, as one who, by his false doctrine, has attacked the faith of others."
Given the day before the Kalends of February, during the Consulate of the Emperor Theodosius, Consul for the seventeenth time, and Festus.


The Emperors Honorius and Theodosius to Monoxius, Praetorian Prefect.

"A Jew shall not purchase a Christian, or acquire him as a gift, or under any other title. If any Jew should have a Christian slave, or a member of any other sect or nation should think that he had a right to the possession of one, for any reason whatsoever, and should circumcise him, he shall not only be condemned to the loss of the slave, but shall also be punished with death, and the slave shall be given his freedom as a reward."

Given at Constantinople, on the fourth of the Ides of April, during the Consulate of the Emperors Honorius, Consul for the eleventh time, and Constantius, Consul for the second time, 417.


The Same [The Emperors Honorius and Theodosius] to Asclepiodotus, Praetorian Prefect.
"We especially direct those who are really Christians, or are said to be such, not to presume to employ any violence against Jews or Pagans who live quietly, and do not attempt to cause trouble, or perform any illegal acts; for if, abusing the authority of religion, they should display any violence against them, or plunder them of their property, when convicted they shall be compelled to restore not only what they took, but also double the value of the same; and the Governors of provinces and other officials and principal authorities are hereby notified that (if they do not punish offences of this kind, but permit them to be committed by the populace), they themselves will be subjected to punishment."
Given at Constantinople, on the sixth of the Ides of June, during the Consulate of Asclepiodotus and Marinianus, 423.


1. The Emperors Arcadius and Honorius to Archelaus, Augustal Prefect.
"Jews who are accused of any offence, or who are oppressed with debt, and pretend that they desire to unite with the Christian religion, and flee to churches in order to avoid the consequences of their crimes, or the payment of their debts, shall be prevented from doing so, and shall not be received there before they have paid all their debts, or have been discharged after their innocence has been established."

Given at Constantinople, on the fifteenth of the Kalends of July, during the Consulate of Caesarius and Atticus, 397.

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Post by Artemis Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:28 pm

Benjamin Disraeli (1804 -1881) Ethnic  Jew, who  twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

In his book -Coningsby- he stated:

"You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate.
The first Jesuits were Jews

-First  Superior General of the Society of Jesus and founder -was- Ignatius de Loyola. 1491 –  1556, Born in Spain.

Converted Spanish Jew.

Jewish Encyclopedia:"Marrano Crypto-Jews of the Iberian Peninsula. Spanish Jews who, became converted to Christianity in consequence of  persecutions after 1391."

Any Jew who chose to remain was to be baptized, all others were to leave. By July 30, 1492, not one Jew remained in Spain.
As before,those who were baptized, perhaps 50,000, were known as nuevos crtstianos or conversos, new Christians or converts.

But Marranos even converted ,continued to practice Judaism.

If inquisition suspected that someone was still a jew, they arrested him.

It was in this context that Ignatius of Loyola was born in Spain.

From first day as Jesuit General Ignatio was protecting Jews writing Constitution of the Society,ensuring that jews will no longer be expelled or persecuted.

"One feature which distinguished the Jesuits from other orders was precisely their refusal to exclude Jewish Christians from their ranks."Page 20.

"Throughout Ignatius' residence in Rome, he lived very close to the Jewish quarters of the city and could not have helped meeting and speaking with many Jews."Page 35.

"Ignatius' practicality is shown, too, by his work against the custom of forcing converts to turn over all of their material goods to the state.
This practice was a relic of the Middle Ages, and the thinking behind it was that the Jewish converts should show a complete break with the past,giving up everything they had gained while they were Jews. Obviously this proved a considerable obstacle to conversion. To bring more Jews to the faith, Ignatius asked the pope to abolish the practice. In response, Paul III in 1542 issued the bull Cupientes iudaeos , which allowed Jewish and other converts to retain their property.
" page 12.

"Ignatius' work in Rome attracted so many Jews to the faith that there were soon too many catechumens to be conveniently housed and fed in the small Jesuit house near their church of Santa Maria del la Strada." page 12

"until 1555, Ignatius had dealt only with Jews who wished to convert." page 13

Book:St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Jews by James W. Reites, S.J

-Second Superior General of the Society of Jesus -Diego Laynez,born in 1512 (Almazán, Spain)-1565 (Rome).also a jew.

"There is no doubt about Laynez' Jewish origins. He himself speaks of it" {MonLai, V, 7, 22). See also Scaduto, p. 124, notes 3 and 4, and 41 F. Cereceda, Diego Laynez en la Europa religiosa de su tiempo (Madrid,1945), I, 18-22.

"Consequently there were many conversos or New Christians(jews) who were members of the Society, and some of them were among,the most illustrious, such as Diego Laynez." Page: 19.

"Even in the time of Laynez, the second superior general of
the Jesuits, who was himself of Jewish blood,"
page 30:

Book:St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Jews by James W. Reites, S.J

-Third Superior General of the Society of Jesus -Francis Borgia( 1510 Spain– 1572)also a jew
granson of Pope Alexander VI, coming from Borgia jewish marrano family-convertos from Spain.

House of Borgia was Italo-Spanish noble jewish family.

The Borgias became prominent in ecclesiastical and political affairs in the 15th and 16th centuries, producing two popes:

-Alfons de Borja, who ruled as Pope Callixtus III during 1455–1458, and

-Rodrigo Lanzol Borgia, as Pope Alexander VI, during 1492–1503 who assisted the acceptance of Jewish and marrano refugees from Spain into the city of Rome.

Especially during the reign of Alexander VI, Borgia Family( the most infamous family of Renaissance Italy) were suspected of many crimes, including adultery, incest, simony, theft, bribery, and murder (especially murder by arsenic poisoning).

Superior General of the Society of Jesus is called black pope.

(I cant post a link as new member, so I wrote name of book only. )

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Post by Artemis Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:22 pm

Jews were expelled from France many times: 554 AD, 561 AD, 1182 AD, 1306 AD,1394 AD, 1453 AD.

People of  France, of that time was more aware of real nature of Jews, and was openly against them in their society. (They was not so brainwashed by jewish propaganda in media like today and jews didn't have complete control like today).

One of example how that goes on reality:

King Philip V (1292 –  1322) expelled the Jews 1306  from France.

Because of their bad influence and corruption.These expulsions followed accusations of ritual murder, but were mainly due to pressure exerted by Christian merchants, jews where cheating and defrauding persons and had usurious business practices.

Charles V  (regent) authorized the return of the Jews to France in 1359
on period of 20 years, PROBABLY  to pay ransom for his father king John II of France, imprisoned in England; and under condition to behave better.

But after those 20 yeas they was still corrupt and had bad influence on French people, and French people was against jews asking to expel them out of every city.

BUT, Jews bribed a King, giving gifts,and now King prolonged to jews to stay more 5 and then more 10 years.

That caused riots, attacks against the Jews occurred in numerous localities . Town after town demanded the expulsion of the Jews.

When Charles VI (1380-1422) took over the government himself,  1394, stipulating that thenceforward the Jews would no longer be tolerated in the kingdom of France, the departure of the Jews became effective in 1395.

And King released the Christians from their debts to jews.

Properly speaking, this was not actually an expulsion but rather a refusal to renew the right of residence.  it resulted in the departure of the Jews from the kingdom of France.

So, Charles VI of France expelled all Jews from France, by refusal to renew the right of residence.

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Post by Artemis Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:10 pm

Jewish popes in Vatican.

We know the first ten popes were Jewish (as St. Peter), but many more later popes were Jewish as well...

Pope Zephyrin (199-217)
Pope Siricus (384-399)
Pope Hormidas (514-523)
Pope Analdet II (1130-1138)
Pope Callistus III (1455-1458)(From Marrano jewish Borgia family)
Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503)(From Marrano Jewish Borgia Family)
Pope Pius III (1503)
Pope Leo X (1513-1521)Pope Leo X was a Medici (i.e. book of Khazar Black Nobility)
Pope Clement VII (1523-1534)  cousin of pope Leo x from Medici family.
Pope Paul III (1534-1549) Many Privileges in favor of converted jews.
Pope Gregory XIII (1572-1585)
Pope Pius XI (1922-1939)
Pope Pius XII (1939-1958)

Pope John XXIII (1958-1963) Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli

John XXIII: -The 'Best Pope for The Jewish People' - Israel National News.

It is a poignant coincidence that Popes John XXIII and John Paul II will be canonized as Catholic saints on the eve of Yom Hashoah, the international day of Holocaust remembrance observed in Israel and by Jews around the world.

John XXIII is the father of, (but did not live to see), the transformational document Nostra Aetate ("In Our Time"), of Vatican II concile,
Second Vatican Ecumenical Council;
The first draft, entitled "Decretum de Iudaeis" ("Decree on the Jews"),which rejected the charge that Jews were to blame for the death of Jesus. It also denounced any form of anti-Semitism and validated God's eternal covenant with the Jewish people, and confirmed that holocaust happened and 6 mil. jews.

It was John XXIII who first edited the problematic "Oremus et pro perfidis Judaeis"prayer for the Jews, striking an ignominious description of the Jews as "perfidious."

The Council, it said, considers the Jews "as the chosen people of the Old Testament."

Pope Paul VI (1963-1978)Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini

He was President of Vatican II concile,1965  that Changed The Catholic Church.Biggest of these changes came in the church's approach to Judaism.

His 6 ancestors where the jewish origins, Pope Paul VI was a Marrano Jew with the name Montini.

The Golden Book of Italian nobility(1962-1964): " Montini was a hebrew origin."

Mother was a Jew, maiden name "Katz" Polonised as "Kaczorowska.

Under Paul VI, Jewish and Freemason influence increased within the Catholic church.

Pope John Paul II (1978-2005)jew:born Karol Jozef Wojtyła.

Pope John Paul II did more than any other pope to reach out to Jews and try to reach some sort of reconciliation between Catholicism and Judaism.

John Paul’s mother Emilia Kaczorowski - Emily Katz in English - was Jewish and that she was the daughter of Feliks Kaczowski, a businessman from Biala-Bielsko in Poland. Katz is a common surname amongst East European Jewish families.

Emilia’s mother, the Pope’s grandmother, was Maria Anna Scholz. Scholz, or Schulze, is also a common surname among Jews, as is Rybicka, or Ryback, which is the surname of the Pope’s great-grandmother Zuzanna. The Pope’s mother married out of the Jewish community to wed a Catholic. Her children were born and raised as Catholics and the Pope was baptised.

He was the first pope to make an official visit to a synagogue, made pilgrimages to Holocaust sites, established Vatican diplomatic relations with Israel, and made the first papal state visit to Israel.

In a crevice in the Western Wall, he placed a note with the following words: "God of our fathers, You chose Abraham and his descendants to bring your Name to the nations: we are deeply saddened by the behavior of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer, and asking your forgiveness we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood with the people of the Covenant."

As pope from 1978 to 2005, he breathed life into the words of Nostra Aetate by issuing guidelines for its proper implementation in Catholic-Jewish relations.

Benedict XVI(2005-2013)Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger

Jew: According to this genealogical analysis, the grandmother of Pope Benedict XVI was Maria Tauber-Peintner that once lived in Bolzano, Italy.
That region of Italy was once a part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Maria Tauber-Peintner’s ancestral background linked into the Jewish Tauber family living in Moravia and Hungary.
They were descendants of the Moravian Jews called Aaron Tauber.
On both his paternal grandfather’s side and his paternal grandmother’s side, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, - Pope Benedict XVI was a descendant of the famed MaHaRal of Prague, Rabbi Yehuda Loew (Leib) ben Bezalel in the 16th century.
Jewish paternal roots of Pope Benedict’s XVI from his paternal grandmother, Maria Peinter Rieger.
Maria Peinter Rieger was a descendant of Rabbi Jonah Gerondi, whose ancestral family took on Catholic identity and Catholic names when the Bavarian Jews were persecuted in the 17th.

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Post by Artemis Sun Mar 26, 2017 10:47 am

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Post by vortexpuppy Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:07 pm

Personally I find it very difficult to tell the difference between a den of thieves that lie, cheat & deceive and another parcel of rogues who lie, cheat & deceive. lol. One thing they have in common is that it is for personal gain whilst others suffer from their actions. The main thing is to make them irrelevant in all the affairs of lived life :-)

From wikipedia: Court Jews https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court_Jew
"In the early modern period, a court Jew, or court factor (German: Hofjude, Hoffaktor) was a Jewish banker who handled the finances of, or lent money to, European royalty and nobility. In return for their services, court Jews gained social privileges, including in some cases being granted noble status. Court Jews were needed because prohibitions against usury applied to Christians, but did not apply to Jews."

From Wikipedia: Judas Goat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judas_goat
A Judas goat is a trained goat used in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and onto trucks.


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Post by csp Wed Mar 29, 2017 10:51 pm

pile3120 wrote:I just registered and I John Nealis of San Diego, Ca just want to say I saw hot air balloons at 20 miles away and they were STRAIGHT UP AND DOWN just like a plumb bob, same angle as if I were holding it in my very own hand cheers!!!

Yes, it's surreal how it's right in front of our eyes the entire time - welcome.
However, this post would probably be best made in the "Welcome" thread rather than the Jesuit/Freemason thread.

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Post by Admin Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:43 am


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Post by csp Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:59 am

Stichting Argus has a great site here documenting secret societies and orders:


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