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My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle

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My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   Empty My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:50 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/24/2015
So my "great" uncle Jim (James Mays), the only known living Freemason in my family, after not meeting/talking for about 10 years since I've lived in Thailand recently joined Facebook and added me last week. Last night he decided to leave the first comment on my "Flat Earth Masonic Matrix Manipulators" interview saying, quote: "BULL SHIT !!!!!" which he then deleted (after I screen captured it My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   Smiley ) and unfriended me. The following drama ensued (and is still on-going):

My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   F42WJit3WOIicA6MXNye

Anthony Indigo Thank you for accepting the add Eric. Find your info very interesting and thought-provoking. Cheers
18 hrs · Unlike · 3

Eric Dubay Bullshit? For everyone reading this, James Mays is my great uncle who is a Freemason whom I've talked about before. What's bullshit uncle Freemason Jim? You know what's bullshit? You lying about the Two-Ball-Cane (Tubal-Cain) 007 Freemason pin you used to wear when my Dad asked you about it. That's bullshit. I remember that incident clear as day when I asked you about it and you're claiming I'm a "bullshitter?" Man up and say something more than just "bullshit" uncle Freemason. What's bullshit?
Eric Dubay's photo.
7 hrs · Edited · Like · 19

Eric Dubay Ring any bells bullshitter? My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   007%20and%20two%20ball%20cane%20Masons%20Symbol%20of%20dyslexic%20thinking%20that%20Esua%20ruled%20over%20Jacob_small
18 hrs · Edited · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   243tubalcaintwoball
18 hrs · Like · 2 · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   243tubalcaingt
17 hrs · Like · 2 · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=244
Dee's 007, Tubal-Cain and the Rune of the "Original Language"
Red Ice Creations
redicecreations.com|By Henrik Palmgren
17 hrs · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay I heard you're reading my flat Earth book Jim, is that what you're calling bullshit?
17 hrs · Like

Doug Eash Wow! Sounds like you and your Uncle are really close?
16 hrs · Unlike · 4

Eric Dubay Yes, very close This is the first I've heard from him in like 10 years or something. "Bullshit." Nice talking with you too uncle Jim!
16 hrs · Like · 5

Morgan Johnson Thank you Eric Dubay for your inspirational work
16 hrs · Unlike · 1

Eric Dubay Thanks Morgan. Jim, notice how people I've never even met like Morgan and Anthony are much more courteous and respectful than my own uncle Anthony said, "Thank you for accepting the add Eric. Find your info very interesting and thought-provoking. Cheers" Why couldn't you read my book, watch my interview and say something positive and supportive like that uncle Freemason Jim?
16 hrs · Like · 5

Christopher Bomar You are awfully quiet over there James Mays. Great piece of work Eric.
16 hrs · Unlike · 1

Eric Dubay Thanks Christopher!
16 hrs · Like · 1

Morgan Johnson I will be getting you book and Davy j aka stars are souls soon
16 hrs · Unlike · 1

Jim Vigneault James Mays, Sounds like the typical clown who has nothing intelligent to say, except, bullshit. Jim, that behaviour wont work here. You need to go to another forum where there are a lot more mindless drones and/or people who have no intellectual curiosity. That is where others can make you feel good about yourself, knowing most think like you. More fluoride would do you a lot of good. The truth hurts eh???
15 hrs · Unlike · 2

Jason Lucas I really don't understand why people are so afraid to question what they believe is "real". If it's truth, there is nothing to fear! & If it's a ball, or if it's flat. How is it not the most interesting debate of ALL time no matter what the outcome. I had never taken this concept into consideration until I heard Eric's interview on The Higherside Chats. Big thanks to both. I'm keeping a clear head & filtering out the disinformation while I travel through this thought provoking topic.
15 hrs · Unlike · 7

Pete Williams My great Uncle Thern was a mason. My friends dad is a mason, he scoffed and laughed when I said there were more than 3 degrees of Freemasonry. Jokes on you bitch! I aint playing ball anymore!
15 hrs · Unlike · 4

Jim Vigneault People don't like to be wrong. So instead of researching it and admitting they were duped, they bash and defend their position with insults and gibberish. To me, it's no big deal. if you never thought about it or looked into it, you should not feel so bad. BUT if you spend 100's of hours researching it and still believe it's round, then you should feel stupid and please, please please, do NOT reproduce. We already have way too many mental midgets that help stiffle progress and the waking up of the comotose.
14 hrs · Unlike · 2

Karen Mays Stewart Eric, first of all, I believe in your right to have any opinions and to verbalize your views. You have obviously been doing a lot of research for your books and I know your parents are proud of you and your ability to articulate your ideas...but you must also realize that your ideas are extremely controversial. My dad (James Mays) is 89 yrs old. He was a part of the Free Masons that you disparage, for a good part of his life. I believe his "bullshit" comment was regarding your belief that the world is flat. I wish he had chosen his words more carefully, or not commented at all, but he is 89 and just says what he thinks. I don't want to debate about the world being flat because that is your belief...I believe differently...lets leave it at that...I appologize for my dads comment, but that should have opened the door for you to talk rationally about your belief, not to disparage an 89 year old man. I have asked him not to respond to any of these posts...which is why he is being "quiet".
14 hrs · Like

Jason Lucas Why is she treating this topic of round vs flat like it's a choice to believe in? It can & is scientifically proven. & it's only controversial because sooo many believe without ever questioning.
14 hrs · Unlike · 4

Dylan Ellis My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   11182029_1600605246860614_4452803219142630619_n
Dylan Ellis's photo.
13 hrs · Unlike · 4

Jim Vigneault believing is for children. Knowing the truth, is for adults who love to question and want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And they dont give a shit what other says. Anyone who believes the earth is a spinning ball has not done any research or very little or do not have the capacity and just spew their indoctrinated beliefs onto others, just like the masses who try to instill their own fear on others. The proof of earth being a flat stationary plain is mindblowingly obvious. This is NOT a debatable topic. it is only debated cuz people just ask questions based on what they were told their whole life, instead of doing some research. And when someone knows the earth is flat and asks people to answer the most obvious examples, they never answer. Instead they answer with another question
13 hrs · Unlike · 2

Dylan Ellis 'It is by the straight line and the circle that the first and most simple example and representation of all things may be demonstrated, whether such things be either non-existent or merely hidden under Nature's veils.' - John Dee
My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   11188498_1600643343523471_5564735334617203_n
Dylan Ellis's photo.
11 hrs · Unlike · 4

Jim Vigneault Why should Eric care that James is 89. You dont come into the ring expecting to be given special treatment cuz of your age. Why , by your suggestion has he decided to keep quiet? If he has the balls to say this is bullshit, he should have the balls to explain himself and not conform cuz you told him to. We have no respect for perceived authority, we want fucking freedom from parasites.
11 hrs · Unlike · 2

Dylan EllisMy Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   11188464_1600648193522986_3782907805556669813_n
Dylan Ellis's photo.
11 hrs · Unlike · 1

Vicki Victoria Hey Karen, my paid employment is mainly with the aged. My oldest client is 98. The old ones are the custodians of man's wisdom through their lived knowledge. To excuse a man's behaviour due to being aged demonstrates a fully manipulated thought process by you. And an 89 year old man is quite capable of apologizing for himself. Did it occur to you that he may not want to apologize?
9 hrs · Unlike · 2

Eric Dubay Beautifully said Vicki, thanks for all the support everyone. As I expected after leaving his "BULL SHIT !!!!" comment, James Mays "unfriended" me and then deleted his original comment, BUT I was smart enough to screen capture it so all the Dubay's in the family that are reading this, yes, uncle Jim rudely commented on my books/interviews then ran away like the two-faced lying Mason coward he is while his daughter came in to defend him. The Earth IS FLAT Karen, and liar Freemasons like your father are the ones who have brainwashed the world with this stupendous lie. I don't want/need you to apologize for him, he needs to apologize himself regardless of how old he is. My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   11148627_10153267425143767_2644423950259661049_n
Eric Dubay's photo.
7 hrs · Like · 8

David Blueosmicstorm Tubal Cain My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   11150517_10204011379833521_8171210081441458492_n
David Blueosmicstorm's photo.
7 hrs · Unlike · 2

Mel Spencer Regardless of his comment I'm just impressed that UNCLE JIMS on Facebook lol
6 hrs · Unlike · 2

Jim Vigneault I actually thought the same thing. Maybe it's because he had access to computers before the rest of us did. LOL
6 hrs · Like

Mel Spencer This is a distinct possibility Jim! Wonder if he's on tinder
6 hrs · Like

Doug Eash Here are some photos of the masonic hall a few miles from my home, I watched them build it a couple years back and as I watched I kept waiting for them to put in a window or a skylight you know because men were going to meet there and talk, I mean it wasn't being built for storage and nothing, no windows, I even walked around it and not even a single glass block for the bathroom??? TOTAL DARKNESS what are you mason's moles or something? LIGHT has no fellowship with DARKNESS, why would you choose darkness? My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   11193408_823577254356041_638502763022299436_n
Doug Eash's photo.
6 hrs · Unlike · 1

Doug Eash My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   11160657_823577467689353_6654856737594586672_n
Doug Eash's photo.
6 hrs · Unlike · 1

Doug Eash My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   11174769_823578691022564_51782771365468291_n
Doug Eash's photo.
6 hrs · Unlike · 1

Doug Eash These photos brought to you by Google Earth a land based technology
6 hrs · Unlike · 1

Mel Spencer Are they roller doors on the side or just walls?
6 hrs · Unlike · 1

Jim Vigneault LOL. He was the first to comment, is he following Eric's every move?? I wonder if Eric knows exactly how long it took for James to comment after Eric posted. Im also curious to know, why did he just appear after 10 yrs? Was it cuz he started reading the book and knew if this got out, the paradigm shift that is slowly happening , would really speed up
6 hrs · Unlike · 2

Doug Eash Not pictured,a steel chain is streched from pole to pole at the entrance to the parking lot of the building .....they don't even want you to use thier black top to turn around on
6 hrs · Unlike · 1

Doug Eash Just walls???
6 hrs · Unlike · 1

Mel Spencer It kind of looked like they were garage doors on the side. Anyhow definitely some weird shit.
6 hrs · Unlike · 1

Doug Eash Worshipfull Master= Head Water Buffalo......Oh, but they got all secrets and those sweet aprons, it's really all so stupid!
6 hrs · Unlike · 1

Doug Eash One more....no windows, no light...Hey, who wants to do a dark ritual? we got the building for it My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   15576_823585831021850_838091165413779085_n
Doug Eash's photo.
6 hrs · Like

Eric Dubay Yes, Jim has told his wife and my Dad several times that he wishes to have a "Masonic" burial which includes burying him with his sacred personal lamb-skin phallus-worship apron with Two-Ball-Cain over his two balls cane forever-after: My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   $_35
1 hr · Like · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay As you said Doug, Masonic lodges are places of secrecy and evil, not places for "good upstanding pillars of the community." They just put on a pancake breakfast every year to pacify the sheeple and that's about all it takes nowadays. Did you know the first ever third-party in American politics was the Anti-Mason political party? Also, do people know where they get the lamb-skin to make all the new Mason's aprons? My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   Leo_taxil_illustration_1
57 mins · Edited · Like · 2 · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay 
54 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Eric Dubay 
33 Deg Masonic Sacrifice
Most Masons up to the 32nd level are unaware of the true evil of Masonry.
51 mins · Like · Remove Preview

Last edited by Thinkforyourself on Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   Empty Re: My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:51 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/24/2015
The story with the Two-Ball-Cane is as follows: When I was a child of about 8 or 9 at a family get together, I distinctly remember seeing my uncle Jim wearing a pin on his sweater just like the ones pictured above. I asked him, "Uncle Jim, what is that pin?" I rarely have seen him smile the way he did when I asked him this, like he'd been wearing it forever just waiting for someone to ask and finally I did. With a smirk and glint in his eye, he said, "Do you know Tubal-Cain from the Bible?" Having been raised by a family of devout church-going Christians I nodded yes, and he continued, "Yup, see, two-ball-cane, just like every man has," then watched me for my reaction which at the time was confusion. Fast-forward to recently when my Dad asked him about this pin and this incident, which he claims to have no knowledge of whatsoever. He claims not to remember the incident or the pin, and even when the symbolism is explained to him he still pretends not to know even though every Mason knows this.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   Empty Re: My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:51 pm

Posted by Admin on 04/24/2015

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   Empty Re: My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle

Post by Thinkforyourself Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:52 pm

Posted by schpankme on 04/25/2015

Apr 24, 2015 9:47:43 GMT Admin said:
The story with the Two-Ball-Cane
I was a child of about 8 or 9
my uncle Jim wearing a pin

I asked him, "Uncle Jim, what is that pin?" 
he said, "Do you know Tubal-Cain from the Bible?" 
see, two-ball-cane, just like every man has,"

This is the perversion found amongst those worshiping the magical man.

"put your hand upon my thigh and swear the oath."

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

Apparently 'dangerous person'


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My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   Empty Re: My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle

Post by Amitchelld Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:59 pm

I have a free masonic book that was my Grandpa's that I got when he passed away. Does anyone on here know how to translate the masonic writing? The whole book is in a language I've never seen before.


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My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   Empty Re: My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle

Post by JohannJohann Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:01 pm

Amitchelld wrote:I have a free masonic book that was my Grandpa's that I got when he passed away. Does anyone on here know how to translate the masonic writing? The whole book is in a language I've never seen before.

Ive researched them for years and might be able to help you, can you please share some of the text?


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My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   Empty Re: My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle

Post by Earthisflat Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:44 am

JohannJohann wrote:
Amitchelld wrote:I have a free masonic book that was my Grandpa's that I got when he passed away. Does anyone on here know how to translate the masonic writing? The whole book is in a language I've never seen before.

Ive researched them for years and might be able to help you, can you please share some of the text?

He posted some pictures before in the The Symbolism of Freemasonry thread. I'm really curious to see if you know anything Johann!

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My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   Empty Re: My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle

Post by JohannJohann Wed Jul 25, 2018 6:37 pm

Earthisflat wrote:
JohannJohann wrote:
Amitchelld wrote:I have a free masonic book that was my Grandpa's that I got when he passed away. Does anyone on here know how to translate the masonic writing? The whole book is in a language I've never seen before.

Ive researched them for years and might be able to help you, can you please share some of the text?

He posted some pictures before in the The Symbolism of Freemasonry thread. I'm really curious to see if you know anything Johann!

I had a quick look and im not familiar with that cipher, it doesn't look too complicated either.

The actual text from the images can be found in numerous masonic literature so im guessing the encrypted text is an extension of talks about the Creator or and most likely also a prayer of some kind

"Hs hse o kngdm frevr"

Im guessing its 'he whose kingdom is forever" or something along those lines. They wont put any jaw dropping secrets in a hardcopy book in my opinion


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My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle   Empty Re: My Lying Freemason (Not So) Great Uncle

Post by debonair Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:26 pm

Thinkforyourself wrote:Posted by Admin on 04/24/2015
With a smirk and glint in his eye, he said, "Do you know Tubal-Cain from the Bible?" Having been raised by a family of devout church-going Christians I nodded yes, and he continued, "Yup, see, two-ball-cane, just like every man has,"

It seems to me that you are very lucky dodging that bullet Eric. Who knows what might have happened to you had this been in a not so public place.

My thoughts on this whole FBi conversation is that he is running scared now that he has realised how many people are waking up and finally speaking up. The tables have turned. Finally.

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