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Numerology   Empty Numerology

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:57 pm

Posted by Admin on 05/16/2015
Numerology   Image.axd

Using Pythagorean numerology, the word “Fox,” like Rupert Murdoch’s FOX News actually encodes 666. So does Rockefeller’s Exxon (eXXOn = 666), the X-Box (XbOX = 666), and movies like Triple-X and the X-Men Trilogy. When something is XXX like for poison or pornography it is 666. When you write XOXOXO for hugs and kisses it also means 666666. When every game of Tic-Tac-Toe is finished, the 3x3 square filled with Xs and Os is actually 666 in every direction.

Numerology   Untitled-666

“Off-brand products are called "Brand X," and of course, there is the U.S. terrorist prison camp, Camp XRay at Guantanamo, Cuba. Today's youth have been called Generation X, and a lot of folks are concerned about a planet, or star, reported to be speeding toward us called Planet X that has occult significance … He mentioned, too, the interesting use of the letter X in the Rx of drug stores; the use of the four-letter, abbreviated word Xmas to replace Christmas, and the fact that, in Black's Law Dictionary, it says that the sign or mark of X is sometimes made as a substitute for a man's signature on legal documents. And the continued use of the mysterious X abounds. Children at play can be heard to say, ‘Cross my heart and hope to die.’ In the Greek alphabet, the letter Chi is denoted with the symbol X, and given the numerical designation of 600. The numerologists say that triple X, then, would yield the number 666. Black Muslim leaders obviously see X as a substitute name of great spiritual significance. Two well-known Black Muslim leaders have been named Malcolm X and Louis X, names they chose for themselves. The latter, who was born Louis Eugene Wolcott in 1933 in New York City, changed his name to Louis X after his conversion to Islam by Black Muslim leader Elijah Muhammed. Today, he is known as Louis Farrakhan. It is well-known that Farrakhan is a 33° Prince Hall Mason.” -Texe Marrs, “Codex Magica” (205-6)

Generation X plays their X-Box game called X-Men about people mutating due to X-Ray radiation. Meanwhile Fox’s X-Files, Sitchin’s Planet X, and Project Camelot’s “Mr. X” are telling us the aliens are coming. Brand-X is generic and expendable. An Ex-husband or wife has been crossed-(Xed)-out. There was no Generation W, why are we Generation X? X marks the spot. Could we be marked for something?

“The sign, or letter, X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the occult. The Illuminati elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events. The mysterious letter X seems to take on a wide and varied life of its own, with or without the secret aid of the elite sponsorship” -Texe Marrs, “Codex Magica” (205)

Numerology 666 part 1
Numerology 666 part 2

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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:59 pm

Posted by o on 06/18/2015
The conspiracy researcher/author being interviewed on TV said that the population NWO finds optimum, is 486 millions.

It was mentioned exactly like this: "Remember how we used to ride horses and donkeys. Now there is no need for them since we have other technologies and other vehicles. The same thing applies to humans. The needed human resource calculated is 485 millions"

I had a quick search on google. There might be links which are my imaginary conspiracies, but please have a look. As if they are numerologic messaging:


The results show that people in the Middle East, North Africa, Southern Europe and the Southwest of the USA will experience the most significant changes.

The results show that if the global mean temperature increases by 2°C -- the internationally agreed target -- then eight per cent of the world population (486 million people) will be exposed to new or aggravated water scarcity, specifically in the Near and Middle East.

As of 2010, there were about 488 million Buddhists around the world, representing 7% of the world's total population. The number of Buddhists around the world is expected to increase between 2010 and 2030, rising to about 511 million. However, the global Buddhist population is projected to decline after 2030, falling to 486 million by 2050, roughly where it was in 2010.

RU-486 (abortion pill)

Current Population Characteristics
Population Reports C E N S U S B U R E A U P20-486 (report number)

The program ran a $486.1 million tag, but the aircraft logged only 234 of the 4,500 required hours from January through September 2012.

The coming IPO of the developer of off-patent crop protection products such as herbicides & insecticides Adama Agriculture Solutions (NYSE:ADAM) is scheduled between June 08 – June 12.
The firm’s IPO will be for 23.5 million shares and the offer amount will be $486,450,000.00.

There are about 14 million Jews in the world today, Pew noted, a number that is expected to rise to just over 16 million by 2050. Buddhists are expected to see a 1.5 million-person decline from 488 million now to 486 million in 35 years, according to the study.

In Africa the BOP market, $429 billion, is slightly smaller than that of Eastern Europe or Latin America. But it is by far the region’s dominant consumer market, with 71% of aggregate purchasing power. The African BOP includes 486 million people in 22 surveyed countries—95% of the population in those countries.

In a third scenario, readers may imagine Congress holding legal immigration steady at approximately its current level, one million net annually, while succeeding Presidential administrations rein in illegal immigration. Under this scenario (which still represents a significant decrease from current immigration levels), America’s population would increase by 177 million to 486 million total. Perhaps just as important, in 2100 the U.S. would be set to continue on an upward demographic trajectory, with no population stabilization in sight.

Population growth and water stress track together. Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, and parts of China and of India are literally running out of water. Growing populations in the Nile watershed (244 million today: 486 million in 2050) could produce insuperable problems by mid-century.

David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (page 486)

“The UFO investigator and lecturer Nono Hayakawa says this plan is called ‘Project Panic’ and that high technology equipment will be used to create an optical illusion of a UFO invasion. This will give governments and the United Nations the excuse to call a global state of emergency and all those emergency powers and executive orders will be implemented.”

The Intel 486 ("four-eighty-six"), also known as the i486 or 80486 was a higher performance follow-up to the Intel 80386 microprocessor. The 486 was introduced in 1989 and was the first tightly[1] pipelined x86 design as well as the first x86 chip to use more than a million transistors, due to a large on-chip cache and an integrated floating-point unit. It represents a fourth generation of binary compatible CPUs since the original 8086 of 1978.

www.beretta.com/en/486-parallelo/ (this is too far of my own conspiracy)

www.e-education.psu.edu/geog486/home.html (this as well) Numerology   Smiley
Course Home Page
Welcome to GEOG 486 - Cartography and Visualization

The mobile messenger app has raised another $486 million, according to an SEC filing made Wednesday. The filing says 23 investors joined the offering, but it's unclear who's leading it.
Founded in 2011 by a group of Stanford students, Snapchat is an app that lets users send self-destructing messages. It currently has over 100 million users, mostly between the age of 13 and 25, and is used by nearly 9% of US mobile users.
Despite its popularity, however, Snapchat has almost no revenue. It has just started rolling out new features that could lead to more money-making business.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:00 pm

Posted by Admin on 07/03/2015
The Numeric Language of Secret Societies

Occult Numerology

9/11 Numerology

Numerology - 5

Numeroloy - 7

Numeroloy - 12

Numerology - 13

Numerology - 33

Numerology - 40

Numerology - 666 (1)

Numerology - 666 (2)

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

Supposed 'temper temper beanpole', 'snidy weasel' and 'clueless, cloying, sychophant.'

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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:00 pm

Posted by banazir on 07/15/2015
I'm glad to see you guys include gematria or numerology in your research. Some 'truthers' will simply leave it out but you can't argue with the numbers. 

I imagine there are some people out there smearing this particular concept (along with every other topic you can think of) so I was wondering if anyone here has come across Zach and his website before:

freetofindtruth.blogspot.ca or .com

I have interviewed him once on the old dustban show and have had much correspondence with him over the last few years. I generally like the guy and was curious what others here make of him. 

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:01 pm

Posted by paranoidgramdroid on 07/25/2015
Here is a video by Marty Leeds (martyleeds33) giving a brief introduction to numerology.

All about Shillaphobia

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'Flat Earth Diva'

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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:02 pm

Posted by icedrink58 on 09/12/2015
Question: What do you do when you are the boss of the IMF and have to hold a press conference?
Answer: You babble about numerology. What else should you do?

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by Thinkforyourself Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:02 pm

Posted by putontheglasses on 09/17/2015
This was fun:


And once your eyes are open to it, you see it everywhere:


Sterling work from lifestyle magazine/toilet paper The Guardian. Used to be like my badge of liberal educated switched on-ness. Now I can barely bite my tongue when someone references or quotes it.

All about Shillaphobia

Shun the non-believers!

'Flat Earth Diva'

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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by Eyes Wide Shut Wed Mar 08, 2017 6:38 pm

hello i am new here as of today. I want to help make forward progress in the awakening of our fellow man. I studied a touch on numerology here an there for fun an I see you using the chart i use to use an discarded it for an older more accurate model called Chaldean Numerology. I will link a picture of this.
Numerology   Chalde10
Numerology   Chalde11

As far as i know 9 is considered a sacred number to them an is not used. Is a lot more to it but was very interesting considering i never heard or seen this model until year or 2 back. Is Very good to at least know of the 2 methods for counting letters an comparing them. I hear they like to code messages using both styles an this also is a way to help hide an mix an dilute the numerology since most people only have the more popular an more public model.

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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by nyttnorge Wed Mar 22, 2017 1:57 am

We made this numerology calculator if you just want to quickly find the number for a word or a name:


Please let us know if there are issues and we'll fix it. Enjoy!

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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by MaryMoon Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:04 pm

well in astrology,which is all intermingled and related somehow as well, there are traditional rulers for things like decans for example (but traditional appear to be more modern) and then chaldean rulers. Chaldean is based on lights and their geocentric observation from down here so... Smile I like that one very much.
BUT I have also done my numerology (and everyone here in this house and lots of friends) for both systems and it is eerily still fitting O_o ) and you can find patterns in all of it.
Like each system was created with geocentric but then evolved with some weird globe math O_O

and Like tarot cards.. when you ask them something and then ask again and they just laugh at you ,giving you the same thing but slightly diff(maybe this just happens to me a lot Razz )

With this method, the rulers of the decans follow the order of the so-called "Chaldean planetary order", which was derived from the geocentric speeds of the planets:

Saturn - Jupiter - Mars - Sun - Venus - Mercury - Moon

Interesting bits about Chaldean vs Pythagorean numerology here:

"There are quite a few differences between the Chaldean and the Pythagorean systems. The algorithms and the personalities of the numbers in Chaldean Numerology are so different from the Pythagorean system, it might as well be considered as different as Astrology and Numerology. For example, the Chaldean system is based on the numbers 1 through 8, not 1 through 9, although the 9 does play a role in certain situations. Pythagorean Numerology pays more attention to the full name at birth than to the shorter name used in day-to-day social settings ... the opposite is true for the Chaldean system. The numerical values of the letters are also different, and the list goes on.

No system is better than another, whether comparing Pythagorean Numerology or Chaldean Numerology, or Astrology, or palmistry or any other method. They are all valid and the quality depends on the experience and the knowledge of the practitioner, not the system of his or her choice. Trying to do both, Chaldean and Pythagorean systems, can cause chaos and confusion. Pythagorean Numerology continues to evolve, be enriched and fine tuned over the ages, while the Chaldean method stopped evolving in the days of Babylon https://www.numerology.com/numerology-news/chaldean-numerology

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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by openURmind Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:03 am

Does anyone think it is weird that flat earth in Chaldeans numerology 8314 51245 equals 33, 33 degrees in the mason society cult.... I just found it strange.


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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by Schpankme Mon Feb 04, 2019 5:55 am

openURmind wrote:
Chaldeans numerology
flat earth
equals 33

Chaldean numerology -vs- modern day English?

Flat Earth = 33, does this mean Truth, Knowledge, Plain Sight?

[G]ravity = 9, then this clearly means fiction
Heaven = 9


  9 - fictional story
11 - fictional story utilizing physical assets

18 June 2009
LRO probe costing $504 million was launched into space.

Apollo 11
"One giant leap"

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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by Dual1ty Mon Oct 28, 2019 1:47 pm

Numerology   El_ministro_de_Ciencia%2C_Innovaci%C3%B3n_y_Universidades%2C_Pedro_Duque%2C_en_la_Moncloa_%282018%29

Funny thing I noticed about this photo that I posted in another thread. It's astronot Pedro Duque posing as the new Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities for the newly formed government, after the coup d'état perpetrated in 2018 against the elected government (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_vote_of_no_confidence_in_the_government_of_Mariano_Rajoy). Whenever I post a picture that's too large for the forum I always divide the pixel dimensions by 2 first, and then go from there. This time this is what I encountered when I divided by 2:

Numerology   Br4ag04

Amazingly, the pixel dimensions of the picture are 2000 x 1333. I've never seen such dimensions used before, but that's how it was uploaded to the internet by the official source (Moncloa) at https://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/multimedia/galeriasfotograficas/consejoministros/Paginas/2018/080618cministros.aspx.

Normally, for technical reasons, you want your pixel aspect ratios to match. So, for example, 1600 x 1200 is a perfect 4:3 pixel aspect ratio. So for a 2000 pixels wide picture, you'd want your pixel height to be exactly 1500 pixels in order to match a 4:3 pixel aspect ratio (4:3 is a commonly used aspect ratio). It's very stupid that the photographer (or whoever resized the photo) ignored this fact, especially considering he's a professional working for the highest institution in the country. Unless he did it on purpose.

The thing about 2000 x 1333 is that the pixel count is exactly 2,666,000 pixels. And as I said, there's no technical reason to use these pixel dimensions. In fact, technically it's detrimental to use them (for reasons I won't get into... mostly because it's boring). Why such a seemingly arbitrary pixel height value that doesn't mathematically match the pixel width in terms of ratio (even vs. odd number)?

2000 is also irrationally a multiple of 666.666... (ad infinitum), BTW.

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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by BSAlert Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:37 pm

George Floyd was allegedly killed after being suffocated for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.

8 + 4 + 6 = 18
6 + 6 + 6 = 18
18 = 666


8 + 4 + 6 = 18
1 + 8 = 9
18 = 9

The false flag killing of George Floyd is nothing more than a Masonic ritual shrouded in Satanic numerology and symbolism.

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Numerology   Empty Freemason numerology in the official globe dimensions...

Post by jtcribbs Sat Jan 29, 2022 5:47 pm

You know what I realized on my own FE calculations?  The Pythagorean equation for calculating earth curvature drop has two variables in it...R squared and D squared...”R2D2”…Star Wars space fantasy from masonic Hollywood.

Also, the official dimensions of globe Earth plugged into the Pythagorean equation for curvature has some very curious Freemason 3-6-9/11 numerology...

At 3 miles, 6 ft curvature drop, at 30 miles, 600 ft drop, at 90 miles is the 1 mile curvature drop, at 300 miles is 11 mile drop...

Radius of the earth is also 3960 miles…
The “bulging equatorial radius” they make it to be 3963 miles…

Sun is 93M miles away…Venus 66M, Mercury 36M

Earth surface area is 196.9 million square miles…

At some stage long ago, these dimensions of the fictional globe must've been set on this masonic numerology.


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Numerology   Empty David Wynn Miller. For the lessons of the grammar

Post by susie Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:28 pm


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Numerology   Empty Re: Numerology

Post by RileySlowWave Fri Apr 07, 2023 10:17 pm

Hey all, figured I’d pop by & drop a load of stuff, whether people reply, hehe.

I was reading Miles Mathis’s very good article on Kabbalah, Hermeticism, & the Occult ( http://mileswmathis.com/occult.pdf ) & of course see overlaps worth sharing here. On that subject, his essays are mind-blowers!!! He concludes more or less showing they’re all just Intelligence covers, & are much more recent than people realize. Sort of like cipher codes. Hardly surprising, tho worth mentioning. That article shows the Rockefellers are a recent name-change from an old big-wealth family [Dr. Levingston, I presume]. More here ( http://mileswmathis.com/rock2.pdf )

Anywho, I bought a copy of Eric’s new FAQ book today [looking forward to it], & have been engaging in plenty of FE conversations w/ many incredulous ears. My central arguments tend to be the circular star-trails of Polaris [like, please explain that w/ the midnight sun of Antarctica…..] & of course level oceans… People tend to ask questions that I’d too love to know the answer of, a la how tides work [I have inklings of understanding there] & things like proof there’s an ice wall, etc. Kind of bizarre watching people defend Gravity; even pompously!

It’s Good Friday, & this morning I finished the audiobook of Joseph Atwill’s extremely fascinating “Caesar’s Messiah,” which I HIGHLY recommend.

Otherwise, have a good weekend!

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