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East Coast USA Drone Sightings

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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by realtylerparker Sun Dec 15, 2024 9:57 am

Any extraordinary theories on the recent alleged “drone” activity ongoing in the United States?

1. Domestic military research and development?
2. Foreign adversary probing? Blackmailed hush?
3. Project Blue Beam conditioning?
4. Mistaken reports of traditional aircraft?
5. Domestic clandestine military mission?
6. Extra-dimensional visitors?
7. ???

Interested to hear the forum’s opinion on one of the hottest stories in the country


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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty Re: East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by Zzzap Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:02 pm

There was a popular meteor shower that is supposed to be happening over the last two days, many speaking heads, including weather apps encouraging people to go outside and view them.

Interesting, that thousands of residents witnessed many drones, some the size of  “small cars” were suddenly being announced by all mainstream news sources.

Interesting, that one of the world’s most powerful military industrial complex has “absolutely no idea” of what is happening over its airspace.  

I remember a statistic that anything the size of a softball is easily tracked.

Interesting that this is also happening in parallel with the sudden regime change in Syria?

The NWO goal of 2030 is only half a decade away, much still left to do.

The smell  is overwhelming of a “psychological operation “   No?


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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty Re: East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by Guest Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:26 pm

In general, it's to keep the sheeple distracted, busy, occupied & fearful, or as many as they are able to.


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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty Re: East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by John Mon Dec 16, 2024 7:44 am

Drones Made in USA, with some "UFO" type advanced secret technology. Those dorks in Black Ops just wanted to play with the public a bit… They want us to remember the "extraterrestrials" exist

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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty Re: East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by DC Mon Dec 16, 2024 11:56 am

[quote="realtylerparker"]Any extraordinary theories on the recent alleged “drone” activity ongoing in the United States?

1. Domestic military research and development?
Yes, as a test run on the people for larger events.

2. Foreign adversary probing? Blackmailed hush?
- I don't think there are any adversaries besides the people.

3. Project Blue Beam conditioning?

4. Mistaken reports of traditional aircraft?
-I am sure a good percentage are people investigating with their own drones and the military is monitoring with other craft as well.

5. Domestic clandestine military mission?  -They let people see just enough to get and study the reaction they wanted.

6. Extra-dimensional visitors?  -Definitely not.

7. ???  They accomplished several things that I can see.    They instilled fear of an unkown threat and kept the alien belief alive.  They were also able to determine  inter-agency/media coordination.  It is definitely meant to distract as well while they continue on with their Agenda xx plans.  I think the alien card will be played for sure, but not until everything is in place.  

Great post topic though.  It is going to be a big part of their plan

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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty Re: East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by Earthtoed Wed Dec 18, 2024 10:17 pm

DC wrote:
realtylerparker wrote:Any extraordinary theories on the recent alleged “drone” activity ongoing in the United States?

1. Domestic military research and development?
Yes, as a test run on the people for larger events.

2. Foreign adversary probing? Blackmailed hush?
- I don't think there are any adversaries besides the people.

3. Project Blue Beam conditioning?

4. Mistaken reports of traditional aircraft?
-I am sure a good percentage are people investigating with their own drones and the military is monitoring with other craft as well.

5. Domestic clandestine military mission?  -They let people see just enough to get and study the reaction they wanted.

6. Extra-dimensional visitors?  -Definitely not.

7. ???  They accomplished several things that I can see.    They instilled fear of an unkown threat and kept the alien belief alive.  They were also able to determine  inter-agency/media coordination.  It is definitely meant to distract as well while they continue on with their Agenda xx plans.  I think the alien card will be played for sure, but not until everything is in place.  

Great post topic though.  It is going to be a big part of their plan

The awakened among us already know the drones/aliens' sightings are theatre. Tests to see if there will be a compliant reaction a la Covid. Clearly the same Cabal that has a long history of psychological operations. Government designs a solution, which is always more government control, then manufactures the problem along with fear mongering via their media control. The masses beg for that pre-planned solution. Project Bluebeam. Since the overwhelming majority of the masses presently believe we live on a spinning ball Earth with a limitless outer space, it is also much easier to convince them that there is intelligent life "out there somewhere." However, even the dimmest among us can only be duped so many times before they will question and offer resistance. The boob-tube has lost its stranglehold as a trusted information source, so us truthers have a golden opportunity to further reduce mainstream media influence. None of us can predict a time, but the tide is turning in favor of the truth.


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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty Re: East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by Zzzap Sat Dec 21, 2024 7:13 pm

I enjoy comedy. Almost obssessed with listening to all kinds in these crazy times. 

Interesting that Bill Hicks has been hinted at being Alex Jones of Infowars.

Fast forward to a comedian I enjoy listening to, Tim Dillon.  
Alex Jones endorsed by Tim Dillon, I have watched many of his shows and felt like Alex Jones has handed off the torch to Tim Dillon.

Today, Tim Dillon has appeared on The Joe Rogan show as "The Joe Rogan Show."
Big Mass media and comedy ready to be consumed by the masses ((pay attention sheeple))

First topic for the consumption of the masses:


They do push the narrative of fear.  Primarily through the fact that no one knows/says anything.

They make mention of the following: ' aliens, new advance technology, cold fusion, plasma, Bob Lazar, anti-gravity texhnology, government gaslighting, and the theory that they may be searching for nuclear warheads.  

Fear of the unknown by an unknown enemy
is definitely the aroma this podcast is meant to emit.


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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty Re: East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by Suseuser Tue Dec 31, 2024 1:26 am

My question is, "why are all the images out of focus?" And the cameras are always shaking like someone with Parkinson's. One nice clear image would be nice. Now, there are tons of fake videos popping up everywhere.


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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty Re: East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by M.J. Tue Dec 31, 2024 3:38 am

It's all just a lighting show...
They want us to believe we are not alone in so called "universe", there is extra land either in space or off Antarctic wall, we are not the center of God's creation... Just another psi opp...

David Weiss is one of the main promoters of extra land theory and so is the YouTube channel Vibes of Cosmos...


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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty Re: East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by Earthtoed Tue Dec 31, 2024 5:08 am

M.J. wrote:-----
It's all just a lighting show...
They want us to believe we are not alone in so called "universe", there is extra land either in space or off Antarctic wall, we are not the center of God's creation... Just another psi opp...

David Weiss is one of the main promoters of extra land theory and so is the YouTube channel Vibes of Cosmos...

Copycat, I mean copyrat David Weiss criticized Eric Dubay for creating division within the flat-Earth movement because Eric identified shills. Now that it is obvious there are shills and everybody sees it, Weiss is now pointing out these Final Experiment shills. David Weiss has been plagiarizing Eric for years, but he is not censored by the media. Because David Weiss is a 100% koshered shill!


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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty Re: East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by Zzzap Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:25 pm

Tim Dillon made fun of Bildeberg group, Peter Thiel,  brought up Palantir's CEO Alex Karp’s article about a future war with Russia, China and Iran.  Palantir is at the apex of ai warfare. He mentioned another theory this week about the drones, and that perhaps it is already the start of a war with anonymous sides already battling it out for air superiority over North America.

Is'nt it hillarious that Tim thinks that "apathy" is the way forward for the American people?  It's too scary to think about.

Reminds me of an interview with the artist formally known as Prince.  I remember him saying that when his neighbourhood finally realized that the clouds in the sky were being deliberately made and contained harmful chemicals that rained down on them, the amount of in-fighting about what was the cause and how to combat it was almost worse then the actual spraying.East Coast USA Drone Sightings Img_5210
East Coast USA Drone Sightings Img_5412

I use this opportunity to ask the Socratic question  if people trust their government.

Found this appropriate comedy clip (starts 48 seconds in)



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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty Re: East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by realtylerparker Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:27 am

During his recent Mar-a-Lago meeting with R governors, aired on Forbes via YouTube, President Trump said the following: “I’m going to give you a report on drones about 1 day into the administration, because I think it’s ridiculous they’re not telling you about the drones.” When asked “Is it dangerous?” by Peter Doocy, President Trump and Governor Glenn Youngkin looked at each other before saying, “They don’t want to talk about it… we’re going to find out on the 21st… hopefully it’s not the enemy.”


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East Coast USA Drone Sightings Empty Re: East Coast USA Drone Sightings

Post by colander bowl Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:10 pm

Suseuser wrote:My question is, "why are all the images out of focus?" And the cameras are always shaking like someone with Parkinson's. One nice clear image would be nice. Now, there are tons of fake videos popping up everywhere.

Agreed.   On YT there are videos of people using super zoom cameras.  The Nikon COOLPIX P1000 comes to mind.  

New Jersey is a relatively wealthy, populated area and there should be a few super zooms in the state.  

Don't super zoomers look for things to zoom in on?   Not when needed.

colander bowl

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