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Travelling South

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Travelling South Empty Travelling South

Post by Odinskyborn13 Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:47 am

So I was contemplating the environments in Antarctica you’d come across as you travel further and further south.

I’d imagine carbon dioxide would freeze at -78 and we’d be left with a layer of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere. Then we could possibly see liquid oxygen and nitrogen, possibly raining? Then eventually everything would be frozen at about -280.

But after looking through phase diagrams and making these predictions I came across information concerning “absolute 0” the lowest possible temperature, around -270. If there is a lowest possible temperature then how do some people reliable report the freezing points of N2 and O2 lower than that point?

Does anyone else have ideas concerning what we’d expect to see in Antarctica travelling on a constant southward vector?

Has anyone else looked into absolute 0? I have a decent understanding of chemistry but I’m not so good with physics at the moment. I’m just starting into thermodynamics and what not.


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Travelling South Empty Re: Travelling South

Post by maril Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:54 pm

Nitrogen boiling point under STP is 78K and Oxygen is 90K. Nothing is reported lower than absolute 0 and no one is claiming to establish a temperature below absolute 0. Evaluate laser cooling techniques and whether it physically makes sense to you.

Atomic/molecular movement/vibration from heat energy has clearly defined entropic equations that make a lot of sense. You'd have to go to grad level p.chem to explore them. They are worth understanding, though it is rare for the teacher to expect anything more than memorization.

Most planetary heat isn't from the Sun, that is just part of the amazing world mechanism. There is no expectation that traveling south would get progressively colder. Question hot springs, so called primary water, and the great whirlpools.


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Travelling South Empty Re: Travelling South

Post by Odinskyborn13 Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:57 pm

maril wrote:Most planetary heat isn't from the Sun, that is just part of the amazing world mechanism.  There is no expectation that traveling south would get progressively colder.  Question hot springs, so called primary water, and the great whirlpools.


I certainly agree that there is an emphasis on memorization and a neglect on application when it comes to the university system.

I have a hard time envisioning another source of energy input into the world other than the sun. To me the sun converts the ether/firmament into light. The light then interacts with the matter which further converts it into thermal energy which sinks into the earth where it’s converted back into the ether. I think along with converting light energy, matter also stores energy.

So if you recommend a secondary input of energy from the firmament then what do you believe it is? And also could you discuss the output of energy from our world make into the ether?



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