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Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans?

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Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Empty Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans?

Post by M.J. Thu Dec 05, 2024 5:43 pm

This is the continuation of the topic started in the thread The biggest conspiracy of them all....

As we already know, history of many nations is falsified... Germany is not excluded...

Since Germany is hot topic in the light of WW2, we have to ask ourselves “Who are Germans”?

Or the better questions are, who the Germans were and who are they now?

To all our German friends here at the forum I have to say that I have nothing against you (or anybody else for that matter), but if truth, uncomfortable as it may be, offends you, then please don’t read... If you want to learn more about your country and your origins then please continue...  

In this thread I’ll review the following topics...

1. Name for Germans in Serb/Slav countries...
2. Indo-European language and Germany
3. Toponyms in Germany that have Serb/Slavic roots....
4. Kingdom of Prussia and the question of Dresden... Why is Dresden most bombarded city in WW2?
5. Serbian/Slav symbols used by Adolf Hitler - Analysis of Mein Kampf...
     - What was the cause of World War I?
- Catherine the Great
6. Germans and Illyrians.
7. Are Germans Aryans?

1. Name for Germans in Serb/Slav countries

language ------ name for a citizen of Germany
Serbian -------- немац (nemac)
Bulgarian ------ немски
Croatian ------- njemački (google used this word, but they also use the word ‘nemac’)
Slovak --------- nemecký
Polish ---------- niemiecki
Russian -------- немецкий
Slovenian ------ nemški
Bosnian -------- njemački (google used this word, but they also use the word ‘nemac’)
Czech ---------- Němec
Ukrainian ------ Німецький
Belarusian ----- нямецкі

PS: I’m sure I have not included all the Serb/Slav countries/communities, so please post bellow if you wish me to add more... Also, I used google translate so there could be mistakes...

In every country above the word starts with ‘Nem’, ‘Njem’ or ‘Niem’ which means “mute”. J and/or I sound/letter after the N letter can be used or not. Whether it is used depends on what dialect is used: ‘Ijekavica’ or ‘Ekavica’.
I think that google mistranslated many of the words above because many of them end with CKI/SKI/ČKI which is the possessive form of the word 'Nemac'.  

Funny... All the Serb/Slav countries have very similar word for the citizen of Germany... I wonder why?
Well I don’t wonder, not really, because I have gave you the answer to that one in the thread linked above, but I'll repeat...

Before the term Slavs was invented in the 6th century, all Slavic people were called by one common name - the Serbs.
Serbs originally are one people, one race, and not a nation...
They had many different names in vast regions they inhabited, but they were always one and the same people... States and nations are latter concepts, but family and justice were the first principles/bonds in human existence...  

To continue...

The Serbian word ‘Nemac’ has the following meaning...
Nem – means mute (as does in every other Serb/Slav language/dialect)
A – I
C – Long
Mute I long... Indicating that Germans of that time, Proto-Germanic people, were without language when they first met Serb/Slav people...

On many places you will find that it is because Serbs/Slavs could not communicate with them which I think is ridicules because then we would call people of the whole world by the word “Nemac”.

On the other hand, other possible explanation is they had a very distant contact with Proto-Germanic tribes – in the dawn of time so to say...

Germans today of course are not mute, they are majority white because they consist in majority of the Serbian people, many of which are forcibly indoctrinated to be something that they never were before, the ”Germans”.  

The remnants of those Serbs in Germany today are Lusatian Sorbs (Link), the only one that didn’t gave up to the Germanization of Serbian people during Vatican controlled forceful Christianization/ Catholicization.

Lusatian Sorbs in Serbian is Lužički Srbi (Facebook group ). The root of the word Lužički is LUG, a deity in Old Serbian religion...

You can find this deity in old Celtic religion also, because Celts are of Serbian origin, they were the warrior branch of Serbian people in ancient times... On their campaigns they traveled with family and they settled in newly found or conquered lands... In Serbian name for them is Geti, in Europe they are also known as the Goths and Gauls...  

I don't know if the video represents this deity correctly as I'm just starting the research on the old Serbian religion.

Fun fact: On old maps you can see Celts, Gauls all over Europe and then they magically disappear from Europe's maps as if they never existed and later they can only be found on the British isles...

Well they didn't disappear in Europe, we are still here, all over Europe, only thing that changed is the name by which you call us, or to say it more precisely by which we call ourselves....    

The new territories that came under German control were always followed by a decree that any person who speaks Serbian is to be killed at site. Because you see, the Serbian language is the biggest threat to the Zionists... (I’ll try and explain it more in a post about God).

Whenever Serbs take new religion, other than Orthodox Christianity they were forced to denounce their identity and their origins.

Distancing their identity had many forms.... From the page 446 of the book 'Rex Germanorum, Populos Sclavorum' by Ivo Vukcevich, American with Serbian ancestry, published in the United States in year 2001.

Link to the book.... Rex Germanorum, populos Sclavorum
Be sure to buy the book to support the author when you have the chance...

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Sorbs10

2. Indo-European language and Germany

What is the connection between Indo-European language and Germany? The answer is simple, before Indo-European language ever existed / was made up as a term, it was called by another made up name... Can you guess which?

Sure you can, it was called ‘Indo-Germanic language’...

Now that’s interesting...!

From the site [url= https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indogermanische_Sprachen]https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indogermanische_Sprachen [/url]

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Indo_g10

Fun fact... When you use google translate websites option on the link above you get the following...

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Indo_g11

2nd paragraph
Beide Bezeichnungen, „Indogermanisch“ und „Indoeuropäisch“, sollen die Grenzen des ursprünglichen Verbreitungsgebiets abstecken, Germanisch (bzw. Europäisch) im äußersten Westen, Indisch im äußersten Osten.
translates to
Both terms, “Indo-Germanic” and “Indo-European”, are intended to mark the boundaries of the original distribution area, Germanic (or European) in the far west, Indian in the far east.

As before we had two countries, now you have a country, India, on one side and a continent, Europe, on the other side...  
Why did they had to go and change it to Indo-European?

Well that is simple, because German and Sanskrit have diddly-squat with each other... It was too obvious of a deception...
Whoever starts the research of this so called “connection” would immediately find it to be false, non existent, so they had to make the change, to broaden the lie, now there is a “European group of languages”...

3. Toponyms in Germany that have Serb/Slavic roots...

You can find a great number of toponyms in the book Rex Germanorum, populos Sclavorum, but I'll give you screenshots from couple of pages...

From the the book.... Rex Germanorum, populos Sclavorum

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Berlin12

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Berlin11

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Berlin10

In the one bellow he got the meaning of the word KOL wrong, otherwise it is OK.

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Berlin13

I'll give one example from the book about Serbian last names being Germanized....
The person/name in question is that of MARTIN LUTHER known for his Protestant Reformation...

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Ljutic10

His last name Ljutići (from the root Ljut) is one of the oldest known last names in Serbia and can be traced all the way back to about 2000-2500 years B.C.E.

For those who know Serbian, another great presentation by late historian Jovan I. Deretić about Germans and Serbs.

Toward the end of presentation and during the Q and A, from minute 50,13 to 50,53 there is a comment from a member of the audience and it goes along the lines:

"Hana Skalova, a Czech writer gathered and published a book with around 12000 (twelve thousand) toponyms in Germany that are of Serb/Slav origin. He also states that the book was published by Czech academy of science and that she was murdered because she wrote that book."

I couldn't find the details of her death nor was I able to download the book. The book exist and is downloadable to Czech university students, so if you are one, then please download it and share it with us.

The book is called "Topografická mapa území Obodriců a Veletů-Luticů ve světle místních jmen" and it is published in 1965 which is the year of her death.

Luticů from the title of the book is "Ljutići", the Serbian family name I mentioned above...

Here are some of the links I could find about the book and the author...





4. Kingdom of Prussia and the question of Dresden... Why is Dresden most bombarded city in WW2?

Even the name alone of one of one of the founding states of modern-day Germany, the Prussia, tells you all.... I mean what can I say other than P-RUSSIA. The term requires no additional explanation.

Dresden was historically the center of Prussia’s militaristic power, but more importantly it was a great cultural center and a massive Serbian hub...

So, “the allies”, decided to massacre a population of Dresden, not for militaristic reasons but for Zionistic ones... Also, on the side note, the Belgrade was during WW2 more bombarded by the so-called allied forces than it was by Hitler’s Germany... Funny how that works...!

From the article... Why Was Dresden So Heavily Bombed?

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? The_bo10

David Irving was unfortunately wrong. There were even bigger massacres...

From the article... Justified or a Callous Act? The Bombing of Dresden Explained

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Dresde10

The Georgentor or Georgenbau is the original exit from the city of Dresden to the Elbe Bridge. Located in the old town and also know as Castle door, it has a Latin text that means Remembering Providence.
Georgentor or Georgenbau means George's Gate (In Serbia George is Djordje/Djurdje). In Christianity it is St. George...

Pay attention to the guard/warrior on the left...

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? 110

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? 210

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? 310

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? 410

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? 510

What you see on this warrior is distinctly Serbian symbol. Nobody uses this symbol except for the Serbs... You can find it everywhere in Serbia. It is on the Serbian coat of arms and also on our flag...

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Serbia10

The symbol is so old that it was found on Vinča archeological site in Serbia and it dates back to more than 7,000 years B.C.

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Vinca_10

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Vinca_11

I've given you this video in my other threads, but I'll put it here again for those who want the know the origin of the word Russia and why all "Slavs" are one and the same people...

To be continued

Last edited by M.J. on Mon Jan 20, 2025 11:50 am; edited 11 times in total


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Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Empty Re: Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans?

Post by M.J. Sat Dec 07, 2024 5:37 pm

5. Serbian symbols used by Hitler... Analysis of Mein Kampf...

This was supposed to be a short point, but it grew larger, much larger...

First Serbian/Slavic symbol that was used by Hitler is swastika (svastika in Serbian). You can see it on the images above from Vinča archeological site.

The next picture is from the book "The new Serbian mythological dictionary" by Slaviša K. Miljković  which depicts swastika as a symbol that represents Perun, a God of the old Serbian/Slavic religion aka pagan.

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Img_2012

On some sites it is said that the symbol is related to the God creator of this world, Svarog. It could be the case but I'll have to check it out. First three letters are the same (SVArog - SVAstika) so there could be a connection...

I know that this sign is spread throughout the world but give me a leap of faith on this one...

Hitler took one more symbol from Serbian people, distinctly Serbian symbol, a title that is deeply embedded in all Serbian people and its old religion, the title denoted to the God creator of the world and that is...

Sorry, I hate to do this, but I wanna keep this one stacked away until I write a thread about supreme God of our world... If you know the answer please wright it in the comments and I will confirm if you give the correct answer.

I’ll give you a hint, the founder of the modern Turkish state Mustafa Kemal Atatürk also used the same title...

Late Serbian historian, double PhD historian Jovan I. Deretić in multiple interviews stated that Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that Germans are 70% of Slavic origin.

So I decided to check this claim in the version of Mein Kampf that I have downloaded ages ago... The version is called Ford translation, uncensored edition...

Link to the version of Mein Kampf that I have.. Mein Kampf

This was the the moment, as I was doing the research for this thread, that I came to realization that I’ve been had, and probably most of you, concerning Hitler... The evidence began to stack up, and all the pieces came together for me.

This will maybe require an entirely new thread but I’ll try to explain it here, but I'll have to go through the whole book and make screenshots, so it will take some time...

To be continued

Last edited by M.J. on Sun Dec 08, 2024 6:36 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Empty Re: Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans?

Post by M.J. Sun Dec 08, 2024 6:00 pm

What was the cause of World War I?

On page 103, Hitler talks about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Franci10

So Archduke Franz Ferdinand was a friend of the Serbs/Slavs.
Oh boy... That immediately made him a Zionist's enemy, the enemy of the German Catholic ideology and the process of Germanization.

On page 62, Hitler says...
Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Franzi10
Also on page 62...
Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Franzi11

Quote: The family of the new Hapsburg Monarchy spoke only Czech.
What???? Hitler gives us so much, it is unbelievable...

Quote: a strong Catholic foundation as a defense against Orthodox Russia. Again What????  And Why????

Franz Ferdinand was a man who discovered his Serb/Slavic roots and wanted a lasting peace. That is why he wanted to include Serbia as an equal member of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If he found out his Serb/Slavic roots than why would he have had a fear of Russia.  

Link to Wikipedia.... Trialism in Austria-Hungary

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Triali10

On Wikipedia, they say that the alliance was supposed to be with Croatia, which is a complete lie.

The fact (as far as we know it to be true) that the bullet was fired by the Serb Gavrilo Princip is irrelevant. Zionists can brainwash you with false teachings regardless of who you are and what nation you belong to. The moment the Archduke declared his desire to include Serbia as part of the Empire, is the moment the Zionist started making plans for his removal.

Hitler calls Franz Ferdinand an internal enemy because of his support for the Serb/Slavs and this concept of Slavs as enemies is throughout his book.

Page 14 of the book...

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Favori10

Hitler doesn't hide his joy for the death of Archduke, because he considers him the enemy.

So if the Archduke was the enemy of the Zionists and of Hitler, can we apply here the old saying: Enemy of my enemy is my friend...?

To be continued...

Last edited by M.J. on Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:16 pm; edited 5 times in total


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Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Empty Re: Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans?

Post by M.J. Sun Dec 08, 2024 10:36 pm

I did not expect Mein Kampf to be such an important historical document. The post about Archduke Franz Ferdinand is a good example.

This probably is the reason why there are so many different versions of this book, with many different translations. If I hadn't started writing this thread I would probably never even glimpse at it, although I had it for couple of years now....

But to continue...

Search tools are so fun... In Mein Kampf Hitler mentions the words:
Slav              --  4 times
Slavs             --  8 times
Slavic            -- 16 times
Russia           -- 80 times
Czech            -- 16 times
Serbs-Serbia  --  8 times
Pole-Poles      --  3 times
Ukranians      --  1 time
Croat-Croatia --  2 times
Bosnian         --  1 time
Bulgaria           --  1 time
Montenegro      --  1 time

So, on 470 pages we have 141 mentions of Serb/Slavic nations (sorry if I skipped someone)... Please can someone remind me of the the meaning of "Mein Kampf"...?
Oh yes, "My Struggle"... Well at least now we know who he had struggle with...

Sorry, I’m just venting so I don’t start calling him names...

On page 445 he writes about Russia...

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Russia10

So here he calls Russians/Slavs inferior race... So we have a mixed concept of Nations and races... Nations are races in his opinion and the inferior races are obviously the Serb/Slavic nations, the Serb/Slavic people... I wasn't aware of this...

What was the Aryan race in his mind? What Aryan race was he searching for in the far east?

He then states: "Numerous powerful empires on the earth have been created this same way when inferior races, led by Germanic organizers and masters, have grown into huge states and they continued to exist as long as the racial nucleus of the state-forming race survived."

Great...! Can you give us some examples perhaps? No... ? Not a single one, no citations, no reference works, books, magazines, nothing...
OMG, I can hear the crickets... Shocked

Oh, how I wished he used Catherine the Great as an example of his mighty Aryan race, German princess leading the Great Russian bear by the chain strapped around his neck, the great ruler of dumb barbaric Serb/Slavic nation...

The people that burned Moscow down to the ground rather than to give it to Napoleon's army are whipped by nothing more than the strong women's hand... Oh my God the idiocy...!!!

Catherine the Great was and will always be the great ruler of Serbian/Slavic origin, and the Russian people knew that, so when the struggle for power ensued and Catherine prevailed they welcomed her with opened arms and harts because she was their own flesh and blood...

The idea that the foreign ruler can come and take over the country just like that can only be made up in Hollywood basement. And we do know who runs the Hollywood...

From the page 395 of the book 'Rex Germanorum, Populos Sclavorum' by Ivo Vukcevich, American with Serbian ancestry, published in the United States in year 2001. Link to the book is in the first post...

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Cather10

page 401 shows us the original name of the town...
Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Cather12

page 385 cites historians on the subject of original population  
Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Cather11

Ivo Vukcevich bibliography/citations used for his book run from page 566 to page 602, 37 pages of mostly German sources... I will put them as the last post of this thread just so you can see how studios is his work...

So when Russia started a war with Ottoman empire so that Serbia can lift the Turkish occupation you have to view that in different context, as one Serbian/Slavic people in one nation helping the same people in other... What is a border to a family other than just a line...

Also, when Hitler made so called a "Tripartite Pact" with Yugoslavia the answer by the people was clear... Fuck NO! Two days after signing the pact the government was overthrown...

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Trojni10

And it cost us dearly, but what was the other choice...??? Germanization of all Slavic countries just as happened with Serbian/Slavic people in Germany...

I'm very well aware that Bolsheviks were Zionists and what they did in Russia and Ukraine, but really, what was the other choice...?

This war was created to kill as many people as it could on both sides, and whether you like it or not, all white people are originally of single origins, one family, one people, one race and most importantly one language... They were the primary target in this war

PS: By saying this I'm not trying to diminish sufferings of other, non-white nations and people who participated in WW2. This is just my opinion on research conducted so far, as I really do believe that their goal is to destroy the oldest living language, the mother language of all languages...  

To be continued...


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Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Empty Re: Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans?

Post by M.J. Sat Dec 14, 2024 5:56 pm

And when Hitler does speak about languages he gives us a great insight...

On the page 28  

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Hitler12

So we obviously have a country that internally had big problems with its identity -- is it a Serb/Slavic or German country...

Hitler would rather see the collapse of the state that "has condemned to death the Germanism of ten million people". Not the death of Germans mind you, but Germanism, the Zionistic ideology.

In the very next paragraph he says...

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Hitler14

In most of Mein Kampf he is philosophical and unspecific in details, but when he eventually gets to the point, he hits the nail so squarely on its head that it is astonishing.

"The more the language uproar gnawed at the parliament"
Hitler here again confirms us that the language was a major breaking point of the troubled country. Again, because one was the oldest living language and the other was artificially created and was force-fed to the people through process I call Germanization...

and he then continues...
"the closer the hour of collapse approached for this Babylonian Empire, and the closer the freedom of my German-Austrian people came near."

I mean, what in a Gods name??? Why does Hitler call his country the "Babylonian Empire"? And why does he want it destroyed?

Well, again, it is simple actually... He calls it that because he knows the true/hidden history very well... Here he reveals his true face, his Zionist face...
To learn about Babylonian Empire please read my thread... The world's first empire - Nino Belov - Nebrod - Nimrod of the old testament

So Hitler calls his country the Babylonian Empire... But wait Babylonian empire had one language, at least until the fall of it, and Hitler already told us in his work that Austria had two languages at least, Austria had German language also...

Hitler all but confirms us here that Austria of that time had one dominant language as was the case in the Babylonian Empire...!!!

He calls it Czech, but Czech is proto-Serbian language/dialect... All so called "Slavic" languages have the same root... I think the whole world knows that...

That is why two languages coexisting is not good enough for him, he wants the destruction of dominant language, the original language of the white people, the language of Babylonian Empire, so that as he says "my German-Austrian people can be free"... (Of course by German-Austrian people that he wants to free he refers to Germanized Serb/Slav people).

I hope you now understand why everywhere you look you can see the demonization of Babylonian Empire, the Aryan Empire...

And he ends the paragraph with the line:

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Return10

Could this sentence be any more conspicuous. Isn't his mother country Austria? Where does he want to return?

And who does he want to return? Maybe he covertly tells us about certain people returning to their "promised land". I don't know, but it could be the case...

PS: I've added some points in the post about Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Catherine the Great since original posting, so if you want you can reread them.....

To be continued...


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Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Empty Re: Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans?

Post by M.J. Mon Jan 20, 2025 11:34 am

The concepts used by Hitler are used by Zionists even today when creating new states/countries:

1. When a new nation is created on the base/territory of the old country/nation, the people of newly created state are declared superior than the ones from which they emerged... Case in point of Germany...

If the people in question are new to the land in which they’ve settled, they are declared original inhabitants of the land at the expanse of the original population. One example of this would be Albania.

If you do a search on YouTube about who the Illyrians are, you'll get a great number of videos showing them as Albanians. If you look at maps of where the Illyrians lived, you can see that this people lived in the middle of the Balkans (Helm), where the Serbian/Slav people still live today.

What evidence do I have for such a bold claim that Albanians are not Illyrians, and that the Serbs are...?

Well, nothing more than German – Illyrian dictionaries and grammar books from the 1800's... You can find them yourself on Archive.org.

Here are some that I found - link to google drive

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Iliris10

And when you open these dictionaries you see that they are German - Serbian dictionaries...

On the image above the underlined words from Serbian translate to: widow, mouth, by, fire, to tie, to see, wind, wolf, train, sorcerer, door, all, evil, earth, winter, ember, woman

All the dictionaries are from 1800’s... Interesting isn’t it... None before?

We know that Illyrians are mentioned in 6 century  B.C. fighting with Romans and we have Caesar excursion into Germany as well... So, both these ancient people existed in so called BC era more than 2500 years prior to present day and yet we have no dictionaries before 1800’s... How strange???

Well again, it is not strange... They didn’t need dictionary before because they were one and the same people, they had one and the same language...

Caesar and Tacitus didn’t call proto-Germans by the name Germans, instead in their writing they refer to them by their Serb/Slavic name ‘Nemac’ (this is according to late Serbian historian Jovan I. Deretić). Also Caesar and Tacitus describe that proto-Germanic people at the basic level of civilization...

If you want to create a new nation, that version of history doesn’t suit your interest... To rectify it, you have to deny ancient historians legitimacy, or to completely deny their existence.

Wilhelm Kammeier in his book "The Falsification of German History" from 1935 writes... Link to google drive folder

Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Slavis10

Even when author, Wilhelm Kammeier, writes about falsification of German history to prove that they were not barbarians, he can not resist to give a jab to "Slavish *(Serb) dependence of ancient history writers". He is again, just as Hitler did, showing us who is their targeted opposition... The people from which they emerged as a new nation...  The Serbian/Slav people...  

2. The second part of the strategy is declaration that the origin of this new superior people is somewhere in the east, Middle East or Asia, sometimes Africa... Anywhere but the Europe...*(I'm talking here about forming of the new countries in Europe from the former white countries/people) And they never find that place from which they supposedly originated from... It is a wild goose chase...

Your ancestor’s lineage is not in some country near you, it is God knows where... And they are never specific about it, it could be anywhere...
Native to their lands are all people on the Earth except the white Europeans, who have migrated from somewhere... It is fucking insanity... But, as I said before, there are no coincidences in this world, so that shouldn't surprise you...

This is also the case in every YouTube video that talks about birthplace of civilization... It is told to us that it is in Asia, Middle East, Africa, but never in Europe, because they are pushing the narrative that white people are immigrants in their own countries... That is also why they promote Europe was at one point in time a frozen continent in some so called "ice age"...

And since you are not even from the land that you live on, you can not possible be culturally developed intellectual people let alone birthplace of the civilization... This concept is most seen in case of Serb/Slav countries...  

Hitler searches the roots of German people in the far east because he has to distance Germans from looking for their relatives in their neighboring countries and instead he sends them on a wild goose chase in the Middle East and Asia.  

3. Changing the language of the newly formed country *(it can be instantaneous or gradual). Gradual is usually when there is no centralized rule in the country, instantaneous is when there is one...

You will find this patterns everywhere...

To be continued...

Last edited by M.J. on Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:15 am; edited 4 times in total


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Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans? Empty Re: Rex Germanorum populos Sclavorum - Origins of Germans - Serbian symbols used by Adolf Hitler - What was the cause of World War I? Germans and Illyrians - Are Germans Aryans?

Post by M.J. Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:04 pm

M.J. wrote:-----

3. Changing the language of the newly formed country *(it can be instantaneous or gradual). Gradual is usually when there is no centralized rule in the country, instantaneous is when there is one...

PS: Of course, resistance by the people to the newly created language can have significant role in the language appropriation... If we look at the Latin language as an example, it was used in the upper classes but it was never used by the common people.

Language that is invented and subsequently is not used by the people because they rejected it ends up exactly as the Latin language did -- dead...

To be continued...


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