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The Truth About "The Final Experiment"

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The Truth About "The Final Experiment" Empty The Truth About "The Final Experiment"

Post by Admin Fri Jul 05, 2024 4:37 am

The Truth About "The Final Experiment":

Recently a wealthy globe-Earth proponent named Will Duffy launched a campaign dubbed “The Final Experiment,” which he claims will finally settle the globe vs. flat Earth debate forever...

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The Truth About "The Final Experiment" Empty Re: The Truth About "The Final Experiment"

Post by enagfis Fri Jul 05, 2024 11:41 pm

Very well said, Eric... as usual!

Was gonna post on this because he mentioned you were one who was offered the trip. If it was me, I'd still go... be fascinating either way.

The grandkids, helluva story, lol.

If the Sun did in fact do a 360 over your head, with the actual circle of the Sun being visible for the entire time, I would agree with Jeran that there is a problem there. But in no way that would ever change the face of our Earth, the physics of water, the 2nd law of thermodynamics, that gravity is silly and for children, let alone our aetheric existence.

Your awesome, brother


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The Truth About "The Final Experiment" Empty Re: The Truth About "The Final Experiment"

Post by enagfis Fri Jul 05, 2024 11:48 pm

Sorry, also, since you have his ear and he's supposedly some jillionair, why doesn't he build the Brian Mullins thing along i40 in kansas?

I would love his answer to that one.


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The Truth About "The Final Experiment" Empty Re: The Truth About "The Final Experiment"

Post by Admin Fri Jul 05, 2024 11:58 pm

Exactly, I already made videos of "The Ultimate Flat Earth Experiment" and "How to Shut Up Flat Earthers Forever," but he dodged both of these valid experiments for his useless observation instead:


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The Truth About "The Final Experiment" Empty Re: The Truth About "The Final Experiment"

Post by enagfis Sun Jul 07, 2024 8:40 am

Sorry, but damn, can you email him and besides asking him to actually measure the supposed curvature as Mullins designed years ago, could you also have him guarantee that from the time that they set up camp, they have cameras facing Sigma Octantis (whether real or imagined) so they could also show the world the nearly perfect circular star trails around a fixed center point?

You could post the whole email exchange right here. It would be dope.


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The Truth About "The Final Experiment" Empty The Final Experiment Is Most Likely A Staged Event

Post by FlatEarthHodor Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:59 pm

The 'Final Experiment' is most likely a staged event.  

What is a staged event?

A staged event is an event that is planned, coordinated, and executed with a variety of publicity tools, including videos, photographs, images, actors-playing-witnesses, and press releases.  The event's purpose is to deceive a large audience into believing a false narrative.  

Reason For The Staged Event:
To counter the fact that Ben (TabooConspiracy) discovered that two of the current, supposed Antarctica 24-hour sun videos are obvious fakes.  

Yes, I believe they plan to fake the sun.  You can deduce this from the behavior of the participants.    

Many of the 'paid shill' globe defenders are individuals that already know the Earth is flat, and yet accept money to argue for the opposite.  These individuals would never agree to this event if they did not already know the outcome.  

And yet, this possibility is ignored by Jeran and the others he's discussed it with.  

The Truth About "The Final Experiment" Some-Of-These-Are-Knowing-Liars

The original plan probably included some basic strategies to handle organic push-back from the flat Earth community, but they obviously did NOT anticipate Eric Dubay making a response video and calling out Jeran explicitly.  Either Jeran, or one of the people behind his operation, decided to 'go nuclear' and viciously verbally attack him .... and any other flat Earther that spoke out against the staged event.  Jeran even recorded a rap song mocking Eric, and played it during one of his attack podcasts.

Here is the timeline of events so far.  

6/23/2024: Jeran & Whitsitt promote the Antarctica stunt: https://rokfin.com/stream/49884/GLOBEBUSTERS-LIVE--Episode-1110--Word-Salad--62324
7/3/2024: Eric Dubay's opinion about the Antarctica stunt: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pnrO2NQuEvLM
7/6/2024: Jeran's vicious verbal attack on Eric Dubay & all critics of the 'Final Experiment': https://rokfin.com/stream/50283/The-jeranism-Show-99--Super-Saturday-Shillfest-Shill-Exposed-Followed-by-Noon-VIP-Hangout-7624
7/7/2024:  Jeran on the attack again, and agressively promoting the Final Experiment:  https://rokfin.com/stream/50304/GLOBEBUSTERS-LIVE--Episode-1112--Fly-Me-Soon--7724
David Weiss tries to calm down Jeran at 1:50:00
Jeran interrupts him four times to continue verbally attacking Eric Dubay, and then then bemoans the fact that the community is so 'divided'.  clown

David Weiss dismisses the concerns about the "Final Experiment" at 2:24:00
Jeran continues dismisses all concerns over an 'artificial sun' or holograms at ~ 2:36:00

7/26/2024: Jeran Campanella calls Flat Earth Banjo a 'dipshit' and 'idiot' at the 2:23:00 mark:


8/2/2024: More vicious verbal attacks from Jeran Campanella on ~ 4 other flat Earthers who have objected to the Final experiment.


What To Expect?

Jeran has outlined how he believes seeing an Antarctic 24 hour sun is a 'problem' for flat Earth, despite a virtual mountain of other verifiable evidence telling us that the Earth is flat.   This is where most flat Earthers began scratching their heads, and even Dave Weiss indicated in a subsequent podcast that you cannot determine the shape of the Earth from 'lights in the sky.'  🤨

While I don't have any evidence that Jeran is accepting money from these psychopaths, his behavior is not consistent with a media personality that derives income from the very audience he is abusing and mocking.  It is also not consistent with a person that truly cares about flat Earth.  His behavior is consistent with somebody that is working to hide the truth by participating in, and promoting, a staged event.

He uses gaslighting, straw man arguments, avoids the real concerns over holographic technologies, poisons the well against Eric Dubay and all flat Earthers that object, and viciously ad-hominems Eric Dubay and others.  

All of this points to a staged event that needs aggressive promotion to a target audience.

Last edited by FlatEarthHodor on Tue Aug 06, 2024 8:16 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : More formatting a altering the wording of some parts.)

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The Truth About "The Final Experiment" Empty Re: The Truth About "The Final Experiment"

Post by enagfis Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:48 am

All the back and forth is getting a bit silly. I made this for family and friends to help really understand what we are talking about here...
The Truth About "The Final Experiment" 8loa2yw

All critiques welcomed.


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The Truth About "The Final Experiment" Empty Re: The Truth About "The Final Experiment"

Post by enagfis Fri Aug 23, 2024 3:55 pm


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The Truth About "The Final Experiment" Empty Re: The Truth About "The Final Experiment"

Post by Admin Fri Aug 23, 2024 5:08 pm


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The Truth About "The Final Experiment" Empty Re: The Truth About "The Final Experiment"

Post by Earthtoed Tue Oct 01, 2024 1:13 pm

Flat Earth is barely debatable because it is a proven fact. The deep staters who promote the heliocentric model and their mostly unaware workers have had a decade to disprove the proofs presented by Eric Dubay in 2014. Here is what they have accomplished rejecting the FE facts starting in 2014:
1. Hoped FE knowledge would go away while it grew exponentially
2. Inserted shills for damage control
3. Campaign smear on Eric and legitimate truthers
4. Asked congress to pressure Big Tech to censor
5. Employed censorship
6. Staged debates between their scientists and their puppet shills
7. Panicking while floodgates are widening


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