CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation
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Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation
Even though the COVID-19 curve has been flattened, mainstream media outlets continue to push doomsday predictions of an impending explosion of deaths
According to Stanford University's disease prevention chairman Dr. John Ioannidis, the COVID-19 fatality rate for those under the age of 45 is "almost zero," and between the ages of 45 and 70, it's somewhere between 0.05% and 0.3%
So, the fact that young and middle-aged adults are testing positive in droves is not a warning sign of an impending onslaught of deaths, as the risk of death in these age groups is minuscule
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the COVID-19 mortality -- which had declined for the last 10 weeks straight -- "is currently at the epidemic threshold," meaning if it declines just a little more, COVID-19 will no longer be considered an epidemic
The sharp increases in "cases" are not proof of disease spread but, rather, the spread of testing.
Fatality Rate No Longer Cause for Hysteria
The fatality rate data given above were cited by Stanford University's disease prevention chairman Dr. John Ioannidis -- an epidemiologist who has made a name for himself by exposing bad science -- in a June 27, 2020, interview with Greek Reporter,10,11,12 in which he criticized global lockdown measures, saying they were implemented based on flawed modeling and grossly unreliable data.
"0.05% to 1% is a reasonable range for what the data tell us now for the infection fatality rate, with a median of about 0.25%," Ioannidis told Greek Reporter.13
"The death rate in a given country depends a lot on the age-structure, who are the people infected, and how they are managed. For people younger than 45, the infection fatality rate is almost 0%. For 45 to 70, it is probably about 0.05-0.3%.
For those above 70, it escalates substantially, to 1% or higher for those over 85. For frail, debilitated elderly people with multiple health problems who are infected in nursing homes, it can go up to 25% during major outbreaks in these facilities."
When asked whether the curve had indeed been flattened in the U.S., seeing how no health care system had been completely overwhelmed, Ioannidis answered:14
"The predictions of most mathematical models in terms of how many beds and how many ICU beds would be required were astronomically wrong. Indeed, the health system was not overrun in any location in the USA, although several hospitals were stressed. Conversely, the health care system was severely damaged in many places because of the measures taken …
Major consequences on the economy, society and mental health have already occurred. I hope they are reversible, and this depends to a large extent on whether we can avoid prolonging the draconian lockdowns and manage to deal with COVID-19 in a smart, precision-risk targeted approach, rather than blindly shutting down everything …
I hope that policymakers look at the big picture of all the potential problems and not only on the very important, but relatively thin slice of evidence that is COVID-19."
COVID-19 Close to Epidemic Threshold
The fear-mongers also ignore recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statements15 saying the COVID-19 mortality -- which had declined for the last 10 weeks straight -- "is currently at the epidemic threshold," meaning if it slides down just a little more, COVID-19 will no longer meet the CDC's criteria for "epidemic" status.
Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation
BosnianFlatearther- Posts : 63
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Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation
Is there a reference for this info other than his opinion?Russian Blue Cat wrote:
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Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation
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Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation
Dr. Richard Bartlett, a Dallas MD who previously advised Governor Rick Perry for 7 years has a lifesaving COVID breakthrough, that Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and Iceland are also using. The breakthrough is an inexpensive generic drug used to help asthmatics for more than 20 years, but the US and most of the world’s governments are using the WHO’s blind acceptance of the failed China strategy.
The deaths in every state, and every country could almost stop overnight if health professionals changed course immediately. For some reason, the NIH and CDC want to act as slow as molasses, but a small number of doctors are already doing this with their patients and they are seeing immediate success.
Will it work for every single patient? That remains to be seen, but many people who have used this protocol saw immediate results. This is the same path taken by Taiwan (24 million people, 7 deaths), Japan (126 million, 977 deaths), Singapore (5.6 million, 26 deaths) Iceland (341,000 population, 10 deaths).
The Doctor and His Successes
Dr. Richard Bartlett has been practicing in Texas for 28 years. Gov. Perry asked him to be on the Health Disparities Task Force for two years, and he stayed for seven years. He is a regular CBS-TV health expert. He is also a medical author, who undertakes medical missions around the world.
Dr Bartlett says he is giving his COVID-19 patients an inhaled steroid, a standard asthma treatment. Not only is this treatment working, he says many of his patients see immediate results. For best effect, this generic medicine is administered through a nebulizer machine, not an inhaler.
100% of Dr. Bartlett’s patients are alive, and he has been using it since March, almost four months.
The Virus and The Medicine
COVID is a respiratory inflammatory disease so an effective medicine must address respiratory inflammation.
The medicine used by Dr. Bartlett is administered as part of a trio. First, there is an inhaled asthma medication, a steroid that costs $200 for the complete treatment. It is administered through a nebulizer, and it takes about 5 minutes. In addition, Dr. Bartlett gives an antibiotic to protect from secondary infection of pneumonia, and also zinc, which fights against virus multiplication.
Here is how Dr. Bartlett explains it. “You plug in the machine, put the pre-mixed, pre-measured medicine from the pharmacy into the [machine] reservoir and push the ‘on’ button. You breathe it for 5 minutes.”
“Patients tell me they feel better during the first treatment. Their chest pain goes away. Their shortness of breath goes away. Then their fever breaks.”
This very safe medicine has been used on millions of people, including premature babies and also fragile people in nursing homes, for more than 20 years. It has no cardiac risk.
Why This Works
Dr. Bertlett says “COVID is a respiratory virus that goes into the lungs, and binds with ACE receptors in the lungs. That triggers a cytokine storm (inflammatory chemicals and enzymes) all over the body.”
COVID kills some people if they are not treated. 50% of people get COVID but they don’t even know. For the 20% at risk, there are treatments that are already valid and working. Unfortunately, there are also failed protocols that are being used and repeated, killing people who did not need to die, had the right approach been taken, as Dr. Bartlett’s work shows.
“There is a lot of research on this medicine already and it is very safe,” Dr. Bartlett says.
The Patients
One of Dr. Bartlett’s patients has 2 types of lymphoma and is on chemotherapy. After being in bed at home with a fever for 5 days, she called him and he started her on the treatment that night. By the morning, her fever broke. She recovered over the weekend and worked a full day on Monday, and has since had two negative COVID tests.
Another of his patients has a 50-year history of smoking, and had quadruple bypass surgery. Even with high blood pressure and thyroid disease, this patient also had a positive result.
Why Repeat The Failed China Strategy?
The failed China strategy is being followed because the World Health Organization is promoting it. Some countries have already realized the failure and changed to the same winning strategy used by Dr. Bartlett.
Although the treatment used by Dr. Bartlett, Singapore, Japan, and Taiwan works, and it is very low cost, the CDC and NIH allow very expensive experimental pharmaceuticals to be used by doctors.
The strategy Dr. Bartlett talks about is “Early Testing. Early Treatment.” This is the same strategy the U.S. uses for cancer, heart disease, stroke and other infections.
That is not the strategy promoted by WHO, which has praised the failed China strategy. Italy followed their strategy and more than 30,000 people died there.
The failed Chinese strategy is “wait until the house is burned 2/3 down and then seek help.” The USA, Australia , the UK and most other countries are currently using the failed China strategy of lockdown and late intervention. The US, at least has massively ramped up its testing regime.
Health Authority Advice
The advice of many health authorities is “Don’t seek help if you have mild-to-moderate symptoms. Wait until you have severe symptoms,” Dr Bartlett says.
Bartlett says some people go to the ER because they feel bad, but they are sent home with a positive test, and are told “Take Tylenol and tough it out at home.”
“That’s a terrible plan for any healthcare problem, especially one that can kill you,” Bartlett says.
Waiting For A Useless Vaccine
Dr. Fauci, the NIH, the CDC and governments around the world are pinning their hopes on a vaccine. That is a strategy doomed to failure because, just like influenza, viruses mutate all the time, and every year, the flu vaccine is changed. This is the reason entities like the Gates Foundation and Big Pharma love vaccines so much. They can make massive amounts of money, because it never ends – it is recurring income.
COVID-19 is just like the ‘flu that kills more than a million people every year. It is an inflammatory respiratory disease and there are already proven safe protocols to keep that kind of medical problem under control.
The fact that the course of action proposed by Dr. Bartlett costs $200 and some of the untested antivirals cost $30,000 plus a hospital stay says a lot about why some people push for a vaccine. People have been conditioned to believe an annual vaccine is the answer to every problem.
Dr. Bartlett’s Paper
In an effort to attract attention to this breakthrough information, Dr. Bartlett has written a paper that cites 51 other articles. The problem is that papers take months to be peer-reviewed and published. In the meantime, people continue to die. Doctors could use this safe protocol now, without waiting, if they knew about it. That’s the reason for this story – one more possibility of getting the information into the hands of people who can make a difference.
Dr. Bartlett isn’t sitting idle, either. He is doing his best to get this information out, but governments work very slowly. They always have and likely always will. While governments around the world dither, people die. Politicians are often protected from information like this, thanks to their staff, who decide what they see. We’re trying to get past those gatekeepers, and would appreciate your help.
This protocol may not work in every case, but the halting of new deaths in Taiwan, Japan, and Singapore shows that it is thousands of times better than what is happening in the U.S. and most other countries today. The key is early action.
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Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation
markwilson- Posts : 583
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Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation
Glory holes? What kind of sick medical advice is that?
BSAlert- Posts : 26
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Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation
Payday Monsanto Speakin
Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification
What’s in a name?
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Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation
“The global need for a vaccine to help prevent COVID-19 is massive, and no single vaccine or company will be able to meet the global demand alone,” Thomas Triomphe, executive vice president and global head of Sanofi’s vaccine division, said in a statement.
The earth is not a globe and vaccines don't prevent anything. Notice how they say "no single vaccine will be able to meet the global demand" I.E. they won't be vaccinating people once they'll be doing it multiple times a year i'm betting.
Public health officials say there is no returning to “normal” until there is a vaccine against the coronavirus, which has infected more than 17 million people worldwide and killed at least 667,808
Public health officials say there is no returning to "normal" until everyone is forcibly vaccinated against their will. Notice how they almost say it killed 666k people...
Sanofi and GSK announced April 14 that they had entered an agreement to jointly create a Covid-19 vaccine by the end of next year. To make it, Sanofi said it would repurpose technology it uses in flu vaccines while GSK would provide adjuvant technology designed to enhance the immune response in vaccines.
Notice how once again their comparing corona to the flu "Sanofi said it would repurpose technology it uses in flu vaccines"
"adjuvant technology designed to enhance the immune response in vaccines"
"Adjuvanted vaccines can cause more local reactions (such as redness, swelling, and pain at the injection site) and more systemic reactions (such as fever, chills and body aches) than non-adjuvanted vaccines." - What is an adjuvant and why is it added to a vaccine?
The CDC would have us beLIEve that Adjuvants are "safe and effective" they then list a plethora of adjuvants that are aluminium based and therefor not safe.
Conclusion: These corona vaccines are going to be more dangerous and full of more adjuvants I.E. aluminium and other harmful substances, and there is no returning to "normal" until everyone is forcibly vaccinated says "Public health officials" or shills paid off by bill gates and the parasitic jews
Russian Blue Cat- Posts : 267
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Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation
Unbelievable.. people are waking up..
Assure yourself.. here is a livestream.. over 5 hours material
brazzinho- Posts : 6
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Re: CoronaVirus and Forced Vaccination Manipulation
brazzinho wrote:Yesterday in Berlin approx. 1 MILLION people demonstrated peacefully! The media claimed it were only 20.000..
Unbelievable.. people are waking up..
Assure yourself.. here is a livestream.. over 5 hours material
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